A little bit cancer & other indispositions - Martina  Hambrecht - E-Book

A little bit cancer & other indispositions E-Book

Martina Hambrecht



Marie Louise is now at the tender age of fifty years and it seems to be her life-task to permanently struggle against blows of fate and other indispositions. Her strategies to fight against them are her unfailing optimism, her zest of life and a great portion of gallows humour. Each challenge that she has mastered becomes a new beginning with interesting prospects for her. Even when she develops cancer she does not despair with it. She responds to it with her gallows humour and just gets back to business as usual. She does not find any rest as she sees herself confronted with continuous new challenges. Her humorous way of coping with fate is effective and absolutely recommendable for everyone - laughter lines inevitable.

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Martina Hambrecht, »A little bit cancer & other indispositions« 


© 2013 edition winterwork 

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Satz: Martina Hambrecht  

ISBN Print 978-3-86468-354-1

A little bit cancer & other indispositions 

Martina Hambrecht

Courage and love have one thing in common:  

Both of them are nourished by hope.  


A little bit cancer and other indispositions  

The person affected: Marie Louise to all people who believe having lost all hope , who are on the verge of giving up on themselves and who risk not fighting and not living for what they have been designed for on this earth and for what makes their lives worth living.  

How it all began  

From quite an early age on, Marie Louise had a very strong will which particularly showed when she wanted to know about things; so she could not wait until she could “lay hands” on the things that interested her and tried to understand them as quickly as possible. Her winning smile, or to put it more correctly: her being a real teaser, were undeniable. She soon found the best possible way how to have her own will and how to stand up to her brothers. More and more often she took to using her charm and her winning smile; her imagination was unlimited. On her first birthday she suddenly got up onto her little feet and made an exciting tour of the flat. From that day on the first minor indispositions started to haunt her life, increasing over time. It started with her loving it when they put her into her jacket and shoes, because then she knew that they were headed for outside. Yet one day she had been filled with so much joy and utter excitement that she decided to run in front – if only she had not overlooked the steep and waxed wooden stairs with its roundabout fifteen steps. She was downstairs sooner than she wanted to: head-first and bumping down every step. Her father had not been able to respond that quickly. Later they said, she had broken her arm, and her face seemed to have been deformed a little, too. Yet time is a big healer and after a while her face went back to normal again. Then there was the time when she was expected to join kindergarten, which she absolutely did not want to, so she behaved stubbornly and prickly because of it. She would stomp to demonstrate her discontent and such words as “No way, I don’t want that” or “I’m not going to do that” could be heard all day long. So she joined first class in 1967 and picked up learning with an ardent zeal. She was particularly taken by the colourful apples and pears from her math book, but where reading was concerned, she had her problems until some specific chastisement such as a box on the ear or a blow to the back of her head every time she had been reading something incorrectly, was applied. This happened again and again until she ranked among the best of the reading competition whose rules went like this: Whoever made a mistake while reading had to give over and it was the next one’s turn. She now lasted longest. In math, physics and chemistry it had been just the other way round and mostly bad grades were to be found on the class tests and in her school reports. When English was introduced as a subject and was taught in a language lab, Marie Louise was at it with ardent zeal again and so she always managed to finish a term more or less successfully. You should be informed about the fact that Marie Louise skipped lessons quite often, because she did not particularly like math, chemistry, physics or history lessons. That her education therefore lacked a chunk of the curriculum goes without saying.  

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