Anatoliy Pogorui
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  • Anatoliy Pogorui 
  • Sprachen: 2 
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Anatoliy Pogorui?s main research interests include probability,stochastic processes, mathematical modeling of an ideal gas usingmulti-dimensional random motions and the interaction of telegraphparticles in semi-Markov environments and the application of randomevolutions in the reliability theory of storage systems. Anatoliy Swishchuk is Professor of mathematical finance at theUniversity of Calgary, Canada. His research areas include financialmathematics, random evolutions and their applications, stochasticcalculus and biomathematics. Ramon M. Rodriguez-Dagnino has investigated applied probabilityaimed at modeling systems with stochastic behavior, random motions inwireless networks, video trace modeling and prediction, informationsource characterization, performance analysis of networks with heavytail traffic, generalized Gaussian estimation and spectral analysis.