C. Ibbott
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  • C. Ibbott 
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CHRISTOPHER J IBBOTT is Director of Ibbott & Associates Limited and a visiting professor in the School of Management at the University of Surrey, both in the UK. Ibbott is an internationally experienced Senior Executive with significant business accomplishments in the Information Technology and the Telecommunication sectors. At Vodafone Group Plc, UK he was most recently Director of Network Supply Chain Management in Group Technology and his prior positions included Director, Global Supply Chain Management; Director, IT and Project Management; and.Consultant Director, Terminals at Orbitel Mobile Communications Ltd, a Vodafone-Ericsson joint venture. Previously, in the IT industry, he was Managing Director & Regional VP at Memorex Telex (UK) Ltd; Senior VP & GM European Operations, Senior VP Manufacturing & Strategic Planning and was a co-founder of the European start-up, all for System Industries, Inc of California, USA.