H. Taussig
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  • H. Taussig 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Wissenschaft und neue Technologien 
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Author Hal Taussig: Hal Taussig holds professorial rank at both the Recontructionist Rabbinical College and the Union Theological Seminary in New York, USA. His 13 books include A New New Testament: A Bible for the 21st Century Combining Traditional and Newly Discovered Texts; In the Beginning Was the Meal: Social Experimentation and Early Christian Identity; Re-Reading the Gospel of Mark Amidst Loss and Trauma (with Maia Kotrosits); and Meals in the Early Christian World: Social Formation, Experimentation, and Conflict at the Table (with Dennis Smith). Author Maia Kotrosits: Maia Kotrosits is assistant professor of religion, queer studies, and women's studies at Denison University, USA.