L. Lau
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  • L. Lau 
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Lisa Lau is a Lecturer at Keele University, specializing in postcolonial theory and literature, South Asian writing in English, and gender studies. Her publications focus on diasporic South Asian literature, New Indian Women, and issues of power, class, representation and domesticity. She developed re-Orientalism theory, and in 2011 co-authored Re-Orientalism and South Asian Identity Politics: The Oriental Other Within.

Om Prakash Dwivedi is Assistant Professor in English at Taiz University, Yemen. His areas of research include postcolonial theory and literature, Indian writing in English, and interdisciplinary studies. His recent publications include Postcolonial Theory in the Global Age (co-ed. with Martin Kich, 2013), a collection of short stories, The World to Come (2014), and Tracing the New Indian Diaspora (2014).