N. Kochan
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  • N. Kochan 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Abenteuer, Thriller, Horror 
  • Leeren

Nick Kochan is a leading British authority on corruption and white collar crime. He has provided an independent viewpoint on the global growth in organized crime for some 25 years. His most recent book, The Washing Machine, is an important overview of money laundering in a global context. Kochan has established connections at the highest levels of government, law enforcement, the judiciary and the financial sector in many developed and developing countries. Kochan has lectured on corruption to the Oxford University Department of Criminology as well as to UK government agencies. He is the author of books on a number of important cases of economic crime, such as The Guinness Affair (1987) and The Bank of Credit and Commerce International (1991). His biography of Gordon Brown, the former British prime minister, was well received. Kochan is an independent journalist and writes for many publications, including the Financial Times, the Observer, the Daily Telegraph and Euromoney magazine. Nick Kochan, who was educated at the University of Cambridge, appears regularly as a commentator on BBC television, radio and other media.

Robin Goodyear is a political researcher and analyst. He holds a BSc in Politics and International Relations from the University of Southampton, an MSc in Countering Organised Crime and Terrorism from University College London and is a member of its Institute for Risk & Disaster Reduction. Goodyear's research interests are diverse and include geopolitics, public and private sector
responses to crime and terrorism, strategic intelligence and the future of conflict. Most recently he has focused on current and future threats to national and international security facilitated by the globalization of corruption, and investigated how associated risks can be mitigated. Robin is particularly interested in the impact of bribery beyond its immediate economic effects and the relationship between cultures of corruption and various forms of extremism.