Sara Brady
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  • Sara Brady 
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MATTHEW CAUSEY is Senior Lecturer and Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning in the School of Drama, Film, and Music at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland DAVID CREGAN is Assistant Professor of Theatre at Villanova University, USA, where he also teaches in the Irish Studies Program EMILY MARK FITZGERALD is Lecturer in the School of Art History and Cultural Policy at University College Dublin, Ireland HOLLY MAPLES is Lecturer in Drama at the University of East Anglia, UK CHARLOTTE MCIVOR is a PhD student in Performance Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, USA J'AIME MORRISON is a performer and scholar whose work focuses on the intersections between Irish Studies, Performance Studies, and Dance History GABRIELLA CALCHI NOVATI is a PhD candidate in Drama at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland ANNE PULJU conducts research in Irish theatre, performance, and politics, with interests ranging from community performance to the relationship between postcolonialism and modernism in the culture of the Irish Free State E. MOORE QUINN is Associate Professor of Anthropology at the College of Charleston, USA JACK SANTINO has been President of the American Folklore Society (2001-2002) and Editor of the Journal of American Folklore (1996-2000) MATTHEW SPANGLER is Assistant Professor of Performance Studies in the Department of Communication Studies at San José State University, USA SCOTT SPENCER is a PhD candidate in Ethnomusicology at New York University, USA BERNADETTE SWEENEY lectures in drama and theatre studies at University College Cork, Ireland CARMEN SZABÓ is Lecturer in Drama and Theatre Studies at University College Dublin, Ireland ERIC WEITZ is Lecturer in Theatre Studies at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland MIKE WILSON is Professor of Drama and Co-Director of the George Ewart Evans Centre for Storytelling at the University of Glamorgan in Wales, UK