7 - STU - Inglés (Inglés Sin Barreras) Vocabulario Inglés Basico - Mobile Library - E-Book

7 - STU - Inglés (Inglés Sin Barreras) Vocabulario Inglés Basico E-Book

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- Sobre este libro:

En este libro número 7 aprenderá 179 palabras en inglés (letras S, T, U), con traducción y oraciones de ejemplo en inglés y español para que pueda aprender rápidamente vocabulario en inglés. 

- Sobre esta serie de libros: 

Esta serie reúne los elementos más importantes para aprender palabras en inglés rápidamente, paso a paso:

  • Reúne y explica las 850 palabras en inglés que son esenciales para comprender la mayoría de los textos escritos en inglés;
  • Permite la lectura bilingüe de estas palabras porque también tiene términos equivalentes en su idioma de origen;
  • Muestra cómo se usa cada palabra a través de una oración en inglés de ejemplo que es fácil para cada caso;
  • También incluye una oración de ejemplo equivalente en su idioma de origen, lo que permite una lectura bilingüe completa.
Las palabras, frases, traducciones, ejemplos y contextos reunidos en estos libros forman una base excelente para comprender la mayoría de los textos escritos en inglés.

De manera rápida y sencilla, conocerá las 850 palabras esenciales en inglés desde las cuales puede expresar y comprender la mayoría de las ideas, desde las más simples hasta las más complejas.

Con esta síntesis completa y bien organizada de palabras esenciales de vocabulario en inglés, será más fácil, más rápido y más interesante aprender inglés paso a paso.

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Mobile Library

7 - STU - Inglés (Inglés Para Todos) Vocabulario Esencial Ingles Basico

Las 850 palabras del vocabulario esencial en ingles, con traducción y frases de ejemplo

UUID: c8cf4232-ec70-11e9-a112-1166c27e52f1
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Tabla de contenidos

S | T | U

S | T | U


612 sad


The story of the book is sad, but it has a happy ending.

La historia del libro es triste, pero tiene un final feliz.

613 safe


I always keep my credit card in a safe place.

Siempre guardo mi tarjeta de crédito en un lugar seguro.

614 sail


I have a sailboat to sail on weekends.

Tengo un velero para navegar los fines de semana.

615 salt


I asked my sister to pass me the salt.

Yo pedí a mi hermana para pasarme la sal.

616 same


The mother dressed her twin daughters in the same outfit.

La madre vistió a sus hijas gemelas con ropas iguales

617 sand


When I go to the beach, I like to walk on the soft sand.

Cuando voy a la playa, me gusta caminar en la arena blanda.

The notice on the door said that the pool was closed. I checked the scale on the map key. He works as a teacher at the school. I like to study sciences like physics or chemistry. The teeth of the black piranha are like scissors. Each type of screw requires a different screwdriver. The sea is in perpetual motion. There is only one seat left on the flight. February is the second month of the year. I promised my friend I would keep his secret. The secretary has prepared a draft of the speech. Without glasses, I cannot see anything. Rose seeds should be planted in moist soil. The restaurant has a large selection of dishes. Our self-respect will not allow us to surrender our principles. Modern phones can send instant messages. The little boy yawns a lot, he seems to be tired. Touch is one of the five senses. I have sent the report under separate cover. Food waste is actually a serious problem. The king had many servants. The children are separated into groups by age and sex. On sunny days, I like to lie in the shade. We have to shake the bottle before drinking the juice. It is no shame to ask for help sometimes. Sharp objects can be dangerous to children. A giraffe in a herd of sheep would be easy to spot. I put the book back on the shelf. The ship sailed from the port on Friday. I stained my shirt with red wine. My daughter was in shock when she met her idol. I only buy shoes that have comfortable soles. The aim of the strategy is to realize gains in the short term. I shut the door when I left the room. Both sides of the record are in perfect condition The day was beautiful, with no sign of rain. Silk clothing requires special maintenance My new earrings are made of silver. The game is simple and easy to learn. I have one sister and two brothers. The frame is perfect for the size of the photo. I can feel the warm sun on my skin. The uniform consists of a skirt and a shirt. I can see the stars because the sky is clear. The child slept well in the comfortable bed. We can slip on this banana skin The roof of my house has a steep slope. My slow movements calmed the horse. I live in a small flat. You need to smash both sets of rocks. The cheese had an awful smell. The kid's smile is so big that it shows all of his teeth. We are trying to extinguish a fire and are suffocating in the smoke. The plane's take-off was so smooth that we hardly felt it. They are like a snake biting its own tail. When you sneeze you make a lot of noise. There was a lot of snow on the slope. So that kind of change is important. I always wash my hands with soap. The individual is part of society. Wool socks shrink in hot water Soft music often has a calming effect. Ice is water in its solid state. Some cars use natural gas as fuel. My son is almost six years old. The musician has composed a new song. My mother asked me which sort of soap I liked best. The sound of the sea brings me peace. Para chegar ao destino, devemos seguir para sul. I mixed vegetables and chicken stock to make soup. There is enough space for everybody. I dug a hole in the ground with a spade. Complex subjects require special attention. We need a sponge with low abrasive power. I always eat my cereal with a large spoon. Winter is over and spring is coming. There is a tiny square in front of the house. I got a stamp in my passport when I crossed the border. The play will be on stage soon. I can see stars because the sky is clear. I will start a new diet tomorrow. Several newspapers quoted the minister's statement. I have to get off the train at the next station. Water turns into steam when it boils. The boy held the apple by the stem. My kitchen knives are made of steel. My hotel is only a few steps away from here I used a stick to knock the fruit off the tree. My hands got sticky after working with glue. The boy stayed still so as to not disturb the birds. The doctor said that the stitches would dissolve in a few days My sister wore a red dress and black stockings to the party. I have a sensitive stomach, so I cannot stand spicy food. I have a chest full of precious stones The children went outside when the rain stopped. The products can be purchased in the online store. My mother always told me a bedtime story. Babies make strange, funny noises before learning to talk. I live in the blue house across the street. This shirt will fit anyone thanks to its stretch. My boss is somewhat formal and stiff. He drew a straight line from one dot to the other. The son has a strong bond with his father. Bridges usually have a metal structure. Some chemical substances are liquid. I have never seen such talent in a young singer. The rain caused a sudden drop in temperature. I added a small amount of sugar to my tea. Any suggestions and ideas are welcome. Many tourists go to the beach, especially in summer. I can feel the warm sun on my skin. My parents support my academic and professional choices. It was a big surprise for me. This ice cream is very sweet. I like to swim in the club's pool The appraisal system is fair and transparent. The dog happily wagged its tail. I usually take too long in the shower. Funny ideas always come up when I talk to my sister. My sister is quite tall, but I am taller than her. Most fruit have a sweet taste. The popular candidate advocates fewer taxes Such children require a special approach and a personalised style of teaching. My brother has a tendency to exaggerate things. I got a good score on my final test. The new printer works better than the old one. I feel that my English improved a lot I remember all the things I have to do. The author reviewed her manuscript and then sent it off. The scientist proved his theory. I will be there unless it rains. The book is very thick and heavy. The layer of ice on the pond was thin and fragile. I have a list of things to buy from the grocery. This is the book I wrote. Though she liked the dress, she did not buy it. The film filled my mind with happy thoughts. She used dark blue thread for the embroidery. People tend to whisper when their throat is sore. The rain entered through the open window. I painted the nail on my left thumb red. I heard the thunder and then I saw the lightning I bought the ticket just before departure. The knot I tied is very tight. The bar normally stays open till midnight. The athlete beat the record time. There were two tins of tomato soup in the cupboard. I felt somewhat tired after the journey. Quality is the key to success. The first toe was used in two cases. All countries in Europe should work together. I will start a new diet tomorrow. The dentist examined my teeth and my tongue. My dentist put a cap on my broken tooth This tournament gathers the four top tennis players in the world. Even the slightest touch sets off the car alarm. My boyfriend will move to a nearby town. Global trade enables a wider exchange of goods. The train departs from platform seven. The train is my preferred means of transport. The waiter served the drinks on a tray. Squirrels store nuts in trees My friend taught me a magic trick. The dog did not cause any trouble. She was wearing trousers, not a skirt. The jury discussed whether the statement was true or not. It is my turn to play. The twist at the end of the play surprised the audience. Drops of rain wet my umbrella. The suspect is under police custody. There are two military units in our region. The level of distributions may go down as well as up. He used a computer to do his work.