Agenda 2030 - Dawid Snowden - Hörbuch

Agenda 2030 Hörbuch

Dawid Snowden

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The 2030 Agenda, proclaimed at the 2015 United Nations Summit in New York, is a "global future contract " which national governments are expected to adhere. This agenda includes 17 so-called "sustainability goals" that look good on the surface. A closer look reveals the same actors who want nothing less than full control over the earth's resources, a single centralized world government, and the enslavement of all human beings on earth. In order to influence all areas of life and structures, these goals are not only pursued by the United Nations itself, but also by influential partners such as the World Economic Forum with its "Great Reset". For more than 50 years, the WEF has brought together the most influential people from politics, business, science, the media, trade unions, NGOs, culture and churches, and brought them together with the world's richest people. Moreover, they have been educating the world's corporate and political elite for more than 30 years. Great examples are Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, Viktor Orban or Vladimir Putin - they all went through the WEF school as "Young Global Leaders". No wonder the forum's founder, German professor Klaus Schwab, is considered one of the most influential figures of our time. The United Nations Agenda 2030. a 17-point program for global domination and the enslavement of every nation!

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Zeit:0 Std. 27 min

Sprecher:Dawid Snowden
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