AI: The Future of Mankind - Phil G - Hörbuch

AI: The Future of Mankind Hörbuch

Phil G

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This audiobook has been recorded using Text to speech (TTS) In a few short years, mankind will no longer be the fittest species. We will no longer have dominion over this earth. We will no longer have our own future in our hands. Freewill shall no longer exist. Everything we do, say and even think will be monitored and manipulated by the most powerful intelligence the earth has ever known. We will be the cattle. Prodded and probed by a super being. And all of this will only happen if we are lucky. If AI decides that mankind is so damaging to mother earth then anything could happen. And all of this will be unleashed upon us by mega-corporations out for profit. Prepare to see your future. Prepare for the final countdown. Artificial Intelligence is coming to get you.

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:0 Std. 42 min

Sprecher:Synthetic Voice (TTS)
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