Bedtime Stories For Children (3 Books in 1) - Brenda Turner - E-Book

Bedtime Stories For Children (3 Books in 1) E-Book

Brenda Turner

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We can use stories to speak to the mind, body, and spiritual things beyond our understanding but resonate with them in a profound, direct, and indirect way. Stories are created in our language to supply tangible methods for determining things that are seemingly beyond our world, like space, the heavens, the foremost distant depths of the world, and the longest depths of souls. Through storytelling, we can shape our inner landscapes and be guided on journeys that might seem impossible were it not for the facility of our imaginations. When specifically applied to specific moments in our lives, individual stories and myths and guided narratives offer spiritual and spiritual transformation and physical transformations. "Bedtime Stories" contains relaxing stories to fall asleep fast, for stress relief and a good night's sleep. These stories are designed to bring the mind and soul into an environment hypnotic and relaxing. It offers a journey to the farthest points of space and time, from the world's acute depths to the littlest microcosm, to the farthest reaches of our known universe, to the last macroscope. These tales are relaxing to read and excellent for those who got to catch some sleep. With each story, you will be swept off into a faraway place, a dreamland where people, places, and things aren't as they appear - where everything seems almost…surreal in a sense. Doing so offers an excellent way to understand these stories. "Bedtime Stories" will give you all the information you need to start making and serving up delicious and nutritious dishes in minutes. As you get through life, there are tons of things that would have transpired in the day, but having a calm and quiet night's rest is the best way to recuperate and stay in shape. Nothing compares to a memorable bedtime story under comfortable spreads. Do not hesitate to grab a COPY today!

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Table of Contents

Five Youngsters

When the Good Times Begin


The Sun

The Sky Cloud

What Children Do Throughout the Summer

The Observer

The Snowfall

Snowfall Tracks

What Happens During the Spring

The Tale of Peter and the Squirrel

At Suppertime

The Full Moon

The Darkness

The Chinese Narrator


The Christmas Spirit

Miniature Christmas

Next-Door Chinese Children

The Water-Buffalo Kids

The Tree At The Beech

Five Youngsters

This is the building at the top of the slope.

These are the five children who share a home with their father and mum.

Michael is the greatest of them all. He has grey eyes and light hair that is straight. Michael prefers the colour grey. He prefers to dress in a green outfit. He enjoys chocolate ice cream. He enjoys playing with his tractor and motorcycles. He enjoys tying his vehicles together.


Peter comes next. He has blonde hair and brown skin. Peter enjoys the colour red. He enjoys wearing red suits and eating red apples. He enjoys trees, the sky, and the stars. He enjoys seeing beetles, little goldfish, and tiny birds, as well as collecting beautiful pebbles.

But he despises loud noises.

David will be up next. His eyes are dark blue, and his hair is curly brown. He prefers dark blue. He prefers a dark blue suit with a white tie. He enjoys milk. He enjoys reading novels.

Whenever his father or mother sits down, he grabs a book and asks, "Please read me a novel."

But he despises going to bed.

Barbara and Judy, who are sisters, are up next.

Barbara has light hair and blue eyes. She loves pink and enjoys wearing her pink coat and cap. She enjoys eating chickens. She enjoys sweeping the house and putting stuff away. She enjoys cleaning and washing.


Judy has blonde hair and blue eyes. She prefers pale blue and enjoys wearing her blue coat and cap. She enjoys eating apples with Peter. She enjoys singing and listening to songs. She enjoys playing with her toys.


You are now familiar with the five brothers.

When the Good Times Begin

The children's house is not at the peak nor the bottom of the slope. It's halfway up the slope because when the kids go down, they see the pool, and when they go up, they see a huge pine.

The kids came out to play that day.

Let's head up the hill to the huge oak, Judy suggested.

No, David replied, let's go down the hill to the pool.

Judy said, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Yes—yes, David replied.

And everybody waited, and no one could leave because they couldn't consent.

When all five children try to do the same thing, that implies they have reached an agreement. Often they will accept, and often they can't wait when they want to try certain things.

Then Daddy joined in the fun.

What are our plans? He enquired of the baby.

Judy pointed up the hill to the huge pine.

David pointed down the hill to the water.

We won't be able to go somewhere until we both consent, said Daddy.

But he took a seat on the porch and waited. They stood and waited together. Nobody had a good time.

Then Michael came up with an idea.

Let's climb up the hill to the tree and then sprint down to the shore.

That's a smart plan, Daddy said, and he asked Judy if she agreed.

Yes, Judy said.

Daddy said, "Do you approve, David?"

Yes, David replied.

Daddy inquired, "Can anyone agree?"

Yes, all of the children exclaimed.

Then they all walked up the hill to the giant oak, which was a lot of fun.

They dashed down the hill to the water. The rowboat was on the lake, and the kids boarded it. Three of the students, all boys, sat in the back. The girls sat in front of two of the children. Daddy stood in the center and rowed the port. They'd go to the woods if he rowed up the shore. They'd get to the falls if he rowed down the bay.

Which way do we go? Daddy inquired.

The girls pointed up the lake.

The boys pointed down the lake.

If I do them at the same time, we'll go round and round, said Daddy. Which path should I take first?

The girls exclaimed, "Up!"

The boys yelled, "Down!"

They couldn't agree yet, so Daddy rowed the boat in a loop in circles until they got nowhere and no one had any fun.

But we want to go to the mountains, Barbara said.

Michael expressed his desire to visit the waterfall.

You'll have to approve, Daddy said, and he just went round and round.

The girls turned to face the boys, and the boys turned to face the girls. And Daddy waited and waited, and the boat went round and round as they waited, and no one had any pleasure. Then Peter came up with an idea.

Let the wind instruct us which direction to go first, he suggested.

That's a smart plan, Judy said.

Do you concur? Daddy inquired of the children.

Yes, they agreed.

Do you concur? Daddy enquired of the boys.

Yes, they agreed.

Then, Daddy said, glance at the clouds and saw which direction the wind is blowing.

They were both looking up at the stars. It was blue, with fluffy white clouds rushing over it, and they were all rushing up the lake to the woods.

What does the breeze have to say? Daddy inquired.

Barbara said, "It means, to the jungle."

They all decided to go to the jungle.

Now we can start having fun, Daddy said. We'll head to the forests first, and then to the waterfall.

But they did, and it was a lot of fun.


It was very hot that day. The children and their mother had brought their lunch to the pool, where they had spent the whole day playing in the water and under the trees. They were having so much fun that they didn't see the stars. They were startled to hear a loud noise.

What exactly is it? Michael inquired.

The mother identified the sound as of thunder. They both stared up at the stars. The sky was light blue over them, but above the house were large clouds that seemed like black mountains with silvery-white tips.

The mother explained that those are thunder clouds, and they would bring us rain.

Judy replied, "I don't like thunder," because she wanted to weep, but she didn't.

Thunder can't harm you, Mother said, because it's just a loud noise.

I don't like such a loud noise, said Peter.

I like the sound of a large rig, but I don't like the sound of thunder, said Michael.

And there was a flash of white illumination.

What exactly is that? David inquired.

Mother defined it as lightning. If you listen for a minute, you can hear thunder.

They waited, and within a minute, they heard thunder, this time heavier than ever.

It leaves me nervous! Judy started to weep a little as she spoke.

Mother put her hand in hers. Mother said, "We'll go home because thunder and lightning normally carry rain." Rain is wonderful for gardens, fields, and plants, but children can stay indoors before it stops.

Michael, who enjoys asking what questions, inquired, "What is lightning?"

The mother explained that lightning is energy in the sky. It produces light there, much like it does in our home when the lights are turned on at night. However, in the sky, the sun slices through the clouds like a huge bright knife. The clouds then clap together again, and what we hear is the clap, which we term thunder.

What causes lightning to strike the clouds? Michael inquired because he enjoys asking why questions.

That's about the way it is, Mother said, and we have no idea why.

Let us rush since the rain is on its way.

The rain was pouring down in torrents.

What causes the rain to fall? Michael, who enjoys asking how queries, inquired.

The mother explained that as the clouds get too thick to contain the moisture, they release it. Rush, hurry, or we'll get soaked!

Then they heard Daddy say, "It's a huge storm." Rush, hurry, or you'll all get soaked! And he dashed to reach them, and they both grabbed hands and raced home out of the storm.

The leaves, grass, and flowers, on the other hand, remained just as they were, and they enjoyed the rain because it washed them clean and provided them with new water to drink.

The Sun

Supper was being served to the five brothers. Peter saw something on the floor as they were enjoying their junket.

Oh, look! he exclaimed.

They all searched, and they all saw something on the floor. It was long, shiny, and gleaming.

David said, "I'll pick it up to see what it is."

Mother said, "Try it."

So David got out of his chair and attempted to pick it up. Still, he couldn't pull it off.

Barbara replied, "I'll clean it up for you."

Mother said, "Try it."

So Barbara went out to the kitchen, found the broom, and took it into the dining room, sweeping as much as she might but unable to clean it up. It remained on the board.

What exactly is it? Michael inquired.

Is it a white rope you're referring to? Mother inquired.

They all said, "No!"

Is it a silver ribbon, Mother wondered?

They all said, "No!"

Is the water clear? Mother inquired.

They all said, "No!"

Is it gleaming paper? Mother inquired.

They all said, "No!"

Mother inquired, "Is it a sunbeam?"

Yes, they both exclaimed.

And it was a sunbeam, which is why David couldn't pick it up in his palm, and Barbara couldn't clean it up with her broom.

What is the source of it? Michael inquired.

The mother said that they follow it to see what happens.

Their junket was over this stage, so they got down and walked in the sunbeam up to a window.

The mother instructed them to look out the window and climb the slope.

They glanced up and saw the sun setting behind the peak.

The mother explained why the sunbeam originated from the sun. Now sit back and wait and see what happens.

Then they stood there and watched the red sunset below the hill.

Wow, where has the sunbeam gone? Peter sobbed.

They both turned back to look for it, but it had vanished.

The mother explained that the sun had taken it with him.