Blast Off! - Tracey Corderoy - E-Book

Blast Off! E-Book

Tracey Corderoy



Looking for adventure?Want to be a hero?Step inside the Story Shop!The Story Shop is packed full of plots, costumes and characters galore. And shopkeepers Wilbur and Fred are ready and waiting to find every customer their perfect adventure!When a daredevil mouse visits the shop, Wilbur and Fred have just the thing – an out-of-this-world space mission!Join Space Mouse as he nibbles his way into trouble on the Moon, bets his tail on a game of Tiddlywonks with Phoebe Fairplay and causes chaos on Planet Cog with his over-the-top inventions…From the acclaimed author of SHIFTY MCGIFTY comes a fresh, funny and highly illustrated new series of chapter books, celebrating the power of imagination. Designed for emerging readers with three linked stories in each book, THE STORY SHOP is perfect for fans of HOTEL FLAMINGO and KITTY.

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To Mrs Wood and the children of Upton St Leonards C of E Primary School. Keep enjoying your stories! – T. C.


For Olive x – T. N.


Title PageDedicationIntroductionBlast Off!Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourWinner, Winner!Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourThe CogglesChapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourThe Story Shop QuizAbout the AuthorAbout the IllustratorComing Soon…Copyright

Welcome to Puddletown High Street!

Looks completely normal, doesn’t it?

Normal bakers selling normal bread. Normal shoe shop selling normal wellies. Normal toyshop selling normal bats and balls.

But nestled between the hairdresser’s and the hardware store (which sells entirely normal brooms) is the most unusual shop:

8The Story Shop sells adventures you can BE in. With real characters you’ll actually meet!

Shopkeeper Wilbur and his assistant Fred Ferret have props and plots galore.

So, what are you waiting for? Step inside if you’re BRAVE enough.

But be warned, anything might happen…

Chapter One

“Wilbur!” cried Fred excitedly. “Are you ready to play Guess Who?”

Fred Ferret loved their daily game before opening time.

His fluffy little head disappeared into the props barrel as he flung out the things he didn’t want. A wooden knight’s sword, some floppy elephant ears. Even a squawking cuckoo clock flew past Wilbur’s freshly polished counter.

Wilbur ducked. “My hat,” he yelped. “You nearly knocked the feather clean off!”

“Sorry, Wilbur.” Fred’s head reappeared from the barrel complete with cowboy hat. “Guess who?”

Wilbur looked up from dusting the till. “Um, 11Cowboy Jim from the burpy donkey story?”

“Burpy?” giggled Fred. “No, here’s another clue!”

He peered around their cosy shop with its neat round window and worn wooden floor. Rails of costumes lined the walls alongside shelves crammed with jars of letters. Tucked between the jars were dozens of blank books waiting to be filled with stories.

Behind the counter stood a set of drawers full of story settings and characters. A Jungle drawer teemed with creepy crawlies, while the Ocean one brimmed with bright fish and the Space drawer fizzed with aliens and black holes.

To the side of the counter sat a chest of smaller props. Fred opened the lid and pulled out a bright red bandana. He tied it around his neck, grabbed a clinking money bag, then unhooked a hobby horse from a tall wooden stand. 12

“Oh, I know!” called Wilbur. “Wild Will Ferret, the meanest outlaw in town?”

“You got it!” laughed Fred, tossing him the money bag. “Well done!”

Fred trotted after Wilbur as he opened the shop door and set the chalkboard outside on the sunny pavement.

“Ahhh,” Wilbur smiled. “The perfect day for an adventure!”13

“Sure is,” replied Fred. “And we’re ready and waiting.”

Back inside, costumes tidied away and props back in the barrel, they’d just started oiling Sir Squeakalot the knight when ting! ting! went the brass bell above the door.

“First customer!” cheered Fred. “But who will it be? A grouchy granny? A bonkers bear? A crusty old—” He stopped as a small mouse marched through the door. “Oh.”

“Oh?” scowled the mouse. “Oh! Really? Is OH all you can say?”

“I’m s-so sorry,” began Fred. “I—”

“Typical!” Mouse tutted. “Disappointed I’m not a bear. Well, let me tell you, I’m as brave as one. And don’t get me started on skilled. Why, I can balance a chair … on my chin … while tightrope walking … across a swamp! AND fit seventy-three marshmallows in my cheeks all at once.”

Fred and Wilbur exchanged glances. What a boasty little fellow! 14

15“So, sir, what can we do for you?” asked Wilbur.

“Isn’t that obvious?” replied the mouse. “I want an adventure. A story adventure. Isn’t that what your shop sells?”

Suddenly two drawers behind the counter wriggled open. Any mention of a new story and the characters inside were all ears!

Mouse’s eyes widened as an octopus’s tentacle flopped out of one and a snake slithered out of the other. Fred dashed to pop them away.

 “Keen beans, Olivia and Stanley!” grinned Wilbur. 16“Though not right for your story, Mouse.” Wilbur prided himself on finding the right story for every customer.

“Let’s get started, shall we?” Making a quick list, Wilbur wandered around the shop gathering bits Mouse could ‘try for size’…

“Perhaps a brush with a brontosaurus?” pondered Wilbur.

“Or a thrilling whodunnit?”17  

“Or a fairy tale!”

“No, no!” Mouse dumped the curls at once. “I want something awesome– amazing – incredible.Something out of this world.”

“Out of this world…” Wilbur twiddled his moustache. “Of course!”

He grabbed two shiny silver costumes off a rail, handed one to Fred and swept Mouse into the changing room. When he came back out… 18

“I’m a Space Mouse!” he cried.

19“And I’m a Space Ferret,” Fred exclaimed, popping up from behind the counter.

Mouse glowered. “Wait – you’re coming? I don’t need a babysitter!”

“Fred always goes with the customer,” said Wilbur. “On every adventure…”

No sooner had he said the word ‘adventure’ than a blank book on the shelf gave a little jiggle as if itching to get the story started.

“Right then!” Wilbur whisked the feather from his hat and waved it over a patch of bare floorboards. They parted with a swish! and up rose a large cooking pot full to the brim with a shimmering inky-blue liquid. Hooked over the rim was a big silver spoon. 20

“This is the Story Pot,”