Cat and Mouse in Partnership - Story Time, Episode 3 (Unabridged) - Brothers Grimm - Hörbuch

Cat and Mouse in Partnership - Story Time, Episode 3 (Unabridged) Hörbuch

Brothers Grimm

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A cat and a mouse, contrary to the custom of their kinds, become friends, such good friends that they decide to share a home. That they might have something to fall back on in time of need, they buy a pot of fat and hide it away in a nook of a church for safekeeping. After a short time, the cat tells her housemate that one of her relations has given birth and that the mouse's friend has been asked to be godmother. Instead of going to a christening, though, the cat goes to the nook of the church and eats the top layer of the fat in the pot. When the cat returns home, the mouse asks the name of the kitten. The cat replies, "Top-off." The mouse remarks that she has never heard such a name.

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Zeit:0 Std. 6 min

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