Dark Paranormal Desires - Mena Thrace - E-Book

Dark Paranormal Desires E-Book

Mena Thrace

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Dark Paranormal Desires

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Dark Paranormal Desires

(Dark Appetites – Collection 1)

By Mena Thrace

Copyright 2015 by Mena Thrace

Cover Design by Mena Thrace

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses or establishments, groups, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

This book is meant for sale to adult audiences only. It contains sexually explicit scenes and language which may be considered offensive. All sexually active characters in this work are eighteen (18) years of age or older.

Thank you for supporting the work of the author.

Contact Information: [email protected]

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The Dark Appetites collections can be read in any order dear reader desires.

For other sets in the collection look on Amazon under my name. Some stories are Amazon exclusives.

Table of Contents

Controlled By Dark Desire

A Stroke Of Desire

Ashes To Ashes

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

A Note To My Favorite People In All The Worlds

If You Liked This Story…

Controlled By Dark Desire


The silky whisper drifted through the darkness, close enough to her that she felt the being’s energy waft over her skin like a chilled caress.


Eve had never submitted to anything before that she didn’t want to and she wasn’t about to start now.

As if knowing what she was thinking the demon’s glowing eyes blinked open in the darkness before her. Locking onto her.

He was even closer to her than she had previously believed.

“Submit to me, child…”

The demon stepped from the shadows, revealing his tall muscular frame and taunting smirk as he fluidly moved for the small female before him.

His movements were powerful, smooth as he stalked towards her. His muscles rippled as he moved with inhuman speed, his glowing gaze never leaving her face as he covered the short distance between them.

“I will not submit to you, demon.” Eve’s tone was as calm as the rest of her when the demon stopped his approach not two feet from her. Close enough for one of them to be dangerous to the other.

“Submit to me, woman.” The demon narrowed his gaze on her, the tone more of an order as his eyes swept over her. What had carried through the darkness before had been a suggestion. Now he was demanding her; that was cute because yes, he was big. Yes, he physically overpowered her. Yes, he was a frightening being with immense power and the ability to crush her without trying but she wasn’t afraid of the demonic being before her. She knew what he wanted. She knew what he had come out of the shadows for...and she knew that meant that while he was bigger and stronger she was in fact the one in control.

“What are you here for, mortal?”

Eve’s full lips curved into a smile. She tilted her face back so her eyes could meet the demon’s burning gaze.

“I want to fuck you.”

His was a strange cruel beauty that could not be denied. His black sclera made the bright violet of his inhuman eyes shine all the more; his features were perfect, crafted by a being that had a wicked sense of loveliness to be sure but no less the perfect for it. The dark horns curving from the black wavy hair and the flash of sharp teeth when he spoke did not detract from his awful beauty. He stood before her, naked and proud, and there was nothing about him that turned her stomach.

Strong board chest. Muscled arms. Packing.

Yeah, she could have done worse this time around.

He licked his lips when he saw her eyeing him.

“You like what you see, woman?”

She maintained eye contact with the otherworldly being, not even a little ashamed she had been caught looking.

“If I didn’t I wouldn’t be looking.”

“You are certainly a bold one, mortal.” His shoulders shifted, inviting her to admire his form.

“I’ve never seen a reason to be shy.” Eve whispered as she moved closer to him, closing the small gap that had hovered between them. “You don’t get what you want by being passive.”

Her pupils widened as she stopped in front of him. She breathed him in; not only did he smell delectable but his aura tingled along her skin, the feeling reminding her of how air felt before a lightning strike.

The demon towered over her, staring down at her with his glowing gaze. She had to crane her neck back just to keep eye contact with him.

“You do not smell...of even a little fear.”

He breathed her in. She smelled of exhilaration. Excitement. Divinity. Desire.

“No...Not even a little…” He began walking around her, slowly stalking a circle around the mortal female. His movements were borderline feline; primal, powerful.

He meant to test her.

He’d find her unmovable.

She kept her eyes trained on a random spot before her, a small smile teasing along her lips. She felt him as he moved around her. His dominant aura refused to be ignored.

“What do I smell of, than?”

He stopped behind her, leaning in so he was mere inches from the top of her head. He breathed her in again, savoring the scent of the fragile yet unshakable mortal female standing so relaxed and confidently before a being that should have her on her knees, quivering in terror.


Her grin lit up her entire face; her bright laugh echoed through the darkness as she put a hand on her hip and tilted her face back to meet his eyes.

“Then give me what I want.”

He growled at her insouciance, as aroused by her lack of fear or respect for her position as he was angered by it.

“Woman…” He hissed, flashing his pointed fangs. “Do you not understand you are not in a position to be telling me what to do? If I want you-”

“And you do.”

Eve turned to face him, her heart thudding against her ribs in excitement; her blood flowed harder as her heart tripped in her chest, his reaction making her want him all the more.

She slowly raised a hand, their eyes locked together as she reached out and lightly caressed his strong chest. His only reaction was the glow of his eyes intensified. His breathing deepened as he closely watched her. She gave him a knowing smile.

“What are you so afraid of, demon?” She whispered, licking her full lips. Her eyes narrowed on him. “Are you afraid you won’t be able to match the appetite of one lowly mortal female?”

That tore it.

She had known it would.

The demon tensed, his eyes giving off a dangerous pulse before he closed the remaining distance between them; a low rumble that sounded somewhat like a growl, somewhat like a purr left the powerful being as he gathered the mortal into his arms. One hand latched onto her breast as the other pressed into the small of her back, pushing her flush against him.

His cock pressed into her stomach, as much a threat as it was a promise.

Hard. Hot. Demanding.

His large hand rubbed her breast as he leaned into her, their faces pressed close as he grasped her tighter than before. The motion bent her over backwards, their chests pressing together so that from a distance it might seem as if the two were dancing. If he let go of her she would fall backwards.

She knew he wouldn’t.

“What was that?” The demon whispered as he licked his dark lips, staring into her eyes. His gaze narrowed on her as his cock twitched between them. His voice was silky, the tone vaguely threatening. A shiver worked through her as she watched his face. “What were you saying?”

“You heard me.” She whispered with a smile. No fear came from her; despite how he might feel she had nothing to fear from the being before her. He squeezed her breast, thumbing the awakened nipple before leaning into her even more than he already was. “I think…”

His hand pressed into the small of her back as he leaned in to hover inches from her parted lips.

“Best use your words carefully, exorcist.” He whispered as his strange glowing gaze swept over her features. The look was predatory, hungry.

She smirked and he let go of her breast to wrap his hand around her chin, holding her face in place as he claimed her lips. She closed her eyes as a shudder rippled through her sensitive body. His touch was forbidden; the kiss a sin...but nothing compared to the heresy she intended to commit that night.

He released her long enough to wrap his strong arms around her, easily lifting her up. Neither of them pulled away from the territorial kiss as her legs wrapped around his waist tightly. She needn’t have worried about falling, he had more strength in one finger than she had in her entire body; it wasn’t falling she was worried about.

She wanted to feel him between her legs.

He moved with her, carrying her over to a dark alcove lit only by what moonlight filtered through the remaining stained glass windows. It had been a beautiful cathedral at one time. He was the physical personification of the fall of a once honored place of worship: prideful, haughty, beautiful but twisted. He had been an angel once...but it wasn’t until he had lost his wings and grown his horns that he had fully come into his own.

He pulled away from their kiss to press her down gently onto the bench, hovering above her as he took a moment to drink her in.

She raised a hand to move over his chest, staring up at him with a look he could not identify as her soft touch roamed over him. His broad muscled chest begged to be touch just as his full lips had begged to be kissed. Her other hand joined the exploration and she smiled. There was nothing shy about the mortal’s touch as she caressed his chiseled torso, admiring the solid frame as she would have admired a perfectly made statue. In a way, that was exactly what he was. He had been crafted by an artist to be unmovable and unmoved, admired but not affected. She stopped at his hips and rested her hands on them, admiring the way his waist narrowed and tapered down to draw the eye to what his maker had blessed him with. The muscles of his thighs flexed as he shifted under her hold; he liked and wanted her approval. He liked being seen as much as she enjoyed seeing him.

“You please me, demon.”

“I am not here for your pleasure, woman.”

“Aren’t you, though?” She whispered with a smirk as she went back to admiring his toned imposing frame. The sight of him staring down at her with the moonlight caressing his strong tall body made her mouth go dry.

Other parts of her grew wetter at the way his glowing gaze stayed locked onto her as she stroked his chest again. She pressed her nails down his torso and his eyes bored down into hers when she peeked up at him to see his response.

Her lips curved into a smile that made his gaze narrow. An air of mischievousness hung over the mortal woman; she looked like she was up to something. He studied her face, trying to garner a hint of what it could be.

As if reading his mind one hand found his cock and wrapped around him tightly, her grin growing as he reacted. Her excitement grew when he twitched in her hand. He responded to her advances by growling, tilting his head to the side as he snarled at her.


Her smile had grown wicked, playful. She gave him a long slow stroke. Up. Down.


“Fuck me, demon.” His flashing gaze exhilarated her. Her pulse raced, heat flaring between her legs. She knew that he knew how she ached for him. She didn’t care. She only cared that he give her what she wanted.

“I know you want me, too.”

She gave him another slow firm stroke and he growled as his hips pressed forward. She gave him a squeeze that made him throb in her hold.

“Fuck. Me.”

His patience had taken enough of a beating. He did not need to be told again.

He shoved her back, his claws ripping down the front of her shirt as another snarl left his clenched teeth. She had asked for it and he did not mean to hold back; he’d leave her sore and exhausted, without the ability to ever make demands of an impatient demon ever again.

She would learn her lesson the hard way.

The best way, in his opinion.

His claws raked down her exposed lower abdomen, marking her but not breaking the skin. He was delicate in his destruction of her clothing, not wanting to break her so soon. A ruined toy was worse than no toy.

He tore her pants, yanking them down to expose her to the chilled air. She laughed, not at all bothered by what he had done. She bent to hastily unlace her boots, toeing them away so that she was left in nothing but her bra, panties and a smile that dared him to take those from her, too.

He was happy to oblige.

He hooked a finger between the cups of the bra and cut the flimsy fabric with his claw, his eyes flashing as her milky breasts were freed from the confines of the restricting material. The full orbs bounced free of their bondage and he tore the rest of the useless fabric away from his rewards.

He stared at her for a long time; she could feel his strange glowing gaze on her skin. The cold made her nipples perk up for him and he let out a harsh sigh, his hands reaching out to caress her warm skin before moving down to her panties. They gave like tissue and the demon licked his lips as she was bared to him, the vision enough to make him want to fall down upon his knees and worship in a way he had not in a long, long while.

They locked eyes. They were so close and what little protection she had from him had been ripped away like so much wrapping paper.

She smiled at him.

Her lust clouded the air and made it hard for him to focus.

He leaned in and gripped her chin, claiming her lips in a rough kiss. He stole the breath from her. She parted her lips and his eager tongue dove in, pressing her back against the bench as his legs pushed between hers.

His claws trailed up her bare thigh, the gesture causing her to shiver and make a small sound in the back of her throat that only spurred the demon on. She spread her legs, the movement as much invitation as it was promise, and she moaned into the kiss when his lovely long fingers stroked over her sensitive wet folds. Their kiss deepened as he felt how hot and slick she had grown, both pairs of soft lips just begging to be used.

He stroked her again, careful of his claws as he began to explore the delicate space between the bold mortal’s shapely legs. Her heat and slick softness captivated him. He could not remember any mortal being this willing to give themselves to him and he found it made him hungry for more.

He found her clit and was rewarded with a slight jerk of her supple body and a small cry that their locked lips muffled. He grinned into her lips and pressed her further back into the bench, not giving her time to catch her breath before he began to deftly rub the responsive little nub. She jerked underneath him again as her nails desperately dug into his strong shoulders. Her breathing grew more erratic, her blood roaring through her veins as he showed no mercy on her most sensitive of sensitive spots.

He knew he had her. His soft touch on the engorged center of her holiest of places belonged to him. She had asked for it and he intended to give it to her.

He might have been a demon but he was still and always had been a gentleman. When a lady expressed desire he had always made it his goal to see that she was satisfied. One way or the other.

She broke free of the deep kiss to breathe, quivering in his hold as his hand worked her into a place of whitehot need. Her chest rose and fell as she panted for air and whimpered, her head falling back as the demon leaned in to kiss along her exposed neck. The speed of his fingers slowly increased and her body responded, wet and willing and aching for his touch. Her hips pressed into his hand, her nails digging into his chiseled arms as she closed her eyes and gave into the delicious undoing of all her conscious thoughts.

She moaned as she bit her lip, whimpering loudly as the speed and pressure of his touch overwhelmed her with pleasure. Her body trembled underneath him and when he grinned his fangs flashed and his strange glowing gaze momentarily grew more brilliant as he watched the little mortal pinned beneath him whimper and writhe at just the touch of his hand.

One more knowing, talented stroke and...Yes...

Rapturous bliss crashed into her, through her, over her. She cried out, her scream of pleasure a chorus of delight that the old broken down ruins of a once mighty cathedral had not experienced in ages. She cried out again as his hand kept going, her back arching into him as she twitched and squirmed in the demon’s control. He continued to rub her slickened folds and thumb her greedy little pearl until he could command no more ecstasy; her body could give no more.

She collapsed back into the wall of the dark alcove, a small breathless laugh escaping her as she struggled to get air into her lungs. She felt like a puppet whose strings had been suddenly cut. But only once Master had had His way with His most prized possession.

Her muscles twitched as she shifted contentedly, the demon’s gaze never leaving her curves as she panted for air and rode the generous aftershocks of his busy fingers.

His ragged breathing raced hers as he eyed her, noting the glimmer of her wet thighs and the way her full breasts heaved as she took deep calming breaths. Her sex filled the air. Her uneven breathing filled his ears. He wanted to hear her whimper again; wanted to make her cry out so loud her throat would be sore the next day.

He had to have her. Had to feel her. Had to be inside of this teasing disobedient creature with her daring grin and dirty mouth.

He would teach her humility. Would make her get down on her knees and pray for her sins before giving her a taste of his mercy. She was a wick [...]