G Alto Flute part (optional) Flute Quartet Medley "Christmas for four" - Various Authors - E-Book

G Alto Flute part (optional) Flute Quartet Medley "Christmas for four" E-Book

Various Authors

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G Alto Flute part (instead C Flute 4) - "Christmas for Four": This compilation features 10 renowned Christmas melodies, skillfully put together by Francesco Leone for flute quartet. Crafted for musicians of beginner and intermediate skill levels, the medley offers a rich musical experience.

Highlighted Carols:

  • Winter's Snow
  • Sans Day Carol
  • Ding Dong Merrily on High
  • Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella
  • In the Bleak Midwinter
  • Angels from the Realms of Glory
  • The Gloucestershire Wassail
  • Good King Wenceslas
  • Away in a Manger
  • The First Noel

For our international audience, track specifics are furnished in multiple languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese.

The full medley has a total run time of around 6 minutes and 30 seconds. While this is the G Alto Flute volume, full scores and individual parts are accessible in series.


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