Get the Best Out of F*cking a Fat Lady - Jessie Addison - E-Book

Get the Best Out of F*cking a Fat Lady E-Book

Addison Jessie

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How to Enjoy Sex With a Fat Lady

Many guys are currently having difficulties maintaining a healthy sex drive with their woman simply because she has suddenly become fat.
Many have even resorted to cheating as a result of this.
But it is vital to know that every lady is beautiful in her own right.

Therefore, writing off your woman as an ugly pig just because she has become fat can end up being a terrible mistake.

The grass always appears greener at the other size. But if you take the time to water your grass, you will see how beautiful it will become.
You may not fully appreciate or recognize how beautiful your woman is until she is in the arms of another man who knows how to bring out the best in her.

But here's the good news…

This book is rich in techniques that will not only help you drive that plus-sized lady of yours crazy in bed but will also enable you to enjoy and maintain your sex drive for her, irrespective of her size.
In this book, you will learn:

  • Dos and Don’ts of Having a Fat Lady as Your Partner
  • Reasons Why Chubby Girls Are Said to Be Better in Bed
  • Fore-Play Techniques That will Help Spice Up Your Sex Life
  • Best Sex Position Suitable For Plus-Sized Ladies
  • How to Become More Sexually Attracted to Your Partner
  • How to Enjoy Sex with a Fat Lady
And much more...

This book will change your sex life for good.

Get this book now, apply the sex tips and techniques it contains, and get the best out of banging a plus-sized lady.


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Get the Best Out of F*cking a Fat Lady

How to Enjoy Sex with a Fat Lady

Jessie Addison

Copyright ©

Jessie Addison

© 2021 Canada

All rights reserved.  No part of this book may be reproduced or modified in any form, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page



Chapter One | Dos and Don’ts of Having a Fat Lady as Your Woman

Chapter Two | Reasons Why Chubby Ladies Are Said to Be Better In Bed

Chapter Three | The Importance of Having a Satisfying Sex Life with Your Woman

Chapter Four | Best Sex Position Suitable For Plus-Sized Ladies

Chapter Five | Fore-Play Techniques for Mind-Blowing Sex

Chapter Six | How to Become More Sexually Attracted to Your Woman



I dedicate this book to my lovely family and every one out there that craves for a happy and fruitful living.


Contrary to the common mindset that fat ladies are not sexy, many plus-sized ladies are currently, enjoying a reach sexual relationship with their partners.

If you are reading this and you still find difficulties when it comes to having a good time with your woman in bed, simply because she is fat, then there is a problem that needs urgent attention.

The problem that is likely to come up with a guy who is finding it difficult to have a good sex life with his partner happens for two reasons.

The first reason for this problem is when a guy suddenly loses his sex drive for his woman, simply because she has suddenly become fat or overweight.

Even though I am not in support of a lady becoming overweight as a result of poor feeding habits, I think many guys have become so unfair to their women in this regard.

In most cases, it should be expected that when a lady gets pregnant, she is likely to put on some weight. And when she becomes older and starts giving birth to more babies, there is a high tendency that she will become fatter too.

Many marriages today are currently suffering from poor sex and infidelity by the man, just because the lady of the house became too fat for his liking.

This should not be a problem at all. There is a sure way around this problem. You don’t have to break up with your once-upon-a-time “sweetheart” just because she has suddenly become fat.

Now, the second reason for any guy to develop a poor sex drive for his fat partner comes from the difficulties he usually experiences during the process of having sex with her.

There is no doubt that plus-sized ladies are quite complicated in their size, and as such, moving them around in bed to give them a good pounding, may be stressful.

Apart from that, many of them hardly contribute to the sex act. Sometimes, they just lie down there like a log of deadwood and expect the guy to do his magic.

Yes, guys, I understand your plight. But I am happy to announce to you that there is a way around all of these issues.

This book is rich in techniques that will not only help you drive that fat lady of yours crazy in bed but will also enable you to enjoy and maintain your sex drive for her, irrespective of her plus size.

The grasses always appear greener at the other size. But if you take the time to water your grasses, you will see how beautiful they will become.

The same thing applies when it comes to women. You may not fully appreciate or recognize how beautiful your woman is until she is in the arms of another man.

Every woman is beautiful in her own right. Therefore, writing off your woman as an ugly pig just because she has become fat can end up being a terrible mistake.

Another man can pick up that same woman and polish her up, and then you will become amazed at how beautiful she has been. You just didn’t notice it.

Having and enjoying sex with a lady, whether fat or slim, is highly psychological. This is because it is majorly controlled by the mind. The vagina of a slim lady doesn’t taste or feel any different from that of a fat lady.

You have to make up your mind to enjoy sex with your woman. Stick to her and bring out the best in her. She has everything you need from a woman if only you can dig them out of her.

Not every lady knows how to turn a guy on. It is, therefore, your duty to lead her by the hand, on how to make you feel sexually attracted to her, rather than jumping from one girl to the other.

You cannot enjoy having sex with a lady you are not sexually attracted to. And to become sexually attracted to your woman once again, you must show her how to go about it.

The following clue will be of great help to you.

Encourage her to dress sexy

It will be difficult for your woman to be sexual, attractive to you if she consistently dresses like an old woman.

This will not only make her unattractive to you but will also conceal her beauty. Even though she is probably more beautiful than the girls you are willing to pay money to sleep with outside, you will not notice her beauty.

It is, therefore, important you polish her up by encouraging her to put on clothes that bring out her sexy curves. Fat ladies are blessed with the best types of booty that this world has to offer.

You must encourage your woman to put on clothes that hug her body and bring out the sexy curves she is blessed with.

Men are visual beings. This means that we majorly respond to what we see with their eyes.

This is why our heads tend to turn 360 degrees as soon as a half-naked lady walks past. It’s not our fault, that’s how we have been programmed.