In the Light of Quran and Hadith - Asif Ahmed Srabon - E-Book

In the Light of Quran and Hadith E-Book

Asif Ahmed Srabon

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In ''In the Light of Quran and Hadith: A Model for Human Conduct'' Asif Ahmed Srabon unveils the timeless wisdom of Islamic teachings to shape a noble character. Explore Quranic virtues and Hadith insights to transform your life. Embrace a path of moral excellence and compassion. Discover the art of living by the Quranic model.

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Asif Ahmed Srabon

In the Light of Quran and Hadith

A Model for Human Conduct

To my sweet wifey- Arifa Afrin Tuba (Zara), For your love and respects. With love, Asif Ahmed SrabonBookRix GmbH & Co. KG81371 Munich

About Author

Asif Ahmed Srabon was born on July 4, 2003, in the vibrant city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. A prolific writer and scholar, he has distinguished himself with a profound ability to explore a wide range of topics through the written word.


Srabon is known for his extensive body of work, which spans across genres and themes. His literary contributions include titles such as "The Eternal City: A Chronicle of Roman History" and "American: From Revolution to the Present Day," both of which have garnered acclaim for their depth of research and engaging storytelling.


With an insatiable thirst for knowledge and an unwavering commitment to scholarship, Asif Ahmed Srabon has dedicated his life to not only understanding the complexities of history but also illuminating the profound teachings of Islamic wisdom. His latest endeavor, "In the Light of Quran and Hadith: A Model for Human Conduct," stands as a testament to his passion for guiding readers toward a life of moral excellence and spiritual growth.


Srabon's writing is marked by meticulous research, a captivating narrative style, and a deep respect for the subjects he explores. His work continues to inspire readers around the world, inviting them to delve into the richness of human history, culture, and spirituality through the power of his words.


Asif Ahmed Srabon's journey as an author reflects his commitment to bridging the past and the present, offering readers profound insights into the world's diverse tapestry of knowledge and wisdom.

Quranic Blueprint

The Quran, which Muslims believe to be the literal word of God as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), serves as a comprehensive guide for all aspects of life. It provides principles, guidance, and laws that Muslims are encouraged to follow in order to lead a righteous and fulfilling life.


In this context, a "Quranic Blueprint" can be understood as a metaphorical framework or guideline derived from the teachings of the Quran. It encompasses the moral, ethical, social, and legal principles laid out in the Quran that Muslims should strive to incorporate into their lives. This blueprint encompasses:


Faith and Belief: The Quran emphasizes the belief in one God (Tawheed), the Prophethood of Muhammad, and the importance of faith as the foundation of a Muslim's life.


Morality and Ethics: The Quran sets forth a code of conduct, emphasizing honesty, kindness, humility, and justice. Muslims are encouraged to follow these ethical principles in their daily lives.


Worship and Devotion: The Quran prescribes acts of worship, including daily prayers (Salah), fasting during Ramadan (Sawm), giving to charity (Zakat), and making the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj).


Family and Social Relations: The Quran provides guidance on family life, marriage, and interpersonal relationships, promoting harmony, respect, and compassion among individuals and within communities.


Legal and Juridical Matters: Islamic law, or Sharia, is derived from the Quran and Hadith and addresses issues such as contracts, inheritance, and criminal justice.


Spiritual Growth: The Quran encourages self-reflection, self-improvement, and the pursuit of spiritual growth through acts of worship, repentance, and seeking God's guidance.


Community and Brotherhood: The Quran emphasizes the importance of unity, cooperation, and brotherhood among Muslims, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries.


Respect for Diversity: The Quran promotes respect for people of different backgrounds and beliefs and advocates dialogue and peaceful coexistence.


In summary, the concept of a "Quranic Blueprint" reflects the idea that the Quran provides a comprehensive guide for Muslims to live a righteous and purposeful life, encompassing faith, morality, worship, family life, legal matters, and more. It serves as a source of inspiration and guidance for Muslims seeking to align their lives with the teachings of Islam as found in the Quran and the authentic Hadith.

The Quranic Concept of Character

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, places significant emphasis on the concept of character and morality. Here are some key aspects of the Quranic concept of character:


Taqwa (Piety and Consciousness of God): The Quran repeatedly mentions the importance of "Taqwa," which is often translated as piety, righteousness, or consciousness of God. It's the foundation of good character, as it encourages individuals to be mindful of their actions and intentions, always striving to do what is right in the sight of God.


Compassion and Mercy: The Quran promotes compassion and mercy towards others. Believers are encouraged to be kind and considerate, especially to those who are less fortunate. Acts of charity and helping those in need are seen as virtuous.


Truthfulness and Honesty: Honesty and truthfulness are highly valued in Islam. The Quran admonishes lying, cheating, and deceitful behavior. Being truthful and honest in one's words and actions is considered essential for good character.


Humility: The Quran emphasizes humility and discourages arrogance and pride. Believers are encouraged to recognize their own limitations and to treat others with respect and humility.


Patience and Perseverance: The Quran teaches that patience (Sabr) is a virtue. It encourages individuals to remain patient in the face of trials and difficulties. This quality is seen as a test of one's character.