Internal Migration, Urbanization and Poverty in Asia: Dynamics and Interrelationships -  - kostenlos E-Book

Internal Migration, Urbanization and Poverty in Asia: Dynamics and Interrelationships E-Book

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This volume offers an essential resource for economic policymakers as well as students of development economics focusing on the interrelationships of migration, urbanization and poverty in Asia. The continent’s recent demographic transitions and rural-urban structural transformations are extraordinary, and involve complexities that require in-depth study. 

The chapters within this volume examine those complexities using a range of traditional and non-traditional measures, such as multidimensional poverty, gaps and polarization, to arrive at the conclusion that poverty is now an urban issue.

In short, the book will help students of development economics and policymakers understand the interrelationships between internal migration, urbanization and poverty, paving the way for the improved management of internal migration and disadvantaged and vulnerable populations.

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