Interview with Failure and Success - Miguel Ricardo Bruno Lourenco - E-Book

Interview with Failure and Success E-Book

Miguel Ricardo Bruno Lourenco

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The dream and purpose of this book and his path until today is to help anyone who has a dream and is currently feeling lost, or hopeless, create ideas that he or she is not achieving these dreams and goals due to not having the background, and conditions that the author calls Failure, having plenty of his own to share, but has such a higher and clear why behind this person, why he wants this goal, why it’s important not just for him but many, immediately invalidates any reason behind why he can’t and believes one day it is possible and all starts, continues and finishes in them, what the author calls Success.
Bruno does not believe there is a secret to achieving your goals and dreams. Only with hard work, dedication, consistency, perseverance and belief someone can achieve whatever dream a person has. How distant it might feel right now is not important since everything is a beginning but focus on what you want to be, what you will have, give to others and one day help someone to achieve what was a dream for you and a dream for them now.
It is hard to understand in life that sometimes no matter how hard you will try, how prepared you can be for this attempt to achieve your goals you still might fail. Every time you fail it’s painful, it causes sadness, stress, and all the negative feelings that make one person quit and become a failure. This book wants to make you love this process and next time the outcome goes the way you expected, you know you are one step closer and one step wiser to manifest what once was in your head into the world.

Bruno Miguel Lourenco Ricardo, was born in Lisbon, Portugal. His childhood was obscure, but even in the darkest moments his mother was always his light. The author had tremendous obstacles along the way but she never left his side, he had many hopeless moments but she always gave him the hope and support to continue fighting for his dream of becoming a writer and motivational speaker.
After spending two years in France and having overcome tremendous difficulties he travelled to the Czech Republic where he found a job at the greatest IT company in the world. Bruno conquered Brno became a manager in his company and stayedthere for a while. 
Finally he left for Prague, but after two years he decided again to move to Malta where he got a successful job.

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Bruno Miguel Lourenco Ricardo





Interview with

Failure and Success











© 2023Europe Books | London | [email protected]


ISBN       9791220144513

First Edition: November 2023








Interview with

Failure and Success


The strongest pillar of my life, the most important person of my life from my first second until my last and beyond that, the most extraordinary person, brilliant, human caring which I have the most amazing luck to have it and call it my mother. You are for me the greatest of all time, my everything, a person that the word love makes all sense and comes out as natural as breathing. Everyone has flaws but you are the closest to perfection I could ever ask. Everything I am and everything I have it is because of you, everything I have achieved was because of you and everything I will have its yours. You are a Woman with capital W, Mother with capital M and every day I am extremely grateful for being this way.

Thank you and I love you Emilia Lourenco


You know the importance someone has in your life when words become few to make a tribute to them, an impossible task in the few lines to describe gratitude, respect, thank you, or anything that matches how wonderful you were, how wonderful you are and how wonderful is to have you in my life. You gave me more than I ever will be able to give you in return, you always saw me for the person I was going to be and not the person I was in the moment, all the care, all the smiles, all the beautiful and less beautiful moments, you always made sure at the end of each day make sure I would understand how much I care, if not to anyone else, to you and that rekindle my inner fire to pursue what I said I would be but couldn’t see it yet. I am always extremely grateful to be a part of your life and I am extremely grateful for you to be a part of mine.

Dekuji moc Miroslava Halamova


To one of the sweetest, kind, helpful and smart woman I have been lucky to cross paths with. Thank you for helping me 24/7 with any questions, words, sentences I had doubts, any minute shared with you was an absolute gift. You are a blessing and one of the reasons this book is completed and my pleasure to share it with everyone.

Kia Ora Emma Ferguson


A very special and deep thank you to my Aunt Mina for every single time you allowed me to stay waiting at your warm and cozy place for the training instead of the cold and unsafe roads, thank you to two amazing persons and families for when I was extremely young allow me to eat at your place and play with your toys when I barely had mines, thank you to a great institution which I had the pleasure to play and learn from many but a special and amazing coach, that since day one believed in my capabilities and skills and outside the pitch it became a great person to be surround by, thank you to some of my previous neighbors for opening me so many times the doors as my bell didn't work, for all your help in terms of kindness and understanding when things at my house were visible and audible badly, thank you to a amazing group of persons I had the pleasure and luck to spend learning, playing, laughing, making grow and to this special and close group of Barrocas I deeply take you always in my heart.

Thank you to the man who gave me the biggest trust until this day, the man who gave me the opportunity to work for the biggest IT company in the world only with a promise that I would become the best employee he had, he gave me the chance on that phone call and I never looked back since. A very special remark to a huge man and woman I had the pleasure to meet in Brno and carry a degree of friendship with, a couple that when I was unemployed and I refused to give up allowed me to stay on their couch and sleep and eat there, I will never forget you and I am sure we will meet shortly. To the amazing group of beautiful, brilliant, and the best Team and all together the best group of persons I had the pleasure to call my second family.

Thank you from the reception with the amazing smiles to the working desk that has all the greatest that any company could wish for. Thank you since day one and until this day I am extremely proud to be part of it. Last but for sure not least a very special thank you to Bruno Miguel Lourenco Ricardo, you were not just born a man but you became one, I am extremely proud of you. You went through everything and anything, you slowed down, you stopped but you never gave up on your goals and ambition.

Thank you All.


Part 1



Bruno – Welcome ladies and gentlemen for what will be one of the most important interviews for changing your life forever. With us, we have one of the most important illustrations of what we do not want to become in our lives and by being here, we will learn how not to be this person ever again. With these questions, we do have and the ones that will come in result to some answers, we will reveal all there is to know on how to become a successful person, learning how to become and achieve anything we truly want.

Please, help me welcome the one and only Failure.

First of all and before we do begin, I would like to thank you for the time you have for us, to be able to teach each one of our audience members and myself, the persons watching at home and the ones who will read and watch this interview how to become what we all want to be, achieve what we want to achieve and give everything we want to give to our loved ones and the society. Are you ready to start answering these questions we do have for you?


Failure – Thank you very much for having me, it is my pleasure to be here and using your most essential and important asset you humans have, your time, to help every one of you to as you said, to become what you want to become, a successful person. I will answer the sincerest possible to all your questions, doubts, everything, and anything you want to know but I just have one question before I do start answering. You want your audience to become successful, why not interview Success and interview me?

B – That is probably the best question in all the interview. Most people that will listen and read this interview, consider themselves at this stage of their life as a Failure and I know as you know, there is no person that ever became successful without you. People can relate more with you than success, most people don’t know success, but everyone knows you, or have a perception of you. I personally learned more with you how to become successful than with success itself. Everyone at the beginning is a raw product, a student and only with you in every single step of the way, with the persistence, the action, a strong enough reason behind it, never giving up on themselves, and the faith that deep down of themselves they have the certainty that one day they will become successful, only that will bring anyone to the start of the road of success and ultimately become successful. For that we need you. We will have an interview with Success later but wanted you to be the first since you are the beginning and as well the reason why most people give up being the person they desire to be.


F – Very well, you can start.


B – Why do you think, in your perception, more people are considered by others as a failure instead of a successful person?


F – Allow me to make a difference here so I can make everyone understand one very important thing and a remark to your answer previously. People don’t give up because of me, they give up on themselves. When you give up you are a failure, the most important part of my last sentence is YOU, read again that sentence and put a higher sound in the word YOU: When YOU give up YOU are a failure. Only YOU can win or lose, in this case, become a Failure or become a Successful person. I want you as well to understand that there is a difference between failing and being a failure. Failing is when you try and you do not achieve the result you expected with this attempt, failing is a natural part of success, failing is necessary to become the person you for now only dream to be, being a failure is when you give up and allow negative ideas to control your actions, in this case, the lack of them, when you stop acting on their goals, dreams, and desires, stop trying and they take the failing attempt as a definite result, thinking what today didn’t work will never work, allowing others to judge and define them as a Failure but most important? They accept that and label themselves as a Failure. When you label yourself as a failure you are one. All the persons in the world can consider yourself a failure and you are successful, all the persons in the world can consider yourself as successful but you feel like a failure. The way you see yourself is always more important than others see you. There are many people considering themselves failures nowadays only because they failed at one thing in a particular moment in time, never made or did very few efforts to improve themselves and until today, even if that event happened 20, 30 years ago they still accept that failed attempt as a fact, like the law of gravity, they never make a second attempt in all this time, they give up and instead of failing to become successful, they fail to attempt and achieve what they never wanted: Me, Failure.

Everyone nowadays admire others, want to be and have what others have but they don’t want to grow. What happened to you and what is happening to you is nothing compared with what is ahead for you. It is never what you have or where you are, it is your internal belief in yourself, the willing and action to grow, to be better not than your neighbour but your previous self.

To answer your question, people view the difference between a successful and a Failure person by comparing themselves to others, most associated with the riches and the material things one has and one has not, competing every day and measure everything. If people will do that there is always someone that will have more than the other or someone will have something other want and this is a vicious circle that people must stop analysing if they want to become successful one day. All persons that became successful, with very few exceptions, didn’t compare what others had, what others had not, they do not compete with each other’s despite they are natural and fearless competitors, but they instead use the power of creativity, the willingness to create something in their mind to improve the society around them and that only is achieved and unlocked once you know yourself, know what you definitely want and do not care what others do have or think about you, doing what you want and not what the society is telling you to do. People do not know themselves and that is why the competition with others and they are locked in an outside world, when all they need is within, they waste a large amount of time trying to be or become someone else. By knowing themselves, by deciding what one really wants to become, what one can contribute to society, what one would love to do for the rest of his/her life, by trying every day to acquire a new virtue and conquer one bad habit, by making this world a better place with their own actions and ideas, using the passion and time they have to finally become what they will be proud to be, we would have much more successful persons, I am sure. Good actions not just will empower you but will empower others to take them as well in their lives.