Magnificent Mabel and the Christmas Elf - Ruth Quayle - E-Book

Magnificent Mabel and the Christmas Elf E-Book

Ruth Quayle



Meet Mabel - she's MAGNIFICENT. Sometimes life isn't fair for Mabel Chase. Like for instance a naughty Christmas Elf gets her into LOTS of trouble. And the new boy in her class at school REFUSES to be her friend. And no-one lets her look after her little cousin, even though she is BRILLIANT with toddlers. But none of that matters in the end ... because Mabel is still MAGNIFICENT. The second book in a hilarious new series, highly illustrated throughout and with three short stories, this is ideal for newly-confident readers. Look out for: Magnificent Mabel and the Rabbit Riot Magnificent Mabel and the Magic Caterpillar

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Magnificent Mabel and the Christmas Elf

2At Christmas time I can’t help being a sweety heart.

I am so kind and pleasant.

I love fairy lights.

I love doing carols by candlelight as long as people don’t stare at me.

I especially love decorating the tree.

Every year Mum gets our box of decorations down from the 3attic. That box is really dusty on the outside, but inside the Christmas decorations are shiny and new.

My favourite decoration is a naughty elf that is green and red. That naughty 4elf lights up when you press a button on its tummy.

Sometimes that naughty elf winks at me when no one else is looking.

Sometimes that naughty elf speaks to me in a teeny-tiny voice.

Whenever I press that naughty elf’s tummy I can’t help getting in the Christmas spirit.

5My teacher Mr Messenger loves getting in the Christmas spirit too. He wears a red and white jumper with snowflakes on it and at Christmastime he isn’t even strict.

Last Monday instead of teaching us maths and 6reading, he let us make paper chains all day long.

Mr Messenger says Class One can’t have too many paper chains.

I think this is quite a good point of Mr Messenger’s, but some 7people in my class, e.g. Edward Silitoe, don’t like making paper chains.

Last Monday Edward Silitoe told Mr Messenger that decorating Class One was not as important as learning our times tables.

Mr Messenger told Edward Silitoe to get in the Christmas spirit but Edward Silitoe did 8not get in the Christmas spirit. Edward Silitoe got on with his maths.

I don’t know why Edward Silitoe finds it so tricky to get in the Christmas spirit.

Getting in the Christmas spirit 9is EASY.

I looked at Edward Silitoe doing his maths and I smiled kindly.

“Edward Silitoe,” I said. “Do you need help making paper chains?”

But Edward Silitoe said “No” in a grumpy voice and then Edward Silitoe scowled.

I did not scowl back.

10I did not even poke Edward Silitoe a teeny bit hard in the tummy.

I cut out a snowflake for Edward Silitoe and I gave him a kind smile.

I was as good as gold.

This is what happens to me when I am in the Christmas spirit.

But this year on Christmas 11Eve two things broke my Christmas spirit and those things were my sister Meg and the naughty Christmas elf.

I was in the kitchen, making snowflakes.

I had to use old newspaper for my snowflakes instead of fresh paper because SOME people in my family are mad about recycling.

12But I did not mind.

I thought, at Christmas it is good to care about our planet.

I felt SO happy.13

Even when Dad accidentally 14pushed past me and knocked my snowflakes on the floor, I did not get cross with him.

I smiled politely and said, “Please may you be careful of my snowflakes if that is OK with you.”

When Dad laughed and said, “What’s got into Mabel?” I did not get cross. I stayed calm in a crisis.

15“Dad,” I said. “I am in the Christmas spirit. That is my point.”

At that moment Meg came skipping into the kitchen. She was carrying a heavy bag.

Meg put that heavy bag down on the table.

I looked carefully at that bag of Meg’s.


I said, “What’s in that bag?”

Meg put her finger to her lips. She said she needed to wrap up the presents she was giving to me and Mum and Dad.

I watched Meg get the scissors and sellotape and then I followed Meg upstairs.17

But Meg would not let me follow her into her bedroom.

“Mabel,” she said, all chirpety. “You’re not allowed to see what I am giving you. You will have to wait until tomorrow.”