Megan And The Burglar - Owen Jones - E-Book

Megan And The Burglar E-Book

Owen Jones

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In Megan and the Burglar, Megan’s house is burgled while they are out enjoying a summer’s picnic. Suzanne is devastated to discover that some of her jewellery was part of the stolen items, so Megan sets out to use her psychic powers to find out who the thief was, and recover her mother’s things. However, she has no idea how to start such an investigation or what she will do if she is successful.

The Psychic Megan Series consists of twenty-three novelettes about a young girl's growing realisation that she is able to do things that none of her family can. Megan is twelve years old in the first volume. She has two seemingly insurmountable problems. Her mother is frightened of her daughter's latent abilities and not only will not help her but actively discourages her; and she can’t find a teacher to help her develop her supernatural, psychic powers. For she wants not only to know what it is possible to do and how to do it, but to what end she should put her special abilities. Megan is a good girl, so it would seem obvious that she would tend towards using her powers for good, but it is not always easy to do the right thing even if you know what that is.

These stories about Megan will appeal to anyone who has an interest in psychic powers, the supernatural and the paranormal and is between the ages of ten and a hundred years old.

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and the














Owen Jones



and the


A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!



Copyright © 2014 Owen Jones

Megan and the Burglar

by Owen Jones

Published by

Megan Publishing Services

E-book License Notes

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Other novelettes in the same series:

The Psychic Megan Series

A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!

The Misconception

Megan’s Thirteenth

Megan’s School Trip

Megan’s School Exams

Megan’s Followers

Megan and the Lost Cat

Megan and the Mayoress

Megan Faces Derision

Megan’s Grandparents Visit

Megan’s Father Falls Ill

Megan Goes on Holiday

Megan and the Burglar

Megan and the Cyclist

Megan and the Old Lady

Megan’s Garden

Megan Goes To the Zoo

Megan Goes Hiking

Megan and the W. I. Cookery Competition

Megan Goes Riding

Megan Goes Yachting

Megan at Carnival

Megan at Christmas


This edition is dedicated to my wife, Pranom Jones,

for making my life as easy as she can. She does a great job of it.

Karma will repay everyone in just kind.


Believe not in anything simply because you have heard it,

Believe not in anything simply because it was spoken and rumoured by many,

Believe not in anything simply because it was found written in your religious texts,

Believe not in anything merely on the authority of teachers and elders,

Believe not in traditions because they have been handed down for generations,

But after observation and analysis, if anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, accept it and live up to it.

Gautama Buddha


Great Spirit, whose voice is on the wind, hear me.

Let me grow in strength and knowledge.

Make me ever behold the red and purple sunset.

May my hands respect the things you have given me.

Teach me the secrets hidden under every leaf and stone, as you have taught people for ages past.

Let me use my strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy – myself.

Let me always come before you with clean hands and an open heart, that as my Earthly span fades like the sunset, my Spirit shall return to you without shame.

(Based on a traditional Sioux prayer)



1 Dad Makes a Suggestion

2 The Picnic

3 The Burglary

4 The Aftermath

5 Wacinhinsha


The Disallowed: Chapter One


My thanks to the artist who did the cover for me, Jackii.

If you want her contact details, just let me know.


One Friday night, while sitting in front of the television watching a late-night horror movie, as they often did, Megan’s father, Robert had an idea.

“What do you say we pack up everything tomorrow, food, blankets, kitchen sink, and go to the woods for the day?”

Megan and her mother, Suzanne, looked at each other with the same expression they might have used if a dog had just spoken to them in English.

“We need more notice than that, Robert!”

“Why, what’s the problem?”

“For a start, I’ll have to get up early and make up a hamper, but tomorrow is the day we stock up on food – the cupboard is bare. If you had suggested it yesterday, I could have got something in.”

“And I have to go to Swimming Club and work for Mrs. Williams every Saturday morning too. It’s too late to cancel at midnight the day before, isn’t it?”

“Yes, all right then. Point, er, points taken… How about Sunday then?”

“Sure, we’ll get all we need tomorrow and do the thing properly.”

“Yes, please, Daddy! I haven’t been to the woods for ages. Which one are you thinking of? Mill Wood?”

“No, I thought we could take a drive out to Arthur’s Forest. It’s not so far and if we start early enough, say seven or eight, we can be there by ten or eleven. It’ll be a nice family outing for us. We haven’t had one for a while, have we?”

“I can’t remember the last time except for our holiday in France… maybe when Nain and Taid came down for the weekend and we went to the beach, but that was only local anyway.”

“OK, shall we do it or not?”

“Do it!” they all shouted.

“OK, we’re doing it by a unanimous vote… Now I’ve gone and lost my place in the film… Has Dracula bitten that girl yet?”

“Yes, Daddy, twenty minutes ago!”


The next day, they each followed their normal Saturday morning routines. Megan took the bus to her swimming club in the local Leisure Centre, but left after an hour, as usual to go to her Saturday morning job with the mayoress, Mrs. Williams in the Civic Offices across the car park. She worked from ten until twelve, writing about or discussing the problems that teenagers faced in Feyton and the surrounding area. This she did to help Mrs. Williams and her SOS Green Party keep abreast of the issues facing the next generation of voters, although Megan hadn’t realised yet that that was what they were employing her to do.

At this meeting, they discussed whether the clothes that the shops and magazines encouraged young teenage girls such as Megan to wear, were too sexy. Megan thought that some were and that some were downright outrageous, but she pointed out that her parents would never allow her to wear them, even if she wanted to, which she didn’t. Megan promised to write a five-hundred word article on the subject and email it to Mrs. Williams on or before Wednesday, then they locked the office doors and went down to the canteen for lunch.

When they had sat down and ordered, Mrs. Williams tried to help Megan marshal her thoughts about the article, as she often did, because she had a genuine affection for her.

“We discussed clothing in the office, Megan, but what about other aspects of a teenager’s life? Perhaps you should, or just could, consider those too. I’m sure you could write five hundred words on clothing alone, you are a fashion-conscious young woman after all, but what other aspects of your life do you think have been over-, oh, what’s the right word? Sexified? Yes, that will do…”

Megan wasn’t sure, but she bought herself some extra time.

“I’ll just get my pen and pad out to take notes. If I can’t fit this in one article, perhaps I can write a follow-up or two… just a moment, please…”

She rummaged in her rucksack, while she thought quickly. Megan laid the notepad out before her on the table and opened it.

“Mmm, let me see, I suppose lots of teenagers want to dress like pop and film stars… and they dress sexy, don’t they? And the words can be pretty rude as well, can’t they?”

“I don’t know, Megan, I can’t understand them. Not that I listen to pop music any more, but, yes, I suppose they could well be. The women certainly wear very skimpy clothing, and I know that we, the council, has banned some music from our youth centres, because it was too, er, descriptive. So, er, yes, you can add music to your list. Anything else?”

“I suppose if we’re talking about words, then there is a lot of swearing. My mother says that there wasn’t so much swearing on the TV or the streets when she was young. Some of the kids in my class swear every other word, when they’re out of class – they don’t dare do it in there for sure, nor at home, I suppose… so they must just be putting it on… showing off, like.”

“Yes, good, well there you go, you’ve got: overly-sexy clothing, overly-descriptive songs and foul language. That’s quite a bit to be going on with, isn’t it?”

“Mmm, and porno, Mrs. Williams…”

The mayoress almost spat out her teeth as she choked on the tea she was trying to drink. “Porno, Megan?”

“Yes, you know, pornography, Mrs. Williams. People making…”

“Yes, Megan, I have heard of it. Where do teenagers watch that, for Heaven’s Sake?”

“On the Internet. All the boys watch it, and half the girls, on their smart phones. Parents try to lock it out of their home computers, but my friends say that there are ways ‘round that.”

“Do you watch porn, Megan?”

“Me? No, I did a bit once, but it was too embarrassing for me. I couldn’t watch that sort of thing.”

“I’m very glad to hear it. Well, look, don’t mention that in your article this week, or at least not in detail. You could say something like: ‘There are four facets to the problem…’ and then just discuss clothing and we can talk about the other three next Saturday.”

“Ah, good, lunch has arrived. Put that away now, dear, and let’s eat, I don’t know about you but I’m famished.”

When the meal was over, Mrs. Williams was glad to get away for the first time since she had started having Saturday morning lunch with Megan six months before. However, Megan didn’t notice Mrs. Williams’ embarrassment and when they parted company, Megan refused an offer of a lift home, so that she could get some more exercise and walk home past the shops.