My Secret Life, Vol. 3 Chapter 21 - Dominic Crawford Collins - Hörbuch

My Secret Life, Vol. 3 Chapter 21 Hörbuch

Dominic Crawford Collins

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My Secret Life, the gargantuan erotic autobiography of a wealthy Victorian English gentleman has been described as 'the strangest book ever written'. Comprising one-hundred-and-eighty-four chapters and over one million words, the epic confessional describes in eloquent and explicit detail the exploits of a man (who refers to himself simply as 'Walter'), whose life was devoted to the pursuit of erotic adventure and carnal pleasure. Now for the first time in the history of this infamous erotic masterpiece, film composer Dominic Crawford Collins is producing a fully scored narration of the complete unabridged text. More 'audiofilm' than audiobook, each chapter and scene has its own unique musical accompaniment, reflecting the author's changing emotional landscape and offering the listener a truly immersive erotic audio experience. Vol.3 Chapter 21 Further undressing. • Slippers wanted. • Toilet operations. • The effects of hash and beer. • A windy escape. • Feeling for the pot.--Sisters exeunt. • A crushed hat, and soiled trowsers. • A narrow escape. • My benevolent intentions towards Jenny's sister.

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Zeit:0 Std. 16 min

Sprecher:Dominic Crawford Collins
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