No Issues Here - Andrew Show Rain - E-Book

No Issues Here E-Book

Andrew Show Rain

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Hello, stranger. I love you! This only book talking, so don’t worry!
I will teach you some things that you didn’t know about yourself and people all in general. I will intrigue you and I will take you to the next level. Imagine my face.. Imagine a friendly face, smiling at you while reaching out for you with a palm full of seeds.. Or don’t, you don’t really have to imagine anything, I’m just making some ship up so we would get on the same wave.
Obviously, most people won’t imagine anything, they will just keep reading. But you.. you could have taken your time to please a man who will please your mind. It’s not like you reading this book wouldn’t be enough, but still, even though I don’t know who you are, it still hurts. Hmmm.. You hurt me right from the start, bad way to start relationships.

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Andrew Show Rain




No Issues Here









© 2023 Europe Books| London | [email protected]


ISBN 9791220144674

First edition: November 2023















No Issues Here



Hello, stranger. I love you! This only book talking, so don’t worry!

I will teach you some things that you didn’t know about yourself and people all in general. I will intrigue you and I will take you to the next level. Imagine my face.. Imagine a friendly face, smiling at you while reaching out for you with a palm full of seeds.. Or don’t, you don’t really have to imagine anything, I’m just making some ship up so we would get on the same wave.

Obviously, most people won’t imagine anything, they will just keep reading. But you.. you could have takenyour time to please a man who will please your mind. It’s not like you reading this book wouldn’t be enough, but still, even though I don’t know who you are, it still hurts. Hmmm.. You hurt me right from the start, bad way to start relationships.

I don’t know if I should even write any further.. Obviously, you see that I did: there wouldn’t be a book if I hadn’t broken through this minor self-created issue. Before you go any further, you must know that we are now connected by this issue, which I hope you solved, before you moved forward. That would mean that you hold integrity very high in your value system and that you are a good and supporting person all in general; if you didn’t, you most likely don’t even like to read and imagine stuff, and that’s totally fine.

There’s a lot I can say about both of these types and the rest of them too, if I would gather them all in one place, but I will not get into that. I am not writing this book to show off my soul reading skills, which I have developed on pretty high level, but that is one of the reasons why I became a writer.

You will learn a lot from this book: this is an original source and after you will finish reading it, most likely you will pass this book forward to your friends and relatives, because that’s the right thing to do. You will bring me more souls that will consume my potentially infinite spirit, part of which is hiding in this book, which most likely would fade if I wouldn’t have materialized it inside these pages.

And because people got access to these parts of my spirit, I am growing more and more powerful by the day. You people are giving me superpowers, you are making my spirit divine and by learning from these magical pages, you will become more divine, more Godlike, more aware, more capable, more intelligent, more of everything yourselves, because this book, this limited source, is huge enough to mentally feed the whole world for a decent period of time.

Thank you all for your desire to grow and for trusting me with this duty. Be ready to have your mind opened, be ready to empower yourself, because the longer you will stay with me, the brighter your mind will grow and more powerful we will become. It is only fair if I reward you for your invested time. If you willfocus on the written words and if you willtake your time to understand what I am explaining in this book, this experience will become life changing for you, this knowledge will catch up with your mind and other way around.

With little bit of time, you will notice integration, and then you will understand what this book and the time you invested is actually worth. You will see how much wiser you have become, and you will understand the importance of information, what will trigger your mind to create best possible patterns which will shape your present, past and future.

This is where our relationships start, with an issue, as I said, I hope you solved it, because that’s what relationships are about. Inside your mind or out loud, openly, we are always solving issues, so we could move forward harmoniously. That is who we are: natural problem solvers and creators. That’s why it’s important for you to stay aware while reading this book. You have to be careful to not create problems around yourself and inside yourself, and you will learn how to solve them.

This book is like a flashlight for people who are building relationships and for the ones who are struggling with existing ones. Even if you have no relationship issues at all, this book will still teach you some new tricks, because it was written for everyone. Extraordinary, education and entertainment were three main key words I kept inside my head all through the writing process. These lights that you will find here will illuminate your mind and they will create deeper understanding of who you and other people are, and how your own, and other people’s minds move.

I am focusing on emotional and mental patterns, which should be the most crucial focus points in all relationships, because through these channels we receive and express information, and if communication through these channels will be excellent, then your relationships will be excellent as well. I will show you what I mean, and you will understand.



This is the most important point in beginning and during all relationships, not only in intimate ones, but in all of them. Honesty is deeply connected with our emotions and thoughts; from both of these personal sources we are receiving information constantly. I mean, we never stop receiving information from our core centres, and when it comes to starting something new, when the space outside of our boundaries is unexplored, we are receiving signals of insecurity, anxiety, sadness or excitement, fears from a wider perspective and a mixture of feelings and thoughts all in general.

When you meet a person that you are physically attracted to for the first time, you look in each other’s eyes and a magical moment is often being manifested. This is supposed to be the most honest and the most powerful moment before relationships begin; in fact that is the beginning and if the magic is so strong that you are unable to not like the person that you are connected with telepathically, at that point, then you are a winner, because the seed that was planted in the space that you created for yourselves alone is powerful and honest, and it has a potential to grow into something priceless and irreplaceable. That is natural honesty, it can clear all the obstacles from your way, and it can also create them, it can pull people together and it can push you both away from each other.

Those who are able to control emotional and mental patterns often take too much advantage of people, and those who are unable to control these patterns are often too afraid to do anything at all, and at the end of the day, if these people are not honest with words and actions, they both become liars. All in general, people are not honest and such magical moments like love from the first sight, we don’t really experience that often in life, and when we do, we too often are too stupefied to make a move, because we always got too many things on our minds, like “I don’t have enough money, I don’t have a car, dammit we both are riding a bus, how are we going to support our kids, I don’t even have a job..’’

Anyway, that’s what I think about when I like someone, and I don’t do anything to show it. Many other things go through my mind as well, but I am not really afraid, I simply don’t feel strong enough to fulfil all my twin flames desires, so I don’t do anything because God didn’t drop her in my hands and He didn’t make her say, ‘’Oh, dear heavenly beauty, what’s your name and what are you up to? Oh, never mind, come. I want to buy you a drink, don’t worry I’m buying..’’

And she didn’t take my hand and she didn’t pull me out of the bus, and she didn’t drag me to a coffee shop nor to any place similar, and she didn’t kiss me goodbye, and she didn’t leave me her phone number, and she never asked for my number either. God just isn’t too big on lucky surprises like that, I will dare to guess at this point.

It’s easy to confront our fears, we are simply lacking motivation to confront them. With better life comes better understanding, many blocks and insecurities fade. It’s some kind of global oppression and these are global consequences on emotional, mental and spiritual levels. It’s a sad story, long and disturbing tail; nevertheless, the person that you fall in love with from the first, could be facing the same issues as you are. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter, because by hiding your true emotions and thoughts you perhaps allowed the love of your life pass you by and after five to ten minutes you were already thinking about something else, and this deep magical seed just died when your limitations took over your whole existence.

You see, this was the point to which I wanted to get right from the beginning of this chapter: people are liars and because they hide their true emotions and thoughts behind masks and illusions, they destroy their potential before relationships become possible. This is the thing: hiding your thoughts and feelings kills all the magic inside. You wait and wait, and wait so long that magic just jumps on to the next person and this powerful moment simply disappears. Only a flashback at best, “And what do those do..? They make people feel pathetic.”

People hold themselves back and they hide behind walls, their emotions are sealed, walls are holding in fears, and when they talk, they express themselves weirdly and awkwardly. And someone here is becoming smaller, while the other person grows bigger. And the truth is, people can find someone better than you, only royals are irreplaceable. Why would they settle for mediocrity if they can find someone better, from the rejective side speaking?

This is honesty. It got nothing to do with alpha and beta energies, because many alphas are betas in their true form, like many betas are alphas in their true form. Obviously, these are just concepts that do not contain anyone completely, therefore they don’t matter much. Those are magnets in the end, that matter the most and the strength that you are accumulating for yourself and for the other person.

The reason why people are experiencing so many pushbacks and setbacks when it comes to forming relationships is because weaknesses are draining the sources of strength in both connected circles. Honesty is the most powerful source of energy to which people got free access to and which people can easily use to empower themselves, and the person they are connecting with. By saying the truth, you are giving power to yourself and to the person you are talking to, even if that is your mother or your friend; when you lie, you create traps for them and for yourself. It’s very simple.

Dishonesty is a mind-trap, it will always drag the levels down. The only time when you shouldn’t tell the truth is when people, one or many, are trying to destroy you, when they are trying to provoke you and frame you, to control the public opinion of you. People can make good people look bad, and since many peoplegot dominance issues along with many others, they hurt people this way all the time, even masses are being turned against individuals and groups, and that is catastrophic and deeply evil. Type of evil that our society has not been trained to see.

People do tend to connect even when magnets are not strong, and they often form relationships which are built on a lie. And lots of shit, shit, shit, shit is hiding there, lots of issues that are carefully being hidden behind masks of silence. Strong mental note here: don’t create an issue that isn’t there. People are very insecure and even after long time of healthy relationships, they can have tendencies to not jump on the same wave as the initiator of the issue.

“Issues appear only when we create them”. In this particular example, you would create an edge between your partner and yourself. You would create an unstable surface on which your partner would have to step on, to move forward, it could even go to such levels as rope walking and stick balancing. Not an easy thing at all. But issues are everywhere and not about everything people need to talk about. By adding pressure to critical points, you can easily create more issues and that is something that we shouldn’t do. Everything unravels by itself at the right time on the right wave, if people are directed towards self-expression and self-realization. Understanding had always been the key but understanding that your partner is not a good person doesn’t really help much either. Karma is always near, and we all need to keep it clear.

I mean to say that relationships that are built on a lie, with no mental and emotional honesty built inside the foundation, most likely are going to crumble after couple of steps, and what happens during these steps often determines the whole life of both people involved. Heartbreaks, coldness, tragedies, disgusting experiences and pushbacks, ugliness from someone who was supposed to love you and keep you safe. Unstable surface is not a safe place to grow on, and if we are looking at the building process from other way around, then we can all honestly say that it’s a trap and the person who trapped the other one is just a pushed-out piece of crap.

And I apologise to all people who had been in such relationships, but I must note that such paths lead people to repeat the same mistakes and even worse than that, it makes them both the victim and the predator. Because we always grow in the environments in which we are in, we are identity thieves, we soke in all information available and understandable, that makes us all more or less the same. So, here’s a warning: if you don’t want to become more like me, don’t read any further. Right now, I’m only holding your finger, but I could take over your life.

Dishonesty is a space in which both people become smaller and often these people are alpha looking betas, but very rarely, because alpha energy doesn’t lie, beta energy does. I’m talking in first and second-hand men and women terminology, not in some physics type of madness. Relationships built on a lie is a deep pit in which I don’t want to get inside, because we might never get out of there. I am not talking about pretending that you are happy when you are actually sad, or pretending that you are confident when you are actually full of fears, that is all good and understandable; but if you want to be strong and powerful one day, when it comes to building any type of relationships, you should start with honesty and the longer you will stick to it, the faster your fears will fade away. Dishonest people are the ones that are full of fears, not the honest ones. Obviously, if you have done something wrong you will always feel insecure when facing potential exposure, that’s just logical. I don’t know anyone with a passion to lie and corrupt. But don’t take my word for it, I am one hundred percent sure that I don’t know everyone, yet.

The reason why men and women fall for the wrong people is because they are not honest with themselves, not fully, and all insecurities, all the issues that are forming in their minds often become reality, because they are not focused, and they lack understanding of what their thoughts and emotions really mean. It’s an illusion, a trap, and they realize that only after it is too late or on time, and often they still keep lying to themselves and to their partners until it’s too late. And then lives are changing, people become more resistant, colder, self-centred, what is not always a bad thing, but not the best part of relationships either; they become selfish in negative ways, they lose empathy, kindness, they can become evil minded, intolerant, rude, jealous, greedy, secretive, manipulative; on the other hand, weak, incapable, self-destructive, anxious, depressive, fearful, chaotic, inconvenient.

These people lose their abilities to trust people, their experiences limit them till the points where they are no longer fully functioning people. Their frequencies change from high to low because they accepted energies that they wouldn’t accept with a clear mind. They become lesser. They lose the living God inside of them, those magical particles that everyone loves and adores. They experience death of beauty inside themselves. A horrible scene.

When self-awareness kicks in, people are either chasing their Godlike powers or they are running away from them. Either they choose to heal or they choose to grow in the space that had been handed to them, either way that movement keeps expanding their boundaries, till points of total collapse and destruction or full mind, body, spirit recovery. Not in all cases, because conscious people have the ability to simply be okey no matter what happens in their lives, their filters work properly, and their understanding of reality keeps them grounded on the right path, while the outer world and Universes don’t really have much power over that what is happening inside of them. Indicator of strong and intelligent people. But conscious evil is the worst of all evils, so I don’t really know what to say about it, it just is how it is, but it’s not okey.

You have to look at the first minutes, hours, days and years of your relationships as on a foundation. When it is honest, true and real, it is solid like concrete; when those are lies, illusions, twists and turntable games, it becomes something else, I will just call it blindness, but I meant to say that it’s just a pile of shit in which you both will find yourselves when your eyes will open up and your emotional and mental mind will have to face the truth.

It’s a doomed deep pit with deep ship in it and everyone who comes out of it are full of poison and they keep on spreading it and they fuck up the whole society, by bits. It’s a sad truth. Not all of them of course and not all of them are guilty; some of them simply had no other choice and half of them most definitely are victims that had to feel this poison forming and growing inside of them, just because they wanted to be loved, because they desired passion and multidimensional connection.

After one night nothing much will change in your life: you might lift up a negative baggage if something goes wrong and you might become a temporary source of negativity, but you will be alright. There are more distant steps that people take while dressed up as completely different people. “Like, even serial killers had wives and families and how did that ended for them? For the ones we know I mean..” Anyway, jumped in a puddle here, but that’s alright, I’m just saying, dishonesty creates illusions and illusions are real only for as long as you believe in them, plus they make you retarded and when you are retarded, you make other people retarded as well. “How can you love your partner and consciously make her or him stupid? This goes to your friends and family too: why would you want to make your friends and family stupid?” You need to increase the levels in your space instead of decreasing them. Rude, ugly, selfish, disgusting, humiliating, retarded, shameful, disgraceful, pathetic, lame and abusive behaviour, there are more cool words that fit in there, but never mind, these will do the trick.

I must note that also writers who teach higher levels to people and encourage them to make changes in their lives when many aren’t really ready for such sudden switches are damaging our global society, but only when they are not leaving the warning signs. Sadly, sometimes, people who are influenced by great minds and personalities ruin their lives in their attempts to achieve great and even simple goals in life, so please be aware of your own power and the shortage of power that comes from simple words and other people’s experiences. If everything were as simple as for writers to say, “Go to church, you will be given a bag of one million dollars and from there you can do as you please!” Then nobody would ever be guilty of anything, but if a writer says, “Take risks, be crazy, enjoy your life!’’ and then the reader dies in a parachute accident, after taking written words seriously, well that’s a different story.

Relationships and people, I perceive in simple circles and it’s an easy way to see how we all connect: before two people meet, they are two separate circles, they move closer to each other, they cover each other’s space, and if they don’t feel satisfaction and comfort inside each other’s circles, they push each other out and there are no relationships anymore, if they feel good, then their centres will pull them closer to each other until they become one. And that is the purest and the most honest form of love. At this point, there are no more boundaries, only those that will be expanded together, everything is familiar, it’s a perfect alliance, oneness, twin or just a flame. These are the healthiest, most natural relationships, two magnets connecting with beautiful harmony, that resonate with each other on the same emotional frequency. It’s energy, it’s natural honesty and there is nothing more powerful than that.

When you are honest and move through life with truth in front of you, you also need to learn how to accept the hard truths and complex realities. Life can be very difficult at times, nobody is living a fairy-tail life, there is dirt under the carpet in almost every temple. People need to understand that complexities are part of life and relationships, we simply don’t need to hang our issues on the wall, they can stay under the carpet until everything gets cleaned up.

You need to learn how to forgive, how to lift up the heavy weight, you need to allow people to trust you, because if they are honest and you immediately betray them, they will not be healed, and you, your light will not make any difference. Honesty is a quality of a healer, just like acceptance and forgiveness: you need to upgrade these qualities all the time. You need to understand everything, for you not to be offended, intimidated and hurt by everything you see, hear and think you understand. That goes straight to empathy.



I got to start this part by saying that extremely empathic people struggle the most with forming new relationships unless they are picked up by some strong extroverts. If their minds and feelings are balanced, if they are capable of perceiving information through outside of their own and other egos, they will not have any problems at all to keep their relationships healthy; but before they have reached that point, their emotional and mental centres will make them hypersensitive to almost everything that isn’t ordinary, because they get triggered by everything.

Unfamiliarity is the issue, not fears. People have no problem stepping over their boundaries and most people have no problem with being hurt either, nor they are afraid of failure, it is simply the thing that makes sense to people, because we had been thought that it is so. Anxious feelings we receive all the time: job interviews, tests, when facing hard truths, when meeting old friends and even family after a long time, when buying a new car, when driving the new car, everywhere, that doesn’t mean that we are not going to do those things, we are simply facing something that we don’t know and don’t understand entirely, uncertainty of what’s about to happen.

All these things are also very exciting and when it comes to relationships, our minds, that want the best for the other circle, will always respond accordingly to what they absorb, and everything is new to them and unexpected, because they don’t put much thoughts into movement, they are not trying to understand themselves and their other half’s, they are simply emotionally conscious and self-absorbent, responsive. In safe environments people are open and accepting and good things happen, in new, unfamiliar environments, they lack balance and clarity, because they are looking for emotional explanation and patterns. They are following their feelings, what in fact isn’t really that good of a thing if your intelligence is overly one-sided, it means you are full of perhaps intentionally projected and self-created illusions.

Anxiety and uncertainty are all over the place, that is the reason why experienced confident people, who perhaps may even not possess all the good qualities, tend to be much better at forming new relationships. The reason is that they can easily ignore the negative signals that come from outer circles and their own insecurities as well. They are not allowing negative patterns to control them, they are not emotionally sensitive, they are in dominant mind space, from which they can easily manipulate people. And when I say manipulate, I don’t mean it in a wrong way. Everything is manipulation: breathing, walking, writing, talking, sleeping, even seeing, because everything you see you perceive with your mind and your mind is manipulating your understanding. It’s a controlled movement, synchronicity, so the word manipulation is not evil at all, only with bad, evil intentions this word has a bad meaning.

If manipulation would be evil, then all conscious people would be evil. Conscious people are not evil, because conscious men and women know that by doing evil things you will trap yourself into something that you will not be able to gain from. In fact, it’s a trigger of destruction and death. Intelligent people don’t trigger such patterns, only when they are afraid, they do; but on the other hand, if they are afraid, they obviously don’t know something for certain. But not always we can know, and at times when there is a way, that way could be too dangerous to use. Sometimes, it is better to be afraid, at least that is my conclusion.