Old Age - Anton Chekhov - Hörbuch

Old Age Hörbuch

Anton Chekhov

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In Old Age by Anton Chekhov we have the theme of change, loss, renewal, memories, guilt and despair. Taken from his The Complete Stories collection the story is narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator and very early on in the story the reader realises that Chekhov may be exploring the theme of change. Since Uzelkov has returned to his hometown he cannot imagine the differences the town has undertaken. It is not the place that he has left and there is a sense of modernity. Even the old waiter cannot remember the parts of the town that Uzelkov can. What is also interesting about the town is that Uzelkov has many memories there. Including marrying and divorcing his first wife there. But this seems like a distant memory and only Shapkin can recall the marriage and the divorce. For he was responsible for the legal case and was paid handsomely for his duties. Over all Old Age is sad tale that lets the reader know that despite the passing of time, time is not a great healer and that the only real winner is Shapkin.

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Zeit:0 Std. 12 min

Sprecher:Belinda Hillman
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