Raphael 1 and the magic fountain - Raphaël Jean-Philippe Toreille - E-Book

Raphael 1 and the magic fountain E-Book

Raphaël Jean-Philippe Toreille



Our story begins in an imaginary world in the kingdom of Reas and Pales. Raphael, our young hero, is called upon to defeat the cruel and evil Nomrad, King of Pales, and prevent him from finding the Magic Fountain. He can count on the help of his friends and Queen Marianne de Réas. Will they succeed in foiling King Nomrad's Machiavellian plans?


R.J.P Toreille is originally from the Ile de Ré. Mythology, history, authors and daily life are for him the source from which he draws the essence of his writings.

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R.J.P Toreille

Raphael 1

And the Magic Fountain


© Lys Bleu Éditions – R.J.P Toreille

ISBN :979-10-422-1636-8

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Translated from French to English

by Galina Pascual.


It started one summer morning.

Raphael, aged ten years old, celebrated with his parents their recognition in gold which they had found in the river next to their house.

When suddenly the King arrived with his lion-headed scepter and black long cape and intervened with his valet and their horses.

He asked in anger:

Where did you find this gold?

I’d rather die than tell you that! said Raphael’s father.

So, let it be! announced the King.

His majesty gave an order to his servant to take the gold and kill the parents of young Raphael in front of his eyes.

Being only ten years old the young boy looked at the murderer of his parents and shout of sadness:

You will pay for this with your life!

Be happy by staying alive, explained the sovereign.

Then he went to the castle with his henchman and the gold bursting out in laughter under his black beard leaving the boy abandoned.

Raphael mourned giving one last look at his parents, when suddenly a professor dressed in purple and pink, who was searching for mushrooms, met him and saw him alone, standing on his knees, he approached slowly and took him in his arms.

So sad to see the scene that has just seen before his own eyes, the man with a basket full of mushrooms and some plants, had tears in his eyes for the ten year old.

So this man put his basket on the ground and slowly approached him and hugged him.

Who are you ? Raphael asks with immense sadness.

I am the Professor Kurt, I am saddened for you my child.

Mom, Dad, I love you, Raphael cries.

Raphael broke down more and more, as Professor Kurt quickly hugged him.

He then said:

Calm down, he said sadly.

The teacher lifts Raphael up and puts him on a bench and decides to bury the boy's parents and pray for them one last time.

In front of the tombs Raphael approached with the flowers he had picked and placed them on heap of earth.

Mom, Dad, I'll do anything to make you proud of me, he says.

Now we have to go, I'll take care of you, my house and a few kilometers from here.

They get up at the same time, and Raphael walked with Professor Kurt, but Raphael turned his head to his parents, and he looked in front of him again.

Professor Kurt collects his basket of mushrooms and plants.

And they walk together with sadness and the man decided to keep the boy with him and take care of him.

Chapter 1

The discovery

Ten years had passed and Raphael grew up well. He was a charming young man by the moment, with long hazelnut hair and the skin of the brightest moonlight color. He was taken to professor Kurt’s thatched cottage.

He was a magician qualified in spells.

While Raphael was cleaning the outside windows, he was signing very joyfully with the birds who were around him.

Finally, I have finished, I am going to take some water right now, told


He took the bucket and threw the dirty water out in the bushes and walked slowly towards a well. When suddenly while he was scooping another bucket of water, the professor went out of his thatched cottage and asked:

Raphael, may I ask you something?

Sure, he answered.

Raphael put his bucket down slowly on the edge of the well and joined Kurt inside of the thatched cottage.

What do you want to tell me? asked Raphael, who sat down on a chair.

The professor asked our young hero to go to pick up fruits and plants in the forest, Raphael stood up, puts his coat on, tided his hair up with a blue ribbon.

Does it look good this way? asked Raphael.

Very good I may tell you.

Raphael left the thatched cottage in the course of the winter weather and walked into the snow as professor Kurt sat down on the desk taking his time to read a book.

I hope he will understand... murmured Professor Kurt.

And he continued reading his book.

He arrived to the forest singing joyfully under his cape with the birds. That’s how he attracted attention of one young man on the white horse. The man had black hair and sky-blue eyes.

He had a slim, however muscled figure, under the white T-shirt, a long navy-blue cape, the tight fingers in the gloves holding reins.

He went to the forest on his usual hunting.

We will definitely find something! he exclaimed.

Suddenly the man found a deer who prowled into the forest, so the man prepared his bow and got ready to shoot, when he heard a voice which attracted his attention.

He heard and was attracted by this lyrical dignified song of a castrato. He put his bow away, and started galloping to join this voice.

I must find him immediately!

Raphael was picking up the flowers and plants which he found on his way and decided to sit down near the frozen brook.

Not far away, the man found him sitting on a rock and singing all alone, being intrigued, he approached towards him keeping his arms, and frightened our hero.

In a soft voice he told him:

I am sorry, I did not want to scare you.

Raphael panicked and fled hiding behind a tree, the man told him:

Sorry, come back, you have a magnificent voice!

It is not like that, but I feel stupid if I look at you, responded Raphael, a little bit scared.

The man told him that he wanted Raphael to continue singing, and he started aging, followed by the man. Raphael was happy to come out of his hideout and he approached towards the man. Two men sang and danced together, after they lay down in the snow. The man fell in love with Raphael, he got closer to kiss him.

I love you, said the man.

Raphael turned his head abruptly and saw the sundown and he noticed it was late and he had to leave.

Our heroes got up et ran quickly with birds and baskets.

Who are you? What is your name? asked the man.

I am Raphael and I hope to see you soon again, cried our hero.

He left the forest with his basket and the man let him go falling in love with Raphael and hoping to see him again.

Our hero did not know that this young man of thirty years old was a prince.

He joined Professor Kurt with the fruit and plants he had been asked for, but as he reached the cottage he shouted:

Professor Kurt! Professor Kurt! cried Raphael.

The professor heard him calling, he got up from his chair and he moved forward to the window and looked outside.

When Raphael arrived, he pushed the door, put his basket on the table and the professor asked him:

Are you doing well, Raphael? Kurt asks as he approaches and kneels before him.