Scaramouche the King-Maker - Sabatini Rafael - E-Book

Scaramouche the King-Maker E-Book

Sabatini Rafael

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Sabatini takes up the story of Scaramouche as the revolutionary leaders like Robespierre turn to terror to squelch any chance for royalist sympathizers or the remaining nobility to play a role in France's political future. Scaramouche pursues a course that sets him in opposition to Robespierre while trying to secure the affections of his beloved Aline.

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Scaramouche the King-Maker

by Rafael Sabatini

First published in 1931

This edition published by Reading Essentials

Victoria, BC Canada with branch offices in the Czech Republic and Germany

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All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, except in the case of excerpts by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review.

Scaramouche the King-Maker

by Rafael Sabatini



The Travellers






Baron de Batz



The Revolutionary



The Rescue



The Apology



Madame de Balbi












The Splendid Failure



The Vulnerable Point












In the Rue Charlot



At Charonne



Langéac's Report









The Tempting of Chabot






The Brothers Frey



The Genius of D'Entragues



The Interdict



Chabot Triumphant









The Bait



The India Company









The Incorruptible



Thorin's Letter






The Interruption



The Candid Marquis



The Citizen-Agent






The Dossier



The Thunderbolt



Princely Gratitude



On the Bridge



Account Rendered



Back to Hamm




It was suspected of him by many that he had no heart. Repeatedly he allows this suspicion to be perceived in the course of those Confessions of his upon which I drew so freely for the story of the first part of his odd life. In the beginning of that story, we see him turning his back, at the dictates of affection, upon an assured career in the service of Privilege. At the end of it, we see him forsaking the cause of the people in which he had prospered and, again at the dictates of affection, abandoning the great position won.

Of the man who, twice within the first twenty-eight years of his life, deliberately, in the service of others, destroys his chances of success, it is foolish to say that he has no heart. But it was the whim of André-Louis Moreau to foster that illusion. His imagination had early been touched by the teaching of Epictetus, and deliberately he sought to assume the characteristics of a Stoic: one who would never permit his reason to be clouded by sentiment, or his head to be governed by his heart.

He was, of course, by temperament an actor. It was as Scaramouche, and as author, player, and organiser of the Binet Troupe, that he had found his true vocation. Persisting in it, his genius might have won him a renown greater than the combined renowns of Beaumarchais and Talma. Desisting from it, however, he had carried his histrionic temperament into such walks of life as he thereafter trod, taking the world for his stage.

Such temperaments are common enough, and commonly they are merely tiresome.

André-Louis Moreau, however, succeeds in winning our interest by the unexpectedness of what he somewhere frankly and fantastically calls his exteriorizations. His gift of laughter is responsible for this. The comic muse is ever at his elbow, though not always obvious. She remained with him to the end, although in this, the second part of his history, his indulgence of the old humour is fraught with a certain bitterness in a measure as the conviction is borne in upon him that in the madness of the world there is more evil than was perceived by those philosophers who have sought to teach it sanity.

His flight from Paris at a moment when, as a man of State, a great career was opening before him, was a sacrifice dictated by the desire to procure the safety of those he loved: Aline de Kercadiou, whom he hoped to marry; Monsieur de Kercadiou, his godfather; and Madame de Plougastel, whose natural son it had been so lately discovered to him that he was. That flight was effected without adventure. Every barrier was removed by the passport carried by the Representative André-Louis Moreau, which announced that he travelled on the business of the National Assembly, commanded all to lend him such assistance as he might require, and warned all that they hindered him at their peril.

The berline conveying them travelled by way of Rheims; but continuing eastward, it began to find the roads increasingly encumbered by troops, gun-carriages, service-wagons, commissariat trains, and all the unending impedimenta of an army on the march.

So as to make progress, they were constrained to turn north, towards Charleville, and thence east again, crossing the lines of the National Army, still commanded by Luckner and La Fayette, which awaited the enemy who for over a month now had been massing on the banks of the Rhine.

It was this definite movement of invasion which had driven the populace of France to frenzy. The storming of the Tuileries by the mob, and the horrors of the 10th of August, gave the answer of the populace to the pompous minatory ill-judged manifesto bearing the signature of the Duke of Brunswick, but whose real authors were Count Fersen and the rash Queen. By its intemperate menaces this manifesto contributed more perhaps than any other cause to the ruin of the King whom it was framed to save; for the Duke of Brunswick's threats to the people of France made the King appear in the guise of a public danger.

This, however, was not the point of view of Monsieur de Kercadiou, Lord of Gavrillac, travelling under the revolutionary ægis of his godson to safety beyond the Rhine. In the uncompromising expressions of the Duke, Quentin de Kercadiou heard the voice of the man who is master of the situation, who promises no more than it is within his power to perform. What resistance could those raw, ill-clad, ill-nourished, ill-equipped, ill-trained, ill-armed troops, through whose straggling lines they had passed, offer to the magnificent army of seventy thousand Prussians and fifty thousand Austrians, fortified by twenty-five thousand French émigrés, including the very flower of French chivalry?

The Breton nobleman's squat figure reclined at greater ease on the cushions of the travelling-carriage after his glimpse of the ragged, ill-conditioned forces of the Nation. Peace entered his soul, and cast out anxiety. Before the end of the month the Allies would be in Paris. The revolutionary carnival was all but at an end. There would follow for those gentlemen of the gutter a period of Lent and penitence. He expressed himself freely in these terms, his glance upon the Citizen-Representative Moreau, as if challenging contradiction.

'If ordnance were all,' said André-Louis, 'I should agree with you. But battles are won by wits as well as guns; and the wits of the man who uttered the Duke's manifesto do not command my respect.'

'Ah! And La Fayette, then? Is that a man of genius?' The Lord of Gavrillac sneered.

'We do not know. He has never commanded an army in the field. It may be that he will prove no better than the Duke of Brunswick.'

They came to Diekirch, and found themselves in a swarm of Hessians, the advance-guard of the Prince of Hohenlohe's division, which was to move upon Thionville and Metz, soldiers these—well-equipped, masterful, precisely disciplined, different, indeed, from those poor straggling ragamuffins who were to dispute their passage.

André-Louis had removed the tricolour sash from his olive-green riding-coat and the tricolour cockade from his conical black hat. His papers, a passport to service in France, but here a passport to the gallows, were bestowed in an inner pocket of his tightly buttoned waistcoat, and now it was Monsieur de Kercadiou who took the initiative, announcing his name and quality to the allied officers, so as to obtain permission to pass on. It was readily yielded. Challenges were little more than an empty formality. Émigrés were still arriving, although no longer in their former numbers, and, anyway, the allies had nothing to apprehend from anyone passing behind their lines.

The weather had broken, and by sodden roads which almost hourly grew heavier, the horses fetlock deep in mud, they came by Wittlieb, where they lay a night at a fair inn, and then, with clearer skies overhead and a morass underfoot, they trailed up the fertile valley of the Moselle by miles of dripping vineyards, whose yield that year gave little promise.

And so, at long length, a full week after setting out, the berline rolled past the Ehrenbreitstein with its gloomy fortress, and rumbled over the bridge of boats into the city of Coblentz.

And now it was Madame de Plougastel's name that proved their real passport; for hers was a name well known in Coblentz. Her husband, Monsieur de Plougastel, was a prominent member of the excessive household by means of which the Princes maintained in exile an ultra-royal state, rendered possible by a loan from Amsterdam bankers and the bounty of the Elector of Trèves.

The Lord of Gavrillac, pursuing habits which had become instincts, alighted his party at the town's best inn, the Three Crowns. True, the National Convention, which was to confiscate the estates of emigrated noblemen, had not yet come into being; but meanwhile those estates and their revenues were inaccessible; and the Lord of Gavrillac's possessions at the moment amounted to some twenty louis which chance had left him at the moment of departure. To this might be added the clothes in which he stood and some trinkets upon the person of Aline. The berline itself belonged to Madame de Plougastel, as did the trunks in the boot. Madame, practising foresight, had brought away a casket containing all her jewels, which at need should realize a handsome sum. André-Louis had left with thirty louis in his purse. But he had borne all the expenses of the journey, and these had already consumed a third of that modest sum.

Money, however, had never troubled the easy-going existence of the Lord of Gavrillac. It had never been necessary for him to do more than command whatever he required. So he commanded now the best that the inn could provide in accommodation, food, and wine.

Had they arrived in Coblentz a month ago, they must have conceived themselves still in France, for so crowded had the place been with émigrés that hardly any language but French was to be heard in the streets, whilst the suburb of Thal, across the river, had been an armed camp of Frenchmen. Now that the army had at last departed on its errand of extinguishing the revolution and restoring to the monarchy all its violated absolutism, the French population of Coblentz, as of other Rhineland towns, had been reduced by some thousands. Many, however, still remained with the Princes. They were temporarily back at Schönbornlust, the magnificent Electoral summer residence which Clement Wenceslaus had placed at the disposal of his royal nephews: the two brothers of the King, the Comte de Provence and the Comte d'Artois, and the King's uncle, the Prince de Condé.

In return the Elector's generosity had been abused and his patience sorely tried.

Each of the three princes had come accompanied by his mistress, and one by his wife as well; and they had brought into Saxony, together with the elegancies, all the ribaldries, the gallantries, and the intriguings of Versailles.

Condé, the only one of any military worth—and his military worth and reputation were considerable—had established himself at Worms and had organized there into an army the twenty-five thousand Frenchmen who had gone to range themselves under his banner for the crusade on behalf of Throne and Altar.

Monsieur and his brother the Comte d'Artois, however, were not only the true representatives of royalty to these exiles, but the enemies of the constitution which the King had accepted, and the champions of all the ancient privileges the abolition of which had been the whole aim of the original revolutionaries. It was about these princes at Coblentz that a court had assembled itself, maintained at enormous cost at Schönbornlust for his royal nephews by their long-suffering host. Their followers with their wives and families disposed themselves in such lodgings as the town offered and their means afforded. At first money had been comparatively plentiful amongst them, and they had spent it with the prodigality of folk who had never learnt to take thought for the morrow. In that time of waiting they had beguiled their leisure in the care-free occupations that were habitual to them. They had turned the Bonn Road into an image of the Cours la Reine; they rode and walked, gossiped, danced, gambled, made love, intrigued, and even fought duels in despite of the Electoral edicts. Nor was that all the scandal they gave. The licence they permitted themselves was so considerable that the kindly old Elector had been driven to complain that the morals of his own people were being corrupted by the unseemly conduct, the insolent bearing, the debauched habits, and the religious indifference of the French nobility. He even ventured to suggest to the Princes that, example being so much more powerful than precept, they should set their own houses in order.

With eyebrows raised at an outlook so narrow and provincial, his nephews pointed out to him in turn that the life of a prince is never so orderly as when he has acquired a maîtresse-en-titre. And the gentle, indulgent old archbishop could not find it in his heart to distress his royal nephews by further insistence.

Monsieur de Kercadiou and his party reached Coblentz at noon on the 18th of August. Having dined and made such toilet as was possible to men without change of garments, they reëntered the still bespattered berline, and set out for the Château, a mile away.

The fact that they came straight from Paris, whence there had been no news for the past ten days, ensured them instant audience. By a broad staircase kept by glittering gold-laced officers and a spacious gallery above, where courtiers sauntered, elegant of manner, vivacious of speech, and ready of laughter as in the Œil de Bœuf at Versailles of old, the newcomers were brought to an antechamber by a gentleman usher, who went forward to announce them.

Even now that the majority of the men had departed with the army there still remained here a sufficient throng, made up of the outrageous retinue which these Princes insisted upon maintaining. Prudence in expenditure, the husbanding of their borrowed resources, was not for them.

After all, they still believed that the insubordination of the French masses was but a fire of straw which even now the Duke of Brunswick was marching to extinguish, a fire which could never have been kindled but for the supineness, the incompetence, the jacobinism of the King, to whom in their hearts these émigrés were no longer loyal. Their fealty was to their own order, which within a few weeks now would be restored. The Duke's manifesto told the canaille what to expect. It should be to them as the writing on the wall to the Babylonians.

Our travellers made for a while a little group apart: André-Louis, slight and straight in his olive-green riding-coat with silver buttons, the sword through the pocket, his buckskins and knee-boots, his black hair gathered into a queue that was innocent of any roll; Monsieur de Kercadiou, in black-and-silver, rather crumpled, squat of figure, and middle-aged, with the slightly furtive manner of a man who had never accustomed himself to numerous assemblies; Madame de Plougastel, tall and calm, dressed with a care that set off her fading beauty, her gentle, wistful eyes more observant of her natural son, André-Louis, than of her surroundings; and Aline de Kercadiou, slight, virginal, and lovely in a rose brocade, her golden hair dressed high, her blue eyes half-shyly taking stock of her surroundings.

They attracted no attention until a gentleman issuing from the presence chamber, the salon d'honneur, made his way briskly towards them. This gentleman, no longer young, of middle height, inclining to portliness, moved even in his present haste with an air of consequence which left no doubt of the opinion in which he held himself. He was resplendent in yellow brocade and glittered at several points.

André-Louis had an intuition of his identity before he reached them, before he was bending formally over the hand of Madame de Plougastel, and announcing in an utterly emotionless voice his satisfaction at beholding her at last in safety.

'It was by no wish of mine, madame, as I think you are aware, that you remained so long in Paris. It would have been better, I think, for both of us had you decided to make the journey sooner. Now it was scarce worth the trouble. For very soon, following in Monsieur's train, I should have come to you. However, I give you welcome. I hope that you are well. I trust that you will have travelled comfortably.'

Thus, in stilted, pompous phrases, did the Count of Plougastel receive his countess. Without pausing for any reply from her, he swung half-aside. 'Ah, my dear Gavrillac! Ever the attentive cousin, the faithful cavalier, is it not?'

André-Louis wondered was he sneering, watched him narrowly as he pressed Kercadiou's hand, and found himself there and then moved to a profound dislike for this consequential gentleman with the big head on its short thick neck, the big nose that was Bourbon in shape, and the chin too big for strength, but not for obstinacy when considered with the stupid mouth.

'And this is your adorable niece,' the gentleman was continuing. He had a curiously purring voice and an affected enunciation. 'You have grown in beauty and in stature, Mademoiselle Aline, since last we met.' He looked at André-Louis, and checked, frowning, as if in question.

'This is my godson,' said the Lord of Gavrillac shortly, withholding a name that had become a thought too famous.

'Your godson?' The black eyebrows were raised on that shallow brow. 'Ah!'

Then others, having realized Madame de Plougastel's identity, came crowding, chattering about them, with rustle of silken skirts and tapping of red-heeled shoes, until the Count, remembering the august personage awaiting the travellers, rescued them from that frivolous throng, and ushered them into the presence.



Wondering if his own attendance was either necessary or desirable, but yielding to Monsieur de Kercadiou's gentle insistence, André-Louis found himself in a spacious pillared room that was lighted by very tall windows. A beam of pallid sunshine, breaking through heavy clouds, touched into vividness the colours of the soft Aubusson carpet, glinted on the profuse gildings against their white background, and sparkled in the great crystal chandelier that hung from the painted ceiling.

In a gilded armchair, from either side of which a flock of courtiers of both sexes was spread fanwise athwart the chamber, André-Louis observed a portly, florid man in the middle thirties, dressed in grey velvet finely laced in gold with the blue ribbon of the Holy Ghost across his breast.

Without having yet reached the pronounced obesity of his brother, Louis XVI, which in time he was to exceed, the Count of Provence already showed every sign of the same tendency. He had the big Bourbon nose, a narrow brow, whence his face widened downwards to a flabby double chin, and the full, excessively curling lips of the sensualist. The blue eyes were full and fine under heavy, smoothly arching eyebrows. He had a look of alertness without intelligence, of importance without dignity. Observing him, André-Louis read him accurately for stupid, obstinate, and vain.

The slight woman in white-and-blue sarcenet with the pumpkin headdress, hovering on his right, was the Countess of Provence. At no time attractive, her countenance now almost repelled by its sneering air of discontent. The younger woman on his left, who, if also without conspicuous beauty of features, was agreeably formed and of a lively expression, was the Countess of Balbi, his recognized mistress.

Monsieur de Plougastel led his countess forward. Monsieur inclined his powdered head, mumbling a greeting, his eyes dull. They quickened, however, when Mademoiselle de Kercadiou was presented. They seemed to glow as they took stock of her delicate golden loveliness, and the curl of the gross lips was increased into a smile.

'We give you welcome, mademoiselle. Soon we shall hope to welcome you to a worthier court, such as you were born to grace.'

Mademoiselle curtsied again with a murmured 'Monseigneur,' and would have withdrawn but that he detained her.

It was amongst his vanities to conceive himself something of a poet, and he chose now to be poetical.

How was it possible, he desired to know, that so fair a bloom from the garden of French nobility should never yet have come to adorn the court?

She answered him with commendable composure that five years ago, under the sponsorship of her uncle, Étienne de Kercadiou, she had spent some months at Versailles.

His Highness protested his annoyance with himself and Fate that he should have been unaware of this. He desired Heaven to inform him how such a thing should ever have come to pass. And then he spoke of her uncle Étienne, whom he had so greatly esteemed and whose death he had never ceased to deplore. In this he was truthful enough. There was a weakness in him which made him ever seek to lean upon some particular person in his following, rendering a favourite as much a necessity to him as a mistress. For a time this place had been filled by Étienne de Kercadiou, who, had he lived, might have continued to fill it, for Monsieur had this virtue, that he was loyal and steadfast in his friendships.

He detained her yet a while in aimless talk, whilst those about him, perceiving here no more than an exhibition of gallantry in a man whose callow ambition it was ever to appear in the guise of a gallant, grew impatient for the news from Paris which was expected from the men accompanying her.

Madame smiled sourly, and whispered in the ear of her reader, the elderly Madame de Gourbillon. The Countess of Balbi smiled too; but it was the indulgent, humorous smile of a woman who, if without illusions, is also without bitterness.

In the immediate background the Lord of Gavrillac waited with his hands behind him, nodding his great head, the light of satisfaction on his rugged pock-marked countenance to see his niece honoured by so much royal notice. At his side André-Louis stood stiff and grim, inwardly damning the impudence with which his Highness smirked and leered at Aline before the entire court. It was, he supposed, within the exercise of a royal prerogative to be reckless of what scandal he might cause.

It may have resulted from this that when at last the Lord of Gavrillac, having been presented and required to announce the latest news from Paris, begged leave to depute the task to his godson, there sprang from André-Louis's resentment a self-possession so hard and cold as to be almost ruffling to the feelings of those present.

His bow in acknowledgement of Monsieur's nod was scarcely more than perfunctory. Then erect, the lean, keen face impassive, his voice metallic, he delivered the brutal news without any softening terms.

'A week yesterday, on the tenth of the month, the populace of Paris, goaded to frenzy by the manifesto of the Duke of Brunswick and driven to terror by the news of a foreign army already on the soil of France, turned with the blind ferocity of an animal at bay. It stormed the Palace of the Tuileries and massacred to a man the Swiss Guard and the gentlemen who had remained there to defend the person of his Majesty.'

An outcry of horror interrupted him. Monsieur had heaved himself to his feet. His countenance had lost much of its high colour.

'And the King?' he quavered. 'The King?'

'His Majesty and the royal family found shelter under the protection of the National Assembly.'

An awed silence ensued, broken presently by Monsieur's impatience.

'What else, sir? What else?'

'The Sections of Paris appear to be at present the masters of the State. It is doubtful if the National Assembly can stand against them. They control the populace. They direct its fury into such channels as seems best to them.'

'And that is all you know, sir? All you can tell us?'

'That is all, Monseigneur.'

The large prominent eyes continued to survey him, if without hostility, without kindliness.

'Who are you, sir? What is your name?'

'Moreau, Highness. André-Louis Moreau.'

It was a plebeian name, awakening no memories in that elegant, frivolous world of woefully short memories.

'Your condition, sir?'

For Kercadiou, Aline, and Madame de Plougastel the moment was charged with suspense. It was so easy for André-Louis to avoid, as they hoped, full revelation. But he showed himself contemptuous of subterfuge.

'Until lately, until a week ago, I represented the Third Estate of Ancenis in the National Assembly.'

He felt rather than perceived the horrified, inward recoil from him of every person present.

'A patriot!' said Monsieur, much as he might have said 'a pestilence.'

Monsieur de Kercadiou came breathlessly to his godson's rescue. 'Ah, but, Monsieur, one who has seen the error of his ways. One who is now proscribed. He has sacrificed everything to his sense of duty to me, his godfather. He has rescued Madame de Plougastel, my niece, and myself from that shambles.'

Monsieur looked at the Lord of Gavrillac, at the Countess of Plougastel, and, lastly, at Aline. He found Mademoiselle de Kercadiou's glance full of intercession, and it seemed to soften him.

'You would add, mademoiselle?' he invited gently.

She was troubled. 'Why ... why, only that considering his sacrifice, I hope that Monsieur Moreau will deserve well of your Highness. He cannot now return to France.'

Monsieur inclined his fleshly head. 'We will remember that only. That we are in his debt for this. It will lie with Monsieur Moreau to make it possible for us in the time that is fast approaching to discharge this debt.'

André-Louis said nothing. In the hostile eyes that were bent upon him from every side, his calm seemed almost insolent. Yet two eyes in that assembly considered him with interest and without hostility. They belong to a stiffly built man of middle height and not more than thirty years of age, plainly dressed without fripperies: a man with a humorous mouth above an aggressive chin, and a prominent nose flanked by lively, quick-moving dark eyes under heavy brows.

Presently, when the court had broken into groups to discuss this dreadful news from Paris, and André-Louis, ignored, had withdrawn into one of the window embrasures, this man approached him. He carried a three-cornered hat with a white cockade, tucked under his right arm. His left hand rested on the steel hilt of his slim sword.

He came to a halt before André-Louis.

'Ah, Monsieur Moreau! Or is it Citizen Moreau?'

'Why, which you please, monsieur,' said André-Louis, alert.

'"Monsieur" will accord better with our environment.' He spoke with a soft, slurred accent, almost like a Spaniard, thus proclaiming his Gascon origin. 'Once, unless my memory betrays me, you were better known by yet another title: The Paladin of the Third Estate, was it not?'

André-Louis was not abashed. 'That was in '89, at the time of the spadassinicides.'

'Ah!' The Gascon smiled. 'Your admission is of a piece with the rest. I am of those who can admire gallantry wherever found. I love a gallant enemy as I loathe a flabby friend.'

'You have also a taste for paradox.'

'If you will. You made me regret that I was not a member of the Constituent Assembly, so that I might have crossed blades with you when you made yourself the militant champion of the Third Estate.'

'You are tired of life?' said André-Louis, who began to mistrust the gentleman's motives.

'On the contrary, mon petit. I love life so intensely that I must be getting its full savour; and that is only to be got when it is placed in hazard. Without that' ... he shrugged, '... as well might one be born an ox.'

The declaration, thought André-Louis, was one that went excellently with the man's accent.

'You are from Gascony, monsieur,' he said.

Mock gravity overspread the other's intrepid countenance. 'Po' Cap de Diou!' he swore as if to leave no doubt on the score of his origin. 'Now that is an innuendo.'

'I am always accommodating. It is to help you on your way.'

'On my way? But on my way to what, name of God?'

'To live intensely by the thrill of placing your life in hazard.'

'You suppose that that is what I seek?' The Gascon laughed shortly. He fell to fanning himself with his hat. 'Almost you put me in a heat, sir.' He smiled. 'I see the train of thought: this enemy camp; the general hostility to your opinions overriding even the generous thing you have done. There is no graciousness at court, sir, as any fool may perceive once his eyes cease to be dazzled by the superficial glitter. You gather that I am no man of courts. Let me add that I am certainly not the bully-lackey of any party. I desired, sir, to become acquainted with you. That is all. I am a monarchist to the marrow of my bones, and I detest your republican principles. Yet I admired your championship of the Third even more than I abhorred the cause you championed. Paradoxical, as you say. I am like that. You bore yourself as I should have wished to bear myself in your place. Where the devil is the paradox after all?'

André-Louis was brought to the point of laughter. 'You meet my stupidity with graciousness, sir.'

'Pish! I am not gracious. I but desire our better acquaintance. My name is de Batz; Colonel Jean de Batz, Baron of Armanthieu, by Gontz, which is in Gascony, as you have guessed. Though how the devil you guessed it, God alone knows.'

Monsieur de Kercadiou was ambling towards them. The Baron made a leg, valedictorily. 'Monsieur!'

And 'Serviteur!' said André-Louis, with an answering courtesy.



André-Louis was annoyed; not hotly annoyed; he was never that; but coldly bitter. He expressed it without tact considering his audience.

'The more I see of the nobility, the better I like the canaille; the more I see of royalty, the more I admire the roture.'

They sat—André-Louis, Aline and Monsieur de Kercadiou—in the long narrow room appropriated by the Lord of Gavrillac on the first floor of the Three Crowns. It was a room entirely Saxon in character. There was no carpet on the waxed floor. The walls were lined in polished pine adorned with some trophies of the chase: a half-dozen stags' heads, with melancholy glass eyes, the mask of a boar with enormous tusks, a hunting-horn, an antiquated fowling-piece, and some other kindred odds and ends. On the oak table, from which a waiter had lately removed the remains of breakfast, stood a crystal bowl containing a great sheaf of roses with which some lilies had been intermingled.

These flowers provided one source of André-Louis's ill-humour. They had been brought from Schönbornlust an hour ago by a very elegant, curled, and pomaded gentleman, who announced himself as Monsieur de Jaucourt. He had delivered them with expressions of homage from Monsieur to Mademoiselle de Kercadiou, in the hope—so ran the royal message—that they might brighten the lodging graced by mademoiselle until more suitable quarters should be found for her. The quarters in prospect were disclosed by a note of which Monsieur de Jaucourt was also the bearer, a note from Madame to Mademoiselle de Kercadiou. And this was the second source of André-Louis's annoyance. The note announced that Mademoiselle de Kercadiou was appointed a lady-in-waiting to Madame. Aline's bright transport at this signal and unexpected honour had supplied André-Louis's annoyance with yet a third source.

With deliberate rudeness upon apprehending Monsieur de Jaucourt's mission, he had gone to take his stand by the window, with his back to his companions, watching the rain that fell in sheets upon the churned mud of Coblentz. He had not even troubled to turn when Monsieur de Jaucourt had taken ceremonious leave. It was Monsieur de Kercadiou who had held the door for the departing messenger.

And now, when at last André-Louis condescended to speak, his slight, agile, well-knit body moving restlessly in the gloom and damp chill of that long chamber, it was to interrupt Aline's delighted chatter in those uncompromising terms.

She was startled, astounded. Her uncle was scandalized. In the old days for the half of those words he would have risen up in wrath, stormed upon his godson, and banished him from his presence. But in the course of that journey from Paris, a lethargy had been settling upon the Lord of Gavrillac. His spirit was reduced. It was as if, bending under the strain of the grim events of some ten days ago, he had suddenly grown old. Nevertheless, he reared his great head to combat this outrageous statement, and there was a note of anger in his voice.

'While you live under the protection of the one and the other, it were more decent to repress these republican insolences.'

Aline surveyed him, with a little frown above her candid eyes. 'What has disgruntled you, André?'

He looked down upon her across the table at which she was seated, and worship rose in him, as it ever did when he considered her, so fresh, so pure, so delicate, so dainty, her golden hair dressed high, but innocent of powder, a heavy curl resting on the right of her milk-white neck.

'I am fearful of all that approach you lest they go unaware of the holy ground upon which they tread.'

'And now we are to have the Song of Songs,' her uncle mocked him. Whilst Aline's eyes were tender, the Lord of Gavrillac pursued his raillery.

'You think that Monsieur de Jaucourt should have removed his shoes before entering this shrine?'

'I should have preferred him to have stayed away. Monsieur de Jaucourt is the lover of Madame de Balbi, who is the mistress of Monsieur. In what relationship those two gentlemen stand to each other as a consequence, I'll not inquire. But their brows would help to adorn that wall.' And he flung out a hand to indicate the antlered heads that gazed down upon them.

The Lord of Gavrillac shifted uncomfortably in his chair. 'If you would practise towards my niece half the respect you demand for her from others, it would be more decent.' Severely he added: 'You stoop to scandal.'

'No need to stoop. It comes breast-high. It assails the nostrils.'

Aline, whose innocence had been pierced at last by his allusion, coloured a little and looked away from him. Meanwhile he pursued his theme.

'Madame de Balbi is a lady-in-waiting upon Madame. And that, monsieur, is the honour proposed for your niece and my future wife.'

'My God!' ejaculated Monsieur de Kercadiou. 'What will you insinuate? You are horrible!'

'It is the fact, sir, that is horrible. I merely interpret it. It but remains for you to ask yourself if that vicious simulacrum of a court is a fitting environment for your niece.'

'It would not be if I believed you.'

'You don't believe me?' André-Louis seemed surprised. 'Do you believe your own senses, then? Can you recall how the news was received yesterday? How slight a ripple it made on the face of waters which it should have lashed into a storm?'

'Well-bred people do not abandon themselves in their emotions.'

'But they are grave at least. Did you observe much gravity after the first gasp of consternation? Did you, Aline?' Without giving her time to answer, he went on, 'Monsieur held you in talk for some time; longer, perhaps, than Madame de Balbi relished ...'

'André! What are you saying? This is outrageous.'

'Infamous!' said her uncle.

'I was about to ask you of what he talked. Was it of the horrors of last week? Of the fate of the King his brother?'


'Of what, then? Of what?'

'I scarcely remember. He talked of ... Oh, of nothing. He was very kind ... rather flattering ... What would you? He talked ... Oh, he talked as a gentleman talks to a lady, I suppose.'

'You suppose?' He was grim. The lean face with its prominent nose and cheek-bones was almost wolfish. 'You are a lady, and you have talked with gentlemen before. Did they all talk to you as he talked?'

'Why, in some such fashion. André, what is in your mind?'

'Ay, in God's name, what?' barked Monsieur de Kercadiou.

'It is in my mind that at such a time Monsieur might have found other occupation than to talk to a lady merely as gentlemen talk to ladies.'

'You make one lose patience,' said Monsieur de Kercadiou gruffly. 'Once the shock of the news was spent, where was the cause for anxiety? Within a month the allies will be at the gates of Paris, and the King will be delivered.'

'Unless the provocation makes the people kill him in the meantime. There was always that for Monsieur to consider. And, anyway, it is in my mind that Aline should not be a lady-in-waiting in a group that includes Madame de Balbi.'

'But in Heaven's name, André!' cried the Lord of Gavrillac. 'What can I do? This is not an invitation. It is a command.'

'Madame is not the Queen. Not yet.'

'As good as the Queen here. Monsieur is regent de posse, and may soon be so de facto.'

'So that,' said André slowly, almost faltering, 'the appointment is not to be refused?'

Aline looked at him wistfully, but said nothing. He got up abruptly, stalked to the window again, and stood there tapping the pane and looked out as before upon the melancholy rain, a queer oppression at his heart. Kercadiou, whose scowl bore witness to his annoyance, would have spoken but that Aline signalled silence to him.

She rose and crossed to André's side. She set her muslin-clad arm about his neck, drew down his head, and laid her smooth, softly rounded white cheek against his own. 'André! Are you not being very foolish? Very difficult? Surely, surely, you do not do me the honour of being jealous of Monsieur? Of Monsieur!'

He was softened by the caress, by the intoxicating touch of her so new to him still, so rarely savoured yet in this odd week of their betrothal.

'My dear, you are so much to me that I am full of fears for you. I dread the effect upon you of life in that court, where corruption is made to wear a brave exterior.'

'But I have been to court before,' she reminded him.

'To Versailles, yes. But this is not Versailles, although it strives to put on the same appearance.'

'Do you lack faith in me?'

'Ah, not that. Not that!'

'What, then?'

He frowned; searched his mind; found nothing definite there. 'I do not know,' he confessed. 'I suppose love makes me fearful, foolish.'

'Continue to be fearful and foolish, then.' She kissed his cheek and broke from him with a laugh, and thereby put an end to the discussion.

That same afternoon Mademoiselle de Kercadiou entered upon her exalted duties, and when later Monsieur de Kercadiou and his godson presented themselves at Schönbornlust, and stood once more amid the courtiers in that white-and-gold salon, Aline, a vision of loveliness in coral taffetas and silver lace, told them of the graciousness of Madame's welcome and of the condescension of Monsieur.

'He spoke to me at length of you, André.'

'Of me?' André-Louis was startled.

'Your manner yesterday made him curious about you. He inquired in what relationship we stood. I told him that we are affianced. Then, because he seemed surprised, I told him something of your history. How once you had represented your godfather in the States of Brittany, where you were the most powerful advocate of the nobility. How the killing of your friend Philippe de Vilmorin had turned you into a revolutionary. How in the end you had turned again, and at what sacrifice you had saved us and brought us out of France. He regards you very favourably, André.'

'Ah? He said so?'

She nodded. 'He said that you have a very resolute air, and that he had judged you to be a bold, enterprising man.'

'He meant to say that I am impudent and do not know my place.'

'André!' she reproached him.

'Oh, he is right. I don't. I refuse to know it until it is a place worth knowing.'

A tall, spare gentleman in black approached them, a swarthy man in the middle thirties, calm and assured of manner. His cheeks were deeply scored with lines, and hollow, as if from loss of teeth. This and the close set of his eyes lent a sinister air to the not unhandsome face. He came, he announced, to seek the acquaintance of Monsieur Moreau. Aline presented him as Monsieur le Comte d'Entragues, a name already well known for that of a daring, resolute royalist agent, a man saturated with the spirit of intrigue.

He made amiable small-talk until the Countess of Provence, a foolish artificial smile on her plain face, descended upon them. Archly scolding them for seducing her new lady-in-waiting from her duties, she swept Aline away, and left the two men together. But they were not long alone. Monsieur le Comte d'Artois very deliberately approached them, a tall, handsome man of thirty-five, so elegant of shape and movement that it was difficult to believe that he sprang from the same stock as his ponderous brothers, King Louis and Monsieur de Provence.

He was attended by a half-dozen gentlemen, two of whom wore the glittering green-and-silver with scarlet collars which was the uniform of his own bodyguard. Among the others André-Louis beheld the sturdy sardonic Monsieur de Batz, who flashed him a smile of friendly recognition, and the pompous countenance of Monsieur de Plougastel, who nodded frigidly.

Monsieur d'Artois, gravely courteous, his fine eyes intent, expressed satisfaction at the presence here of Monsieur Moreau in the happy circumstances which brought him. Soon André-Louis began to suspect that there was calculation in all this. For after Monsieur d'Artois's compliments came a shrewd questioning from Monsieur d'Entragues on affairs in Paris and of the movements and immediate aims of the revolutionary circles.

André-Louis answered frankly and freely where he could and with no sense of betraying anyone. In his heart he believed that the information he supplied could no more change the course of destiny than a weather-prophet's judgments can control the elements. This frankness conveyed the impression that he served the cause of the monarchists, and Monsieur d'Artois commended him for it.

'You will permit me to rejoice, Monsieur Moreau, in that a gentleman of your parts should have seen at last the error of his ways.'

'It is not the error of my ways that matters or was deplorable.'

The dry answer startled them. 'What, then, monsieur?' asked the King's brother, as dryly.

'The circumstance that those whose duty it is to enforce the constitution, so laboriously achieved, should be allowing their power to slip into the hands of scoundrels who will enlist a desperate rabble to gain them the ascendancy.'

'So that you are but half a convert, Monsieur Moreau?' His Highness spoke slowly. He sighed. 'A pity! You draw between two sets of canaille a distinction too fine for me. I had thought to offer you employment in the army. But since its aim is to sweep away without discrimination your constitutional friends as well as the others, I will not distress you with the offer.'

He swung abruptly on his heel and moved away. His gentlemen followed him, with the exception of Plougastel and de Batz, and of these Monsieur de Plougastel at once made it plain that he had lingered to condemn.

'You were ill-advised,' he said, gloomily self-sufficient.

'To come to Coblentz, do you mean, monsieur?'

'To take that tone with his Highness. It was ... unwise. You have ruined yourself.'

'I am used to that. I have often done it.'

Considering how André-Louis had last ruined himself with the revolutionaries and that Madame de Plougastel was one of those for whose sake he had done it, the hit, if sly, was shrewd and palpable.

'Ah, we know. We know your generosity, monsieur,' Plougastel made haste to amend in some slight confusion. 'But this was ... wanton. A little tact, monsieur. A little reticence.'

André-Louis looked him between the eyes. 'I'll practise it now with you, monsieur.'

He wondered why he disliked so much this husband of the lady whose natural son he knew himself to be. His first glimpse of him had been almost enough to make André-Louis understand and excuse his mother's frailty. This dull, pompous, shallow man, who lived by forms and ready-made opinions, incapable of independent thought, could never have commanded the fidelity of any woman. The marvel was not that Madame de Plougastel should have had a lover, but that she should have confined herself to one. It was, thought André-Louis, a testimonial to her innate purity.

Meanwhile Monsieur de Plougastel was being immensely, ludicrously dignified.

'I suspect, sir, that you laugh at me. I am too deeply in your debt to be in a position to resent it. You should remember that, sir. You should remember that.' And he sidled away, a man offended.

'It's an ungrateful task the giving of advice,' said de Batz, ironical.

'Too ungrateful to be worth undertaking uninvited.'

De Batz checked, stared, then frankly laughed. 'You are quick. Sometimes too quick. As now. And it's as bad to be too soon as too late. As a fencing-master, you should know that. The secret of success in life as in swordsmanship lies in a proper timing.'

'All this will have a meaning,' said André-Louis.

'Why, that I had no notion of offering advice. I never give unless I am sure of being thanked.'

'I hope that you do yourself less than justice.'

'Faith, I hope so, too. You goad a man. You would make it almost a pleasure to quarrel with you.'

'Few have found it so. Is that your aim, Monsieur de Batz?'

'Oh! Far from it, I assure you.' The Gascon smiled. 'From what you said to Monsieur d'Artois just now, I gather that you are at least a monarchist.'

'If I am anything at all, monsieur, which I sometimes doubt. I wrought, of course, with those who sought to give France a constitution, to set up a constitutional monarchy akin to that which governs England. There was nothing hostile to the King in this. Indeed, his Majesty himself has always professed to favour the idea.'

'Whereby his Majesty became unpopular with messieurs his brothers and with the nobles, so that some thirty thousand of them who support absolutism and privilege have emigrated and have set up here a new court. France today is a little like the Papacy when it had two sees, one in Rome and one in Avignon. This is the stronghold of absolutism, and since you not only are an enemy of absolutism, but have actually divulged the fact, there is nothing for you here. You have, in fact, been told so by Monsieur d'Artois. Now it is not good for an able and enterprising young man to be without employment. And for a monarchist abundant work is waiting at this moment.'

The Baron paused, his keen eyes on André-Louis's face.

'Continue, pray, monsieur.'

'It is kind of you to wish to hear me further.' Monsieur de Batz looked about him. They stood in mid-apartment, cleaving as it were the stream of sauntering courtiers. Away on their right, by the great marble fireplace, Monsieur, in dark blue, with a star of diamonds sparkling on his breast, sprawled untidily in an armchair. Idly he had thrust the ferrule of his cane into the inner side of his left shoe, and he was prodding with it there whilst entertaining a group of ladies in a conversation too gay and lively to be concerned with the heavy matters of the hour. Ever and anon his laugh would float across the room. It was the loud, unrestrained laugh of a foolish man; such a laugh as that which in his brother Louis XVI had offended the fine susceptibilities of the Marquise de Lâge; and there was a false note in it to the sensitive ears of André-Louis. He considered that he would not trust either the intelligence or the sentiments of a man with such a laugh. He frowned to see Aline foremost in the group, which included the Countess of Balbi, the Duchess of Caylus, and the Countess of Montleart; he was irritated by the expression in the eyes which Monsieur continually bent upon Aline and by Aline's apparent satisfaction in this royal notice.

Monsieur de Batz took him by the arm. 'Let us move where we shall be less in the way and better able to talk.'

André-Louis suffered himself to be steered into the embrasure of a window that overlooked the courtyard, where carriages of every kind and description waited. The rain had ceased, and again, as yesterday at this hour, the sun was struggling to pierce the heavy clouds.

'The King's position,' Monsieur de Batz was saying, 'is grown extremely precarious. He will have come to realize the wisdom of the emigration of his brothers and the nobles which he condemned when it took place. No doubt he realized it when he attempted to follow them only to be turned back at Varennes. He will be ready enough, therefore, to be fetched away now if it can be contrived. As a monarchist, Monsieur Moreau, you should desire to see the monarch out of peril. Would you be prepared to labour to contrive it?'

André-Louis took time to reply.

'Such a labour as that should be well-rewarded.'

'Rewarded? You do not believe, then, that virtue is its own reward?'

'Experience has shown me that the virtuous commonly perish of want.'

The Baron seemed disappointed. 'For so young a man you are oddly cynical.'

'You mean that my perceptions are not clouded by emotionalism.'

'I mean, sir, that you are not even consistent. You announce yourself a monarchist, yet you remain indifferent to the fate of the monarch.'

'Because my monarchism is not personal to Louis XVI. It is the office that matters, not the holder. King Louis XVI may perish, but there will still be a king in France, even if he does not reign.'

The dark face of de Batz was grave. 'You take a great many words, sir, merely to say "no." You disappoint me. I had conceived you a man of action, a man of bold enterprises. You reveal yourself as merely ... academic.'

'There must be theory behind all practice, Monsieur de Batz. I do not quite know what you propose to do or how you propose to do it. But the task is not one for me.'

De Batz looked sour. 'So be it. But I'll not conceal my regret. It may not surprise you, sir, incredible though it may seem, that I cannot find here a dozen gentlemen to engage with me in this enterprise. When I heard you announce yourself a monarchist, I took heart, for you would be worth a score of these fribbles to me. I might rake all France and never find a man more apt to my need.'

'You are pleased to flatter me, Monsieur de Batz.'

'Indeed, no. You have the qualities which the task demands. And you will not lack for friends among those in power, who would help you out of a difficult situation if you should fall into one.'

But André-Louis shook his head. 'You overrate both my qualities and my influence with my late associates. As I have said, sir, the task is not one for me.'

'Ah! A pity!' said de Batz frigidly, and moved away, leaving André-Louis with the impression that he had missed the only chance of making a friend that was offered him at Schönbornlust.



The days dragged on at Coblentz—days of waiting in which the hours are leaden-footed—their monotony intensified for André-Louis by the persistent foulness of the weather, which kept him within doors.

Mademoiselle de Kercadiou, however, was scarcely aware of it. Her beauty, liveliness, and amiability, winning the commendation of all, had justified the warmth of her welcome at court. With Monsieur and Madame alike she was in high favour, and even Madame de Balbi was observed to use her with great consideration, whilst of the men about the Princes it was said that one half at least were in love with her and in hot rivalry to serve her.

It was a state of things that made for the happiness of everybody but André-Louis, doomed to idleness and aimlessness in this environment into which he had been thrust, but in which there seemed to be no place or part for him. And then abruptly something happened which at least provided him with occupation for his wits.

He was taking the air one evening when it was so foul underfoot that only his restlessness could have sent him abroad. The wind had dropped and the air was close. On the heights of Pfaffendorf, across the Rhine, the green of the woods was lividly metallic against a sullen background of storm-clouds. He trudged on, following the yellow, swollen river, past the bridge of boats, with the mass of Ehrenbreitstein beyond, and the grim fortress like some grey, sprawling, ever-vigilant monster. He reached the confluence that gives Coblentz its name, and turning to the left followed now the tributary Moselle. Dusk was upon the narrow ways of the Alter Graben when he reached them. He turned a corner into a street that led directly to the Liebfraukirche, and came face to face with a man who at close quarters checked in his stride, to pause for an instant, then brushed swiftly past him and went on at an accelerated pace.

It was so odd that André-Louis halted there and swung about. Four things he had sensed: that this man, whoever he might be, had recognized him; that the meeting had taken him by surprise; that he had been about to speak; and that he had changed his mind, and then quickened his step so as to avoid a disclosure of himself. Nor was this all. Whilst André-Louis's face under the narrow-brimmed conical hat was still discernible in the fading daylight, the other's was in the masking shadow of a wide castor, and as if that were not enough he wore a cloak that muffled him to the nose.

Moved by curiosity and suspicion to go after him, André-Louis overtook him in a dozen swift strides, and tapped him on the shoulder.

'A word with you, my friend. I think we should know each other.'

The man bounded forward and round, loosening his cloak and disengaging his arms from its folds. In the very act of turning, he whipped out a small-sword, and presented the point at André-Louis's breast.

'At your peril!' His voice was muffled by the cloak. 'Be off, you footpad, before I put half a yard of steel in your entrails.'

Being unarmed, André-Louis hesitated for a couple of heartbeats. Then he played a trick that he had practised and taught in his fencing-master days in the Rue du Hasard, an easy trick if resolutely performed, but fatal to the performer if in the course of it he hesitates. With a rigid extended arm he knocked aside the blade, engaging it at the level of his elbow; swiftly continuing the movement, as if in a counter-parry, he partially enveloped it, seized the hilt by the quillons, and wrenched the weapon away. Almost before the other could realize what had happened, he found the point of his own sword presented to his vitals.

'To take me for a footpad is a poor pretence. You wear too many clothes for an honest man on so warm an evening. Let us look at this face of yours, my friend.' André-Louis leaned forward, and with his left hand pulled away the masking cloak, peering into the face which showed white under the shadow of the wide hat. Instantly, in recognition, he fell back, dropping the point of the sword and exclaiming in his profound amazement.

Before him stood the Representative Isaac Le Chapelier, that lawyer of Rennes who, having begun by being amongst André-Louis's most active enemies, had ended by being in many respects his closest friend, the protector whose encouragement and sponsorship had resulted in his election to the National Assembly. To meet this distinguished revolutionary, who once had occupied the Assembly's presidential chair, lurking here in a by-street of Coblentz in obvious fear of detection was the last thing that André-Louis could have expected. When he had conquered his astonishment, he was moved to laughter.

'On my life, yours is an odd way to greet an old friend, Isaac! Half a yard of steel in my entrails, eh?' On a sudden thought he asked: 'Have you come after me by any chance?'

Le Chapelier's answer was scornful. 'After you? My God! You think yourself of consequence if you suppose that a member of the Assembly is sent to fetch you back.'

'I did not ask you were you sent. I wondered if you had come out of the love you bear me, or some such weakness. If that is not what brings you to Coblentz, what does? And why are you afraid of recognition? Are you spying here, Isaac?'

'Better and better,' said the deputy. 'Your wits, my dear, have grown rusty since you left us. However, here I am; and a word from you can destroy me. What are you going to do?'

'You disgust me,' said André-Louis. 'Here. Take your sword. You conceive that friendship carries no obligations. Take your sword, I say. There are people coming. We shall attract attention.'

The deputy took the proffered weapon, and sheathed it. 'I have learnt,' he said,' to mistrust even friendship in political matters.'

'Not from me. Our relations never taught you that lesson.'

'Since you are here, I must suppose that you have turned your coat again; that you've returned to the fold of privilege. That will have its duties. It is what I realized the moment I set eyes on you. That is why I should have preferred to avoid you.'

'Let us walk,' said André-Louis, and taking Le Chapelier by the arm, he persuaded him along the way he had been going before his progress was interrupted.