Small Fry - Anton Chekhov - Hörbuch

Small Fry Hörbuch

Anton Chekhov

1,49 €

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"Small Fry" is a short story by Anton Chekhov originally published in Oskolki magazine on March 1885 and signed A. Chekhonte . The petty clerk Nevyrazimov, sitting in his office on the Easter Eve in the company of a cockroach scurrying the table, muses upon what he might do to make it in the world (steal big money or perhaps report on somebody to the secret police) but comes to the conclusion that such deeds would be beyond his abilities. Disgusted with the feeling of his own unworthiness he takes it out on the cockroach and "feels better".

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Zeit:0 Std. 8 min

Sprecher:Peter Coates
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