Summary of Bits and Pieces by Whoopi Goldberg: My Mother, My Brother, and Me - GP SUMMARY - E-Book

Summary of Bits and Pieces by Whoopi Goldberg: My Mother, My Brother, and Me E-Book


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  • Herausgeber: BookRix
  • Kategorie: Bildung
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024


Please note that this book contains a summary of the original content, which is a condensation of the key ideas and information found in the original book.

Therefore, it is recommended to read the original book for a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the topics discussed.

This summary is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of the original book.

Summary of Bits and Pieces by Whoopi Goldberg: My Mother, My Brother, and Me


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  • Exceptionally summarized content that you may skip in the original book
Whoopi Goldberg's memoir, Bits and Pieces, is a heartfelt tribute to her mother Emma Johnson, who provided her children with loving care and wisdom. Goldberg shares her personal stories of their enriching childhood in New York City, including trips to Coney Island and the Ice Capades. The memoir is a touching tribute to the three people who loved each other deeply, and Whoopi believes that not everyone gets to walk this earth with people who let them be who they are and give them the confidence to become who they want to be.

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Summary of

Bits and Pieces


Summary of Whoopi Goldberg’s book

My Mother, My Brother, and Me


Summary of Bits and Pieces by Whoopi Goldberg: My Mother, My Brother, and Me



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Please note that this book contains a summary of the original content, which is a condensation of the key ideas and information found in the original book. Therefore, it is recommended to read the original book for a comprehensive and detailed understanding of the topics discussed. This summary is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to infringe upon the intellectual property rights of the original book.

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The author shares her experience of losing her mother in 2010, and how her brother Clyde became her home base. She believed she would have her brother for at least 25 years, but after Clyde's death, she felt isolated and unsure of her own feelings. She began to doubt the authenticity of her memories and felt lonely for her family.

The author is writing a memoir to honor her mother, Emma, and her brother Clyde, who played a significant role in shaping her identity. She believes that her memories of her mother have faded over time, and she wants to put them down in words before they fade further.

The author has written various roles in movies, TV, and theater, as well as written books about relationships, aging, political and social issues, and manners. She believes it is time to write a book about her family, including her brother Clyde, and her mother, who never doubted her love for her and supported her in her dreams.

The author acknowledges the privilege of having a supportive family who allowed her to be who she is and gave her the confidence to become who she wants to be. She shares her own experiences and hopes that others can learn from their experiences.


The author reflects on his childhood with his mother, Emma Johnson, and brother, Clyde. They lived in the Chelsea projects in Manhattan, where they had about 2,400 close neighbors of various backgrounds. The author felt lucky to be a part of their family, as they had bonded in a magical nucleus.

Emma's mother encouraged the author to be themselves and explore their interests, even though they had no extra cash or inheritance. Emma's mother's mother died at age fifty, and her father remarried, leaving the author and Clyde alone.

Emma's mother would ask the author how she took them to see the Ice Capades and the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall, but she would never explain why. The author felt foolish and dropped the question, as it was a mystery to them then and now that Emma's mother has passed away. The author's childhood experiences with Emma and Clyde shaped their identity and experiences, and the author's journey continues to be a mystery to this day.

In the 1960s and '70s, New York City was a hub of culture, with various arts, theater, and cultural events nearby. My mother would make sure my children were in the mood for the latest exhibits at museums and galleries, even though she had a busy job. At home, we enjoyed various music, including the Beatles, which my mother had a particular fondness for. When the Beatles played at Shea Stadium in 1965, my mother secured tickets for us, despite my mother's disapproval of the Rolling Stones' music. She never expressed negative opinions about anyone, and she encouraged us to make it big and laugh when we felt bad. She believed in being practical and not complaining about what we didn't have. Despite this, my mother and Clyde enjoyed laughing together, and we shared a common bond of enjoying life together.

At eight, the author and their family enjoyed a fun-filled day at Rockaways' Playland amusement park, where they experienced a roller coaster ride with their mother. The author's mother struggled with her father's separation and couldn't afford a lawyer to help her. She refused to apply for welfare and never stood still for a moment. The author's mother had no alternative plan to fall back on, and she faced numerous challenges alone.

In 1994, the author asked their mother if she would join them onstage for the Rolling Stones' Voodoo Lounge Tour in Miami. She agreed, and the author watched her mother dancing in the front row, holding her cigarette lighter high above her head. This was how they lived life until the day her mother died. The author's mother had endured a lot of hardships, but she managed to manage her challenges alone. This story highlights the importance of understanding and supporting one's mother in life, even when faced with challenges and societal expectations.