The Denes Park Killings - C.J. Grayson - Hörbuch

The Denes Park Killings Hörbuch

C.J. Grayson


  • Herausgeber: Lind & Co
  • Kategorie: Krimi
  • Sprache: Englisch
  • Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

Darlington is a small Northern town where everyone knows everyone. But Detectives Orion Tanzy and Max Byrd know that small towns can harbour deadly killers . . . Anna Greenwell is walking home through the park with her six-year-old son when they come across a body. As soon as she sees the trainers and tracksuit, she knows. Her eldest was wearing those same clothes last night — and he never came home. At the post-mortem, Tanzy and Byrd see that Mark Greenwell's back is covered in deep scars. Some have healed, but others are fresh and raw. Someone was punishing this boy with regular whippings. Meanwhile, the new DCI is making things especially difficult for Tanzy, and Byrd is still grieving for his parents. But things get even worse when a nine-year-old boy disappears on his way to school. Damien Spencer went missing from the alley by his house. Is his abduction connected to the murder of Mark Greenwell? Tanzy and Byrd must find out — before it's too late.

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Zeit:8 Std. 23 min

Sprecher:Mike Rogers
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