The land of funny fairy tales - Stefanie Glinnemann - E-Book

The land of funny fairy tales E-Book

Stefanie Glinnemann

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"Fast propeller, Tamdilidi!" - sings Auntie Tine, the little snail. She has funny fairy tales in her rucksack. They were written down by her nephew, King Pü. Anyone who hears the stories is immediately cheerful and starts dancing. Every year, Aunt Tine travels to the animals in the forest and to the little man in the mushroom to spread good cheer. She visits the rabbits, the birds and the moles. She has even been spotted in a diving boat - on her way to the whale. After an exciting adventure with the bear family, she finally ends up with the narrator of this story. She wants to spend the winter there in comfort. But in the land of funny fairy tales, King Pü is beginning to worry about his beloved aunt ...

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Dear children, today I'm going to tell you a completely new story.

The story of a beautiful country, far away from here. Nobody knows exactly where it is because nobody has ever been there.

But if you close your eyes and think hard about this beautiful country, you will realize that it really exists!

Maybe you've dreamed about it before? If not, oh, that's not so bad! Because I want to tell you now! Listen to me and I'll tell you about it.

1. an unexpected guest

Just imagine, I had a visitor yesterday. I was just about to take a nap, BRRR, it's so bitterly cold outside! So I tucked myself in tightly and closed my eyes. It was so nice and warm under my blanket and the snow tickled my window outside. Everything was quiet. AS QUIET AS A MOUSE!

Only the soft wind could be heard. I covered myself up to my neck with the blanket and was about to fall asleep because it was so cozy. But suddenly I heard a noise! What was that? I stayed very still and listened. Someone was sneezing quietly and constantly. Who could it be? Oh, maybe it's just the wind whistling and hissing around my little house!

But no! Again I heard a quiet "Hatschi Hi!".

And right after that again! And again and again: "Hatschi Hi! Hatschi Hi!" and at the same time someone sang something like: "Fast propeller, Tamdilidi!"

Who is that? I was frightened and looked everywhere. But I couldn't find anyone. And again! "Hatschi Hi! Hatschi Hi! Fast propeller! Tamdilidi!" That's when I got angry! "Who's sneezing in my room and singing Tamdilidi all the time?"

Suddenly, you could hardly hear it, a soft voice rang out: "That's me, Tine! I am here! A long journey lies behind me, where I come from, I'm the aunt of the funny King Pü! It's the land of funny fairy tales!" What country? And I looked around. At last! That's when I saw her. A tiny little snail on my windowsill.

She came closer and closer. Very quietly, she whispered to me: "Please excuse me for sneezing all the time!