The Looking-Glass - Anton Chekhov - Hörbuch

The Looking-Glass Hörbuch

Anton Chekhov

1,49 €

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"The Looking Glass" is a short story by Anton Chekhov about a young woman named Nellie who is sitting in her room and staring into a mirror. Nellie is dreamy and lost in thoughts of her future and the man she loves. As she stares into the mirror, she sees the reflection of her future husband and begins to imagine her life with him. Suddenly, Nellie's dream is interrupted by a crisis. Her husband is ill and Nellie rushes to the doctor's house for help. However, the doctor is exhausted from treating patients with typhus and is unable to help Nellie's husband. Despite Nellie's pleas, the doctor refuses to see him, leaving Nellie in despair. The story ends with Nellie left to deal with the situation on her own, questioning the reality of her dreams and the future she had envisioned.

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Zeit:0 Std. 10 min

Sprecher:Belinda Hillman
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