The Puzzle of Dickens's Last Plot - Andrew Lang - E-Book

The Puzzle of Dickens's Last Plot E-Book

Andrew Lang



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ISBN 978-3-7429-0689-2

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The Puzzle of Dickens's Last Plot, by Andrew Lang

Transcribed from the 1905 Chapman and Hall edition by David Price, email [email protected] THE PUZZLE OF DICKENS’S LAST PLOT INTRODUCTION Forster tells us that Dickens, in his later novels, from Bleak House onwards (1853), “assiduously cultivated” construction, “this essential of his art.”  Some critics may think, that since so many of the best novels in the world “have no outline, or, if they have an outline, it is a demned outline,” elaborate construction is not absolutely “essential.”  Really essential are character, “atmosphere,” humour. But as, in the natural changes of life, and under the strain of restless and unsatisfied activity, his old buoyancy and unequalled high spirits deserted Dickens, he certainly wrote no longer in what Scott, speaking of himself, calls the manner of “hab nab at a venture.”  He constructed elaborate plots, rich in secrets and surprises.  He emulated the manner of Wilkie Collins, or even of Gaboriau, while he combined with some of the elements of the detective novel, or roman policier, careful study of character.  Except Great Expectations, none of his later tales rivals in merit his early picaresque stories of the road, such as Pickwick and Nicholas Nickleby.  “Youth will be served;” no sedulous care could compensate for the exuberance of “the first sprightly runnings.”  In the early books the melodrama of the plot, the secrets of Ralph Nickleby, of Monk, of Jonas Chuzzlewit, were the least of the innumerable attractions.  But Dickens was more and more drawn towards the secret that excites curiosity, and to the game of hide and seek with the reader who tried to anticipate the solution of the secret. In April, 1869, Dickens, outworn by the strain of his American readings; of that labour achieved under painful conditions of ominously bad health - found himself, as Sir Thomas Watson reported, “on the brink of an attack of paralysis of his left side, and possibly of apoplexy.”  He therefore abandoned a new series of Readings.  We think of Scott’s earlier seizures of a similar kind, after which Peveril, he said, “smacked of the apoplexy.”  But Dickens’s new story of The Mysteryof Edwin Drood, first contemplated in July, 1869, and altered in character by the emergence of “a very curious and new idea,” early in August, does not “smack of the apoplexy.”  We may think that the mannerisms of Mr. Honeythunder, the philanthropist, and of Miss Twinkleton, the schoolmistress, are not in the author’s best vein of humour.  “The Billickin,” on the other hand, the lodging-house keeper, is “in very gracious fooling:” her unlooked-for sallies in skirmishes with Miss Twinkleton are rich in mirthful surprises.  Mr. Grewgious may be caricatured too much, but not out of reason; and Dickens, always good at boys, presents a gamin, in Deputy, who is in not unpleasant contrast with the pathetic Jo of Bleak House.  Opinions may differ as to Edwin and Rosa, but the more closely one studies Edwin, the better one thinks of that character.  As far as we are allowed to see Helena Landless, the restraint which she puts on her “tigerish blood” is admirable: she is very fresh and original.  The villain is all that melodrama can desire, but what we do miss, I think, is the “atmosphere” of a small cathedral town.  Here there is a lack of softness and delicacy of treatment: on the other hand, the opium den is studied from the life. On the whole, Dickens himself was perhaps most interested in his plot, his secret, his surprises, his game of hide and seek with the reader.  He threw himself into the sport with zest: he spoke to his sister-in-law, Miss Hogarth, about his fear that he had not sufficiently concealed his tracks in the latest numbers.  Yet, when he died in June, 1870, leaving three completed numbers still unpublished, he left his secret as a puzzle to the curious.  Many efforts have been made to decipher his purpose, especially his intentions as to the hero.  Was Edwin Drood killed, or did he escape? By a coincidence, in September, 1869, Dickens was working over the late Lord Lytton’s tale for All The Year Round, “The Disappearance of John Ackland,” for the purpose of mystifying the reader as to whether Ackland was alive or dead.  But he was conspicuously defunct!  (Allthe Year Round, September-October, 1869.)