Think Yourself Rich - Norvell's Secrets of Money Magnetism - Anthony Norvell - E-Book

Think Yourself Rich - Norvell's Secrets of Money Magnetism E-Book

Anthony Norvell

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Think Yourself Rich - Norvell's Secrets of Money Magnetism

Anthony Norvell



How to Attract Big Money Using This Book

Magnetism flows through your brain and body, as well as through­out time and space. Your mind can be magnetized with ideas that cause it to attract whatever you want.

Just as your mind sends out magnetic wavelengths to cause you to desire food when you are hungry, so too, your mind can be magne­tized with wavelengths of desire to attract money, possessions, friends, love, happiness, gifts, talents and everything you need to give you a perfect life here and now.

This book gives you a proven step-by-step system for supercharg­ing the powerful, money-pulling poles of your mind with money magnetism—the same power that geniuses of the past have used and our modern millionaires employ every day. But here’s the good part. You don’t have to be a genius to put these secrets to work. Once you discover the simple methods and practices in this book, you too can magnetize your brain centers with ideas that irresistibly attract—almost as if by magic—money, lands, possess­ions, jewels, houses, friends—all the rich, fine and glittering things in life.

This book is filled with real life accounts of ordinary people—just like yourself—who’ve used these secrets to bring a floodtide of riches into their lives. You, too, have only to stir up the “mental filings” in your mind. The magnetic force is already there. You have only to use this book and, by so doing, turn on the switch that releases an unending stream of abundant riches—beginning right now.

But don’t take my word for it. Let me prove this to you. Here are just twenty ways this book will help you become rich and success­ful beyond your wildest dreams:

1. You will learn how to find the Hidden Vein of Gold within your subconscious mind, tap it and start the flow of money into your life immediately. Discover the method for building success and money habits that can make you rich.

Find out about the Money Chest that is within your subconscious mind and release its power to bring you anything from $1,000 to $1,000,000. See how one man used this secret power to build a $10,000,000-a-year business. Learn how a woman was guided to a round-the world tour when she had no money and there met a millionaire, who later married her. Learn about the money pump exercise that can start the flow of golden ideas that can make you rich. This priceless information is revealed in Chapter 6.

2. Discover for yourself the royal road to riches that is marked by definite signposts that you can follow to fame and fortune. Learn how to use your desires for magnetizing money. Discover the power of creative imagination and learn how great people have used it to build fortunes. One young man used this secret to magnetize $85,000 through his first novel. You will be shown how to use the golden substance of time and convert it into fame and fortune. One woman with three children, used this power to make $5,000,000 through her writing. Discover the money-building habits that the first Rockefeller used to build a great financial empire. All this and more is revealed in Chapter 4.

3. You can build the same money magnetism that rich people have used throughout history to become powerful and rich. Learn the dynamic laws under which money operates and how rich people stir magnetic centers in their minds which irresistibly attract a steady flow of money. Find out the seven money master motives that can bring you a fortune. Learn how to build money awareness by practicing with simulated money from $1,000 to $100,000 bills, until you build a true million-dollar consciousness. Discover the 10 secrets used by the world’s richest people and then set about mag­netizing as much money as you think you will need for a lifetime. This secret power was used by Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Onassis, J. Paul Getty, Howard Hughes and other millionaires. Chapter 1 will give you the startling details about how to magnetize a fortune.

4. You can build a million-dollar consciousness and begin in this moment to think, talk, look and act like a millionaire! This is the beginning of your moment of truth, for when you discover this priceless secret you not only enrich your higher mind with money magnetism but you start the flow of money at once! Learn the secret vow of riches that all millionaires make and then begin to tap the same cosmic cornucopia of riches that all rich people have tapped. One man took a vow of riches and promised his wife that on their twentieth wedding anniversary he would give her $25,000. He gave her a check for that amount to deposit in the bank at that time. Exactly 20 years later she cashed the check he had given her when they first married! He then had $1,000,000 in his bank account!

Learn how you can create a scrapbook of riches. Put into that scrapbook the car, the house, the jewelry, the stocks or land you want to own. Then be guided by your million-dollar consciousness to the building of your fortune. The information of how you can do this is given fully in Chapter 3.

5. There are Golden Nuggets lying just beneath the surface of your consciousness which you may bring to the surface and these can make you rich. Your subconscious mind is the golden goose that lays the golden eggs of riches. You can learn how to program your subconscious mind to release all the money you will ever need. You can tap this power to develop your creative talents that can make you rich. A girl who needed money was guided to a secret hiding place in a dream, where her dead father had concealed $15,000 in cash. A man discovered $92,000 hidden in an upholst­ered chair; he received the information from a woman who came to him in a dream. There are Golden Nuggets lying all around you in cash and ideas, which you can tap when you once learn this priceless secret. A woman used this secret to find a position that brought her $15,000 a year. Another woman asked for $100,000 and got it by being guided to a real estate investment. Learn how you can trigger these Golden Nuggets from your sub-conscious mind. This price-less information is given in Chapter 2.

6. The law of the double return can help you double your luck and bring you financial independence. This law works in nature to pro­duce abundant crops when you plant a seed. Learn the secret of the Money Pyramid and how to invoke it whenever you need money. Discover the power of the Golden Law of Alchemy to increase your money supply. A young man used this secret and won a half­million dollars in stakes to breed and raise horses. The Cosmic Law of Projection can bring you millions when you release crea­tive ideas. A young man made over a million dollars in cosme­tology by using this secret. This method for doubling your money and doubling your luck is given in detail in Chapter 8.

7. Do you want to start the flow of unlimited riches? You can lite­rally open the Cosmic Storehouse of Riches and obtain an unlim­ited supply of money and things of value when you use the secret power of the Law of Vibration bank of riches. Learn of the cosmic law of duplication that nature uses to create a field of wheat or an apple orchard. You can start this process of unlimited creative power in your life by simply using certain commands that will open the invisible doors to the storehouse of treasures in the uni­verse. One man used this method to start a business where he received $2,000 in the first month from letters that came to his home. He programmed his subconscious mind to bring him riches without ever leaving his house. Learn about the Cosmic Catalogue from which you can order a color TV set, a fur coat, jewels, a car and other things of value you desire. A woman obtained a fur coat worth $1,500 and a new refrigerator, a bedroom suite and a color TV set through this secret method. You will find this Money Magnetism formula in Chapter 9.

8. Your brain is a money mint and can turn out any denomination of currency that is stamped on its sensitive surface. The U.S. Mint turns out copper, nickle, silver or gold coins, depending on the imprint on a die. Likewise your mind can stamp out the currency or value that is stamped on its surface with magnetism. Learn how to make your mind a money-making machine. Use the 10 magnetic programmers to release money in your life. A young Greek girl used this secret power and attracted a job with a wealthy old woman; later she met a rich shipping magnate’s son and married him. Learn how you can use this method to magnetize money. You will find this amazing secret in Chapter 7.

9. You can learn how to project money magnetism in such a way that you can influence and control rich people, making them want to help you. Learn of the 10 ways by which you can meet rich people and influence them. One young man used this method and earned $10,000 for one idea for a TV commercial that was bought by an advertising firm. Find out the playgrounds of the wealthy and learn how you can get in with them. One man arranged a meet­ing with a famous industrialist and got an order for $90,000 worth of merchandise! A clerk in a department store used this secret formula and was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie to buy up furnishings for his famous castle in Scotland. Truman Capote, Tennessee Williams and Gore Vidal actually use this secret in meeting and associating with famous people in international society. A girl was left $50,000 in the will of a rich woman because she invoked this money magnetism formula. Find out how you can become rich by projecting money magnetism. This info­rmation is given in Chapter 5.

10. Why do some people become rich while others remain poverty- stricken all their lives? The answer is that rich people build the million-dollar personality that magnetizes their auras with money know-how. Learn how to change your mental image from one of failure and poverty to one of self-confidence, importance and suc­cess. Learn the Mirror Money Treatment that can make you worth $50,000 a year in salary. Build the magnetic money aura that will make others want to give you riches and abundance. Discover the power of the Magic Circle of money success that all wealthy people have. The famous movie stars of Hollywood, TV and the Broadway stage all use this dynamic principle of the Magic Circle. You can acquire the same power and build the million-dollar per­sonality of the Magic Circle by studying carefully and applying the principles given in Chapter 11.

11. There are 15 science-of-success secrets that are used by the world’s richest people to bring them fame and fortune. Learn how to use your powers of magnetism and persuasion to influence others and to win them to your side. Discover the method by which you can put money to work for you and achieve a fortune. Dis­cover the 11 basic human needs and how you can fill these and build a fortune for yourself. See the golden opportunities that are all around you and which you may tap by knowing these science- of-success secrets. The art of personification can imprint your sub­conscious mind with riches and make you achieve success. Con­centration and visualization can be used by you to make a fortune. These secrets for achieving riches are given in Chapter 13.

12. There is a golden stairway that can lead you to fame and for­tune. Learn of the ten positive forces that can magnetize your mind and direct you up that golden ladder of dreams to success and ful­fillment. Use emotionalized desire to guide you to riches. Use crea­tive imagination to unfold ideas that can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams. Learn how a housewife built a million-dollar fortune through her imagination. Discover how to use the power of faith to develop the million-dollar ideas that can make you rich.

You can use these positive programming techniques that will bring you success and riches. They are all given in Chapter 10.

13. Can your higher psychic centers be developed to guide you to fame and fortune? You will be shown how you can use your psy­chic hunches to bring you wealth. One man made millions in the stock market by following his intuition. Bernard Baruch turned $35,000 into a million-dollar fortune by using a psychic hunch that a particular stock would go down. You can create a psychic whirl­pool for attracting infinite riches through your psychic centers. A woman followed her psychic hunch to enter a cake-baking contest and won $5,000 as first prize. This priceless information on how you can use your psychic hunches is revealed in Chapter 12.

14. Rich people automatically know how to use 20 magnetic money energizers that crystallize their ideas and turn them into gold. All things are created first in your mind and then released to the outer world through your creative actions. Learn of the 20 simple magnetic money energizers that can align your conscious and sub-conscious minds, causing them to release a steady flow of money-making ideas. This great secret is given for the first time in Chapter 14.

15. There is a Psychic Money Bank that you can learn to tap that will bring you everything you desire in life. This includes money, jewels, houses, land, stocks, cars and other things of value. Learn about the Cosmic Laws that can produce these treasures for you. This Psychic Money Bank can be tapped through a mystical regi­men that comes from the Far East. Learn a few simple money chants that you can use in meditation to start the flow of money into your hands. Ask this higher psychic mind how to get any­where from $5,000 to $1,000,000. It knows the answers to all things. A man sold a million-dollar property through this psychic guidance. Discover this method for tapping the Psychic Money Bank to bring you infinite riches. It is revealed in Chapter 15.

16. How can you avoid the negative type of magnetism that attracts failure and poverty? Learn how to program the winning statements in your subconscious mind to win love, friends and money. One man was negatively programmed with the words BORN TO LOSE, which were tattooed on his arm, and his life was one of constant failures. Another man used this programming in a positive way and he became a two-star admiral. Another man used this sys­tem to go into a business partnership with a man in the building industry where he stands to make $ 100,000 a year. Learn how to command and control the positive forces of your life and make them bring you riches. Discover these secrets of positive magnet­ism in Chapter 7.

17. There is magic power in believing and receiving your good and through this regimen you can magnetize riches and abundance. You can invoke this magic power of faith to increase your talents, to bring you money and to develop creative gifts and talents that can make you a fortune. A man and his wife used this formula to receive the sum of $5,000 from an unexpected source. If you desire sums of money from $10,000 to $100,000 you can use this formula and you will attract it over a period of time. Use the prayer of thanksgiving and blessings to increase your good. Activate the flow of money by using the great cosmic law of giving and you will receive friendship, love, health, happiness and riches. The method for doing this is given in Chapter 16.

18. There are seven dynamic money laws that can make you rich. Use money as a symbol and turn your golden Midas touch into riches and success by respecting money and not hating it. This power of magnetic attraction works in the soil to bring us fruits and vegetables, lumber and chemicals, gold and oil, coal and silver and other things of value. Learn how to use this same magnetic source to obtain all the things you desire in your life. Study the lives of such men as Ford, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Onassis, J. Paul Getty, W. Clement Stone, Morganthau, J.P. Morgan and other rich men. These interesting and dynamic money laws are given in Chapter 17.

19. Learn how you can create a Money Siphon, wherever you are, even if you live in the desert, to bring you untold riches.

A man who lived in a poverty-stricken village in Greece used this psychic Money Siphon to bring him what was equivalent to a for­tune. How does this psychic Money Siphon work in nature? It brings you coffee from Brazil, eggs from a farm, milk from a cow you never met, bacon from pigs that have been raised especially for you, bread from wheat raised in the Midwest and all these people are working for you to bring you a simple breakfast every morning without your conscious effort. Turn this psychic Money Siphon into a channel to also bring you money, jewels, furs, cars, land and other treasures you desire. This stupendous secret alone could convert your life into one of riches and abundance. All this and more is revealed for you in Chapter 15.

20. You will be shown how to use simple statements of creative action that will program your subconscious mind at once to wealth and power. You can motivate your higher mind to release ideas that can make you rich. You can invoke the law of the harvest that brings money and possessions. You will be shown how to use the money energizer statement of I ELEVATE to raise your levels of achievement and increase your productivity and mental power. A woman used this simple programming method and changed her entire life. She obtained a better job and married happily, when formerly she could not attract work or love. A junk dealer used this system of money programming and built a business of $7,000,000 a year. He now lives in a mansion and is driving in a chauffeured limousine and has everything he ever desired. You can tap this same astounding power by studying the principles given in Chapter 14.

There’s a whole world of wonderful, rich things out there for you. If you don’t get your share, somebody else will—and they’ll be using money magnetism to get what is rightfully yours. You can magnetize and attract whatever you want. It’s all in knowing how to do it. Turn the page and take the first step that will transform your life and bring you the wondrous things that up until now you thought were only the stuff of dreams.



Chapter 1


Money is a man-made commodity. In itself it has no value, but is a symbol of man’s creative ideas, his labor, and his time and effort. To magnetize and attract money or its equivalents in goods and possessions, you must understand certain laws that govern money and its accumulation.

A man once discovered a gold mine in Nevada, in the early days when there were few cars. He ran out of water and as he lay dying he scribbled on a piece of paper, “I would give everything in my gold mine for one cup of water!”

Money is important, for with it you can buy the things you need to give you comfort, health, happiness and security. But money in itself when accumulated for its own sake, seldom brings happiness or peace of mind.

In learning how to make your mind a money magnet, we shall find out the basic economic laws that govern and control money, but also the ways in which you can magnetize and attract to yourself the equivalents of money, such as houses, lands, cars, jewels, fur coats, trips to Europe, education for your children, and other things of value. The same magnetic principle applies to these money equivalents and many times you will magnetize and attract these things even though you do not have a great deal of money.

The law of magnetism applies to all created things. All atoms and molecules are held together by the invisible flow of magnetism. When you want to attract something it is necessary that you cause your mind to project magnetism to the outer world and magnetize what you wish to attract.

You will see this law of magnetism, or attraction, at work in every sphere of action. Golfers join a club where they can meet others interested in that sport. Race track enthusiasts gather by the thou­sands to bet on horses; they are driven there by the magnetic law of attraction. Sky enthusiasts flock to their winter sport under this same law. You magnetize and attract what you are most interested in.

In this chapter we shall learn how magnetism can be used to attract money to you; how your mind can actually be charged like a magnet with rich ideas that can reach out in time and space and motivate the invisible atoms and molecules and marshal them into lines of energy that cause you to do the things that make you suc­cessful and rich.


In learning how to make your mind a money magnet, it is impor­tant that you first learn of the four different forms of magnetism that exist in the world. You can then choose that particular form that you desire for attracting whatever you choose.

1. Mental Magnetism

2. Physical Magnetism

3. Material Magnetism

4. Spiritual Magnetism

It is important for you to know which form of magnetism you will use to invoke the Law of Magnetic Attraction.

In a study of 10,000 famous and rich people throughout history over a period of 25 years, I discovered that the first and most important secret that was used by all of them to magnetize and attract money was that they built a powerful form of Mental Mag­netism by desiring money and the things that money can do.


1. A desire to do good for the world and help others

Desire for success creates Mental Magnetism and drives a person in the direction of that which he desires.

If you have an intense desire to succeed so you can do something of value for the world the chances are that you will attract all the money you need to fulfill that ambition perfectly.

The fortune of Andrew Carnegie was won by a poor immigrant boy who had a desire to help the expanding economy of his adop­ted country through a knowledge of steel making. Not only did Carnegie become one of the wealthiest men of his time, but he gave 1,200 public libraries to America, donated the cultural insti­tute known as Carnegie Hall in New York City to the people, and also endowed the Carnegie Institute. It is estimated that he gave more than 500,000,000 dollars in charitable donations to the coun­try that had made him rich!

Carnegie used all four forms of Magnetism given here: Mental magnetism—the desire to help others; physical magnetism, the stir-ring of creative power in his brain and body that gave him the strength and health to achieve his goal; material magnetism, the attraction to money, and its intelligent use when he had accumu­lated a fortune; and spiritual magnetism, in developing faith in the higher power that guided him to his life destiny, and the appli­cation of the spiritual principles of good, charity, love of humanity, and giving beauty to the world.

You can make your mind a money magnet by running this mag­netic principle through the filaments of your brain: Look around you and see in what way you can create something that will benefit other people, something that will help humanity rise higher, suffer less, enjoy more, become greater, achieve higher goals, and then ask your subconscious mind to guide you to the work that can help you attain this magnetic goal. When you discover what it is, you can become rich and famous through this magnetic discovery.


A man named Dr. Thomas B. Welch was a church-going man who disliked liquor and wondered if he couldn’t discover some substi­tute that would be as enjoyable as a drink without intoxicating people. With this magnetic thought to do good for humanity, he started to search for something he could use as a substitute for alcohol.

He lived in Vineland, New Jersey, where there were plenty of Con­cord grapes, so Dr. Welch began to squeeze grapes and put the juice into bottles. He began to give some of the bottles to his local church, and soon people were demanding Welch’s grape juice. In a short time he was bottling hundreds of bottles of grape juice and selling it to stores. In a few short years Welch’s grape juice became one of the biggest sellers in America and incidentally, made Dr. Welch and his family rich.

2. You can make your mind a money magnet by releasing the power of your creative imagination

The first man who saw a bird flying and imagined that man would one day grow wings had a preview glimpse of the modern jet liner and man’s flight to the moon and back!

When some ancient cave-dweller first saw a stone rolling down a hillside and imagined what it would be like to attach a round object to a cart, giving it mobility, the wheel was born. Scientists say the wheel was one of the greatest of all inventions and laid the founda­tion for our modern age of machines and industry.

You can create money magnetism within your mind by imagining what you will do to build a fortune. You can project the mental images of what you will do with your money; you can build your mental bank account and see money piling up, see yourself writing checks for things you want.

Sit down each day and build a sense of Money Awareness. Cut pieces of newspaper out the size of money, and mentally stack it, labelling each one $100,000, until you have built a stack of 1,000,­000 dollars. As you build your money sense, you will be automati­cally using physical magnetism, and creating within your brain the desire and intense energy to produce the money you have created in your imagination.


When Henry Ford imagined cars being created on an assembly line, he was invoking mental magnetism through his creative imag­ination and he was on his way to building a billion-dollar empire. One day Ford imagined a motor that was radically different from the motor of that day. He called in his engineers and told them he wanted them to produce a V-8 motor for his cars. They told him it couldn’t be done. He told them to go away and keep trying until they accomplished it. Six months later they perfected the V-8 mot­or that revolutionized the motor industry and brought Ford addi­tional millions.

3. Daring to dream big and wanting to achieve something great helps magnetize your mind centers with money power

Most of the great fortunes created by those whose lives I studied were the results of their daring to dream big. These people had un­limited vision and the courage to achieve the seemingly impossible dream.

Hilton had a dream in which his hotels encircled the globe. He ac­hieved this dream through his daring to believe it was possible.

Onassis dreamed of a fleet of ships that would visit every port on earth, and a struggling deck hand who worked for others achieved a billion-dollar fortune.

Leonardo da Vinci dreamed of a flying machine, and invented the world’s first motorless plane. He wrote on this design these pro­phetic words, “Man shall one day grow wings.” Now the impossi­ble dream of reaching the moon and the planets is on the road to fulfillment. We have conquered the moon and soon will be visiting other planets.

Dare to dream the big dream; see yourself rich and powerful. Vis­ualize yourself living in a beautiful home; see the car you want to drive as being luxurious; visualize yourself owning your own busi­ness and becoming a millionaire.

4. Unimpeded vision of the future with its vast potentials has accounted for the building of many great fortunes in the past

See your possibilities as being infinite, no matter your present limitations of education or environment.

Many people who live in small cities often complain, “How can one achieve riches when one’s opportunities are limited by living in a small town or city?”

A man named Peter Kuyper lived in a little village named Pella, in Iowa. It has few opportunities to get rich, so this man began to search elsewhere for his opportunities. One day he read an ad in a big city newspaper telling of a business opportunity which required a small investment.

It was a business making a rolling window screen. At the time this concern had only three employees. Pete Kuyper, with his expanded vision, decided to move the manufacturing firm to his small town, giving employment to his fellow citizens. Within a short time Kuyper’s business grew and expanded until he had 500 employees and the factory spread over 200,000 square feet. It put the town of Pella, Iowa on the map. In fact, Kuyper was so proud of his home town that he called his products Pella Rolscreens, Pella Venetian blinds, and Pella casement windows.

5. Find a basic human need and then fill that need

You will receive not only riches and recognition, but you will arouse Mental Magnetism because you are working to give some­thing of value to the world.

6. Create something that will help beautify the world and you will attract a fortune

A man named Henry Rosenfeld, using this magnetic secret, deci­ded he would make stylish dresses available to all women. He had tremendous competition but he decided to turn out gowns that retailed for as high as $100 at rock-bottom prices. His first big order came from New York’s Best and Co., when he sold them an order for 5,000 flannel gowns for only $9.75 each. He didn’t even have an office in which to write up that first order! From that beginning he went on to build a business that grossed $15,000,000 a year, and he became one of the biggest men in the dress business.

Rosenfeld likes to tell the story of how he programmed himself to become a millionaire. When he was only nine years of age he promised his mother that by the time he was 35 years old he would be a millionaire! He said the happiest day of his life was on his thirty-fifth birthday, when he was able to show his mother a bank book with the sum of $1,000,000 in his name!

One man used this magnetic desire to bring beauty to women. He got the idea of bringing home permanent waves to them without the fuss and bother of sitting in a beauty parlor, and paying from $15 to $30 for a permanent wave. This man had only $1,000 when he hit on the idea of making a home beauty kit that would give women good permanent waves at home. He called his product Toni Home Permanent and within a short time he was selling 2,000,000 kits a month. Life magazine told the fascinating story of this man who later sold his company for $20,000,000!

7. One of the quickest ways to magnetize your brain centers is through the expression of faith.

Have faith in yourself first; know that you will attract the fortune you desire.

Second, have faith in your product, for only when you believe in something with all your heart and soul can you inspire others to buy that product.

A very inferior shoe salesman in New York could hardly sell a pair of shoes. He was timid, negative and constantly felt that he was not impressing his customer with the necessity of buying his product. He began to study these principles of success and after 3 months he decided that he had more to give to the world than he could in such a limited field. He saw an ad one day telling of a school that trained men to be super-salesmen in insurance.

He took this course, and began to have the faith in himself that he could become one of the best salesmen in that field. Within 6 months from the time he finished his course he was working for one of the biggest life insurance companies in the world! He had such confidence in himself that he was selected to go to branches of the company all over America and train salesmen! His salary jumped from a few thousand a year into the $45,000 bracket! Faith changed his whole approach to life and opened his eyes to his hid­den potentials for greater success.

8. One of the most powerful methods for building money mag­netism is to use the power of visualization and project the mental images of the things you want in your life

This art of Fantasia, as it is called in Italian, is a mental exercise in which you sit quietly and hold in your mind the things that you want to do.

If it is a large sum of money like $10,000 or more, you sit for a few moments visualizing yourself getting the money, and then you mentally spend it on the things you want. This art of Fantasia is different from the mere act of imagining what it would be like to have $10,000. In the art of Fantasia you mentally project yourself into the future scene and actually experience the emotional impact of how you would feel and act if you suddenly had that money. You might visualize yourself winning it through a lottery, or by entering a contest. You see yourself putting it into the bank; you mentally draw on that money and see yourself buying the things you desire.

The art of Fantasia works miracles, for it seems to trigger some subconscious power that causes you to do the things you are fanta­sizing.

9. Most of the world’s richest men magnetized their brain centers through the quality of resourcefulness

They did not always accept the limitations of their times and the many discouragements they ran into. They forged ahead, using res­ourcefulness to show them new ways to achieve their high goals.

10. One of the most magnetic properties which you can put into your mind is enthusiasm

If you feel enthusiastic about something, that emotion will reach out and magnetize others with the same quality of enthusiasm. Each day practice projecting enthusiasm in your personality. When you approach a prospect to make a sale, show your enthusiasm and you will arouse the person you are trying to sell, as enthusiasm is contagious. When you share an experience with another person, be enthusiastic and he will usually respond with the same emotion.


1. Money is a man-made commodity, subject to the laws of econo­mics as well as to the law of magnetic attraction.

2. The law of gravity or magnetism works to keep the heavenly bodies in their orbits, and this same power works mentally, physic­ally, materially and spiritually to bring you whatever you need to fulfill your destiny perfectly.

3. The richest people in the world are those who stir magnetic centers in the consciousness of others through service, or giving something of value to the world.

4. The love of money is the root of all evil, not money itself. Desire money for the good you can do and it will furnish you with a powerful magnet that will attract all the money you need.

5. Use the magnetism of desire to bring you money and make you a magnetic center for creative ideas that can make you rich.

6. Dr. Welch built a million-dollar fortune by having a desire to give a nonalcoholic beverage to the world. He developed Welch’s grape juice.

7. Release the creative power of your imagination to start the flow of money magnetism to your higher mind centers.

8. Build money awareness by practicing on cut-out pieces of paper and labeling them $100,000 each, until you have magnetized a million dollars.

9. A higher master motive than merely wanting money can magne­tize your brain centers and cause you to attract fame, fortune and success in every part of your life.

10. Expand your consciousness to big things through the big dream of success and riches.

11. A small town man with a big vision built one of the biggest firms in his town that employed 500 people and put the town of Pella, Iowa on the map.

12. A desire to beautify the world has built some of the world’s greatest fortunes through beauty products, home products, archi­tecture, manufacturing of cars, and dozens of other items that give usefulness and beauty to the world.

13. Use the magnetic property of faith to bring you money and fame.