Video Marketing Profit Kit - Raymond Wayne - E-Book

Video Marketing Profit Kit E-Book

Raymond Wayne

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“Discover How To Use The Raw Power of Video Marketing To Build a Thriving Online Business?”
Pictures may be worth a thousand words but videos are worth thousands of pictures... and more!
With video, you can pack a tremendous amount of verbal and non-verbal signals.

With video, you can explain complicated or confusing topics using easy to understand graphics or even cartoons?

With video, you are able to connect with your prospective buyers on one to one person to person basis.
In other words, video is able to put a face to your brand and make your brand talk to the needs, fears, hopes, and aspirations of your prospective customers.

With video, you will be able to persuade people who might otherwise be hard to convince.
Avoiding those  common mistakes that others are making

They crank out “hot” videos that few people end up watching.

Some manage to produce great-looking videos but end up placing them in the wrong places online or they don’t promote them the right way. Make no mistake, if you produce videos without the proper  technique   and correct approach , you are simply rolling the dice.
Most likely, your videos will be duds. Even if you manage to get a lot of eyeballs for your videos, they probably would do a poor job of turning views into money in your bank account!.....but  Now with this new guide ……
Video Marketing Profit  Kit
You will  Discover The Step-By-Step Blueprint To a Thriving Business Using The Power of Video Marketing  
This is the one-stop resource you need to use if you are serious about video marketing. This blueprint delivers the following crucial information

  • Figuring out winning topics for your videos
  • How to pick the right type of video to create
  • How to save money on video creation
  • How to turbocharge the persuasive power of your marketing videos
  • How to make money from your videos
  • How to promote your videos the right way
  • How to optimize your videos for greater success
The Video Marketing Profit Kit helps marketers such as yourself succeed with videos because
Its tips help you save time and money researching videos that actually sell
You learn how to use your competition to get the necessary information you need to succeed in video marketing
You develop a method that ensures your newer videos perform way better than previous ones.
The Video Marketing Profit Kit gives you a tried and proven ACTIONABLE guide to quickly and affordably produce marketing videos that work!
DEVELOP KEY SHORTCUTS that can take your business to the next level! These shortcuts help you save time, effort, and money while ensuring you produce only the very best videos your customers will love.
It doesn’t matter if you are promoting a purely online business or a local brick and mortar business, Video Marketing Profit Kit has all the information you need to produce marketing videos that deliver results.

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The author has made every attempt to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this publication, however he / she does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. The author assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations other published materials are unintentional and used solely for educational purposes only.

This information is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting, and finance field. No representation is made or implied that the reader will do as well from using the suggested techniques, strategies, methods, systems, or ideas; rather it is presented for news value only.

The author does not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever for what you choose to do with this information. Use your own judgment. Consult appropriate professionals before starting a business. Any perceived remark, comment or use of organizations, people mentioned and any resemblance to characters living, dead or otherwise, real or fictitious does not mean that they support this content in any way.

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Copyright © 2018  Raymond Wayne

Table Of Contents


Chapter 1 - How to Figure Out the Right Kind of Video to Make

Understand Your Audience

Doing the Same is Not Going to Cut It

Chapter 2 - Figuring Out Your Competitors' Best Videos

Pick Your Competitors' Best Videos

Key Warnings to Keep In Mind

The Bottom Line

Chapter 3 - Improving on Your Competitors' Videos

Be Clear on the "Industry Standard"

Figuring Out How to Improve Your Competitors' Videos

The Problem with Improvements

Commit to Testing Your Improvements

Key Elements You Can Test When Improving Your Competitors' Videos

Chapter 4 - Upload your video to YouTube and other platforms correctly

Understand your mission

Make sure you categorize your videos correctly

Pick your tags correctly

Chapter 5 - Writing a video script that works

Make sure you mention your keywords in your video

Get to the point quickly

Deliver on the needs of your viewers

Link to previous videos within your script

Call your viewer to action

Remember to call them to action for subscription purposes

Chapter 6 - Promoting your video within YouTube

Create and engaging profile on YouTube

Put up a professionally designed YouTube channel

Comment on related videos

Engaging with other influential channels

Chapter 7 - Promoting Your Videos Outside of YouTube

Embed Your Video into Blog Post

Find Existing Facebook Groups and Pages

Build Your Own Accounts on Social Media

Auto-publish Using Social Media Publishing Tools

Auto-publishing Checklist

Social Media Engagement Checklist

Other Traffic Sources

Chapter 8 - How to Sell Better with Your Video

Optimize Your Video Type

Understand Your Goal

Use Question and Answer Formats

Mix It Up by Using Influencer Appearances

Chapter 9 - Monetizing Your Videos

Your Number One Monetization Weapon

Your List Turns Casual Video Viewers into a Captive Audience

Your Number Two Monetization Weapon.

What will you be selling?

Chapter 10 - 8 Key Video Marketing Best Practices You Must Always Remember

Invest in a Powerful Video Script

Pay Attention to Video Length

Develop a Brand

Always Engage Your Audience

Call Your Audience to Action

Interlink Your Social Media Platform Videos

Invest in Branding Elements

Invest in Social Proof



A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a picture or a diagram has nothing on a video. Seriously. If a picture can pack so much communication value, you can't even imagine what a video can deliver.

Indeed, videos are worth thousands of pictures because they convey emotional connection. They communicate a sense of urgency. They efficiently explain concepts, and they reduce what could be confusing ideas into symbols or sequences most people can understand.

Videos are so powerful that more and more people are searching for them on the internet instead of text. Let's face it, most people are in a hurry. They don't have time to read through an article and piece everything together. This is especially true for articles that have absolutely no graphics. For too many people, text is simply too flat.

With video, you feel like you are dealing with a real person giving you information. It's easier to get into the video emotionally. It's easier to get engaged. In fact, if you think you missed something or if a concept kind of flew over your head, you can easily backtrack on a video and review that portion.

It is no surprise that more and more marketers are making a lot of money using videos. They use different types.

Some use explainer videos to describe the ins and outs of a product or a concept. A lot of other marketers use whiteboard videos that have a voice over. These videos show a hand drawing different pictures while the voice-over explains key concepts.

Others prefer spokesperson videos. These are videos where there is an actual person talking straight to the viewer explaining certain points. All of these leverage the power of video because you get a sense of immediacy.

When you're reading, there might be a thousand things going through your mind. You may be understanding bits and pieces of the words in front of you, but at the end of the day, a lot of that falls between the cracks. It's like mental noise.

With video, it's so much easier to engage the viewer because you're right there in front of them. If you know how to grab their attention, you can communicate whatever it is you want to get across quickly, efficiently and effectively.

Used properly, videos give life to marketing materials. How many times have you published sales pages? In fact, I would bet that a lot of them fell flat. You have less chance of experiencing this with video.

Video brings personality to your text. It also brings depth to whatever infographics you use to market the product or service you are promoting. Finally, video enables marketers to achieve a sense of connection between their sales page materials and their target audiences.

In this book, I'll teach you how to create great videos that connect with your audiences.

I will also instruct you on how to promote your videos so you can turbocharge their traffic generation and conversion power. That's right. I'm going to teach you how to turn an idea into a video, which can then turn into money. See you in Chapter 1.

Chapter 1 - How to Figure Out the Right Kind of Video to Make

Now that we have a clear idea of the tremendous persuasive power of video, the next step is to figure out the right kind of video to make.

You have to understand that just because you know that video works at some level or another, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to instantly go out there and make some kind of random video. Last time I checked, taking wild shots in the dark is not exactly a winning strategy. You're not exactly going to hit a bulls-eye just because you took a random shot.