Walking Bloody Paper Dolls - LiaoHong Sun - E-Book

Walking Bloody Paper Dolls E-Book

LiaoHong Sun

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The story happened about one hundred years ago in a remote small town. In the town there was a hostel run by the owner and his wife and only another staff who acted as a manager, a cashier, a cleaner, a chef etc. The staff was an intelligent and vigilant person, his name was IntelligentOne Wang. In one rain night a guest came in with a worn-out thick pelt hat, a dirty black cotton padded jacket, a working apron around his waist and a pair of straw sandals covered with mud, a broken umbrella and a small cloth package. IntelligentOne Wang noticed the guest took a pile of cash, silver coins and gold jewelry out of the package in the room, hid the wealth under a remote corner of the bed. He framed the guest up as a sorcerer of White Lotus Society with three paper dolls and let the guest’s heart and liver be cut out while he was alive. IntelligentOne Wang took all the wealth left by the guest, about thirteen thousand dollars, sneaked out of the town and into Shanghai with a new name of BrilliantTalent Wang as a rich gentleman. The guest made a swear before he was executed:” Though I will die, my vengeful ghost will climb out of my grave in daytime, I will find my enemy and claim his life!” The words were nailed down into his mind and became an indelible memory. Could he keep his wealth? Could he keep his life? Could the murdered kill his murderer in the end?

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Walking Bloody Paper Dolls

Could the murdered kill his murderer in the end?


Author  LiaoHong Sun

Translators  Bin Liu & Jirong Liu

This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.For permission requests, write to :[email protected]


First edition. February 2, 2024.

Copyright © 2024 LiaoHong Sun.

Written by LiaoHong Sun.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page

Chapter 1  The murdered killed the murderer in the end

Chapter 2  He Strangled His Enemies Who Framed Him Up To Death After Climbing Out His Grave

Chapter 3  A Pair Of Angry Eyes Which Were More Malevolent Than Those of Kavlov Staring At Him

Chapter 4  Walking Paper Doll From White Paper

Chapter 5  My Good Heaven! Please Tell Me What’s My Crime?

Chapter 6  My goodness! He Was The Condemned Sorcerer Of White Lotus Society Executed Twelve Years Ago!

Chapter 7  One Leg Of The Paper Doll Was Squeezed Under The Window In A Position As If It Wanted To Force Into The Room !

Chapter 8  Well, Let Me Confess, I Must Confess!

Chapter 9  You Were Quite Good At Sketching!

Chapter 10  I Persuaded Him To Tell The Thing Buried Deep Into His Heart To Me Completely

Chapter 11  Who Are You? What Kind of Right Do You Have To Interfere The Family Matter?

Chapter 12  How About Let Me Explain, Okay?

Chapter 13  You Killed My Father! You Seized His Wealth By Scheme!

Chapter 14  You—You All Remember, You Have Three Lives To Account For!

Chapter 15  Now, It’s My Turn To Treat You In Same Fashion

Chapter 16  I Invite You To Test A ‘Tasty’ Dying Method!

Chapter 17 A Last Little Episode Which Had Not Been Told Yet!

Further Reading: Fortunes of Officials

About the Author

Chapter 1  The murdered killed the murderer in the end

Ah! How could it happen in that fashion, it was too mysterious, it was really unbelievable!

The thing happened in middle of September in lunar calendar. There was a well-known Buddhist society which was holding a small scale lecture about the classic sutra. The lecture did not focus its attention on a whole book of a sutra, everyday the speaking monk would choose a subject he liked to explain some tenets of Buddhism. The lecture would only last for ten days. There was a particular term for such a kind of lecture: Discovery.

In the day it was fifth day of the lecture.

According to routine, the presiding monk introduced the speaker while holding an incense in his hands to announce the beginning of the lecture. Lay Buddhists in the room began to stand up, followed the presiding monk to sing psalm of a burning incense will make the whole world have sweet fragrance, ended the singing with ‘my master Sakyamuni Buddha’. Gentle smoke was rising in the burner in front of the podium, peaceful sounds of knocking wooden fish could be heard in the room, the solemn air was spreading out of the room and into the world. Though the lecture was not huge, it was quite solemn, if someone was holding something which was unmentionable to other in the room, he would feel apprehensive in his heart.

At the end of the singing, the speaking monk began to give his lecture while drooping his eyebrows and adopting a sitting position with double crossed legs as a Buddha, he knocked his ruler gently to announce the beginning of his lecture.

The name of the speaking monk was SnowyNature, he was not very old, but he was already a merciful and well-known master of the school which holds all Buddhisms has same meaning. In the day he did not talk about the essential concepts such as everything and every idea was germinated in one’s mind, everything existed in a way as one thought, the thing did not have its own good or bad nature, only one’s thinking gave it a meaning of good or bad etc. He just chose a simple term Karma which everyone knew the term very well, tried to explain in a simple language about the meaning of the word to a Buddhist.

He said:” In universe Karma is the most essential law. The cause-effect relationship of Karma acts like a host and its shadow. There is no independent shadow in the world, there is no host without of its shadow. Furthermore, what a kind of form decides what a kind of shadow which would show up. For example, in front of a mirror, when one is smiling, in the mirror it will definitely not show up an angry expression; when one is staring, in the mirror it will definitely not show up a smiling expression. Therefore, for all people, you will get a good effect if you do something good as a cause; you will get a bad effect if you do something bad as a cause, none could get anything which will violate the law. Based on the law, if an individual curses and hits a man, then the individual will definitely be cursed and hit by other people; if an individual kills a man, then the individual could not escape the fate he will be killed by other people!”

“Nevertheless, Buddha said: ‘ A sin starts from one’s thinking, a sin ends from one’s thinking. So long as one could control one’s thinking, anything would come and go at once.’ Therefore, for anyone who committed a sin, so long as the one really wants to repent sincerely, then the effect might be transferred away or changed to another one.”

Those were the essentials of the lecture in the day.

In the day, besides the essentials, Master SnowyNature gave several believable examples to demonstrate the truthfulness of his words. He spoke fluently with his calm and sincere expression and voice. His audience was enchanted by the lecture as if there were listening a legendary story, thus his words moved those believers of the audiences, even those who did not have a strong belief could not help but think and believe Buddhism in their hearts.

Among the lay monks, there was a special guest, who was received by a particular staff of the society, based on the hospitable expression of the staff, one could guess the lofty position of the guest in society.

The guest was with a noble expression, a blue gown and a black vest. He was about over fifty years age. He had a melon seed type face with a broad forehead, wide and tall cheekbones and a tapered chin. His eyes were small piercing ones with many wrinkles at the corners of his eyes. He had a bearing of skilled calculation for everything. When he raised his hand, his fingers of left hand adopted a grasping position for a cigar, furthermore, there was a sparkling huge diamond ring on his index finger, which was a great stimulus to those poor believers of Buddhism.

The rich gentleman was a ‘well-known’ person in the financial circle of the city. He was a powerful man in the circle. Recently he did several excellent performances in cornering the market for food of people, which achieved quite a good result. Thus, anyone who had lived for some time in the city, when they heard his name BrilliantTalent Wang, they could not help but admire him greatly.

For recent one to two months, this ‘well-known’ person, probably he spent too much about his mind, developed an extremely unhealthy problem. In comparison with the poor, the rich paid a high attention to their body: So long as they had three sneezes, they had to visit a doctor to find what’s wrong with their body. Based on the diagnosis: He overspent his mind and energy, needs to have a good rest to get his body recovered to former good status. If he does not, he might develop hysteria. The diagnosis was really a threat to the rich people like him. Thus he had to follow the advice of the doctor to leave all the things at his hand behind his back and to have a good rest for the time being.

As he was in his resting period, once when he had a chat with his friends, he heard they talked about the lecture of the monks. In the day, as he was quite happy, thus he came to the temple to have his first happiness to accompany Buddha. He did not know much about Buddhism before. Unexpectedly, after he heard the lecture, he was greatly moved, particularly about the words from the speaking monk, the words were forced down into his mind like a nail, the words definitely could not be erased no matter.

Though the thing mentioned above was very coarse on its appearance, in fact it seemed the description had already gone into a detail. As it became a simple reason which would draw up a formless curtain about a weird and mysterious story; the mystery about the story was beyond the imagination of a human.

Chapter 2  He Strangled His Enemies Who Framed Him Up To Death After Climbing Out His Grave

After the lecture, BrilliantTalent Wang had an unmentionable worry, there was a severe melancholy expression on his face, his manner and voice often showed a bit in trance status. Usually he was a steadfast and calm man, no matter how severe a thing was, the thing would not affect his calmness. Thus his abnormal expression could be easily noticed by people around him.

His wife—PendantJade—was a kind and gentle woman. She was almost half of his age. They met each other in a whorehouse. Though the woman had a background as a prostitute, she did not get much the habit of a prostitute. The reason was: She was born in a very good family in a remote countryside, due to some accident, she was pushed into the fire pit of the city. Thus, after she got married, she still kept the gentle and considerate manner of a woman from a good family to her husband.

As he often fell into in trance, which made the young wife feel quite apprehensive. She asked him several times what’s wrong, why he acted in such a kind of uneasy manner. But our well-known man denied anything was wrong even to his most intimate wife.

Fortunately, after several days, it seemed that his abnormal status returned normal. After several more days, the melancholy expression vanished from his face. But even a tiny stone dropped into a peaceful surface of a lake, it would cause many ripples. His uneasy mind after the lecture was just first ripple after a dropping stone into the lake of his mind, there was second ripple, and more ripples would come out of the dropping stone and would spread out further and further outward.

The expanding of second ripple happened as following:

In the day, after he finished his lunch, he was sitting in a cushioned chair and reading a piece of newspaper easily and comfortably. There was a piece of advertisement in the newspaper drawing his attention at once, that was a film ad for Grand Bright Theatre. In first place, there was a new film showing in the theatre, the film was called Revenge After Reincarnation. There were following ad words for the film:

He strangled his enemies who framed him up to death after climbing out his grave!

It was quite normal for a film ad to use some eye-popping words to draw an attention of potential moviegoers. To a normal reader, the ad was quite unique, which might arouse his interest to go to the theatre to watch the movie. But as soon as the words entered his view, the words made his heart shiver with coldness and jump rapidly and forcibly! At the same time, the words he heard in the lecture several days ago began to echo in his ears, it seemed that the speaking monk earnestly said to his ear:

—If you killed someone, in the end, you will be killed by someone as your effect for your cause!—-

At the same time, the melancholy expression several days ago showed up again on his face. He was beset by the ordinary ad for a film in an uncontrollable fashion.

There was a common and interesting psychological reaction: the more one is afraid of one thing, the more one would focus his attention on the thing. For example, if one is afraid of  ghost, he sleeps alone in a house, in midnight he will feel more horrible in the house, then he will focus his attention more on everything in the house. At the moment, he had fallen into such a kind of status, thus the first thing was he wanted to go to see the film, what kind of plot the film would have? In a blink, he would deny his thinking: No, it is unnecessary to see the film. As the doctor told him: In the period of your rest and recovery, it is inappropriate to get strong stimulus to your mind.

Should he go or not? The two ideas began to fight a delicate war in his mind. He checked the clock on the wall several times within several minutes, as the next movie would be due in a short time. But no matter what kind of decision he would make, he could not sit in his cushioned chair calmly and comfortably anymore. In the end, he stood up suddenly, came out of the room, told his driver:”Get the car for me, now!”

Usually this well-known man did not like to see a film, it was quite exceptional for him to go to the cinema. In a short time the car arrived at the front of the theatre, the driver with his surprised look watched his host walking into the theatre hurriedly. Five minutes later, the well-known man had already sat in a chair in the theatre, in a short while, the white screen began to show the film.

Revenge After Reincarnation, what was the film about? Maybe some readers had already watched the film, as the film was related to this novel, thus it was necessary to introduce the plot of the film briefly here: The main role of the film was played by Kavrov, the most famous actor for playing horror films. An unemployed man was framed up as a murderer by five rascals. As the frame-up was carefully designed and implemented, the innocent man could not exculpate himself from the crime as he could not provide any evidence for his innocence, thus he was given a death sentence with no reason.

An old doctor knew the man was innocent, he came forward to rescue and exculpate the man, but the rascals tried to obstruct his action, thus his rescuing action was delayed considerably. In the end, when the doctor went to the execution room, the pitiable man was already electrocuted in a bed, thus he became a wronged ghost.

The angry doctor took the corpse of the man into his laboratory, tried best with all his efforts, saved the dead man, took him back from the hand of the god of death, gave him a new life with a new scientific technology.

The pitiable man changed to another man in his personality after his rebirth. What strange was that: Before he was electrocuted, he did not know anything about the men who framed him up. But after he got his rebirth, based on a mysterious power, he could recognize the five rascals clearly. In the end, he strangled each of them to death by himself, then committed a suicide, thus went back again to the embrace of the god of death.

That was the synopsis of the story. The film was a popular horror movie at the moment.

Though the movie was a horror film, it was much better to describe it as a shocking tragedy. There were two scenes which moved its audiences most, including: first, when the unemployed one came out of his cell and was about to send to the electrocution chair, he raised his head, shouted miserably to the sky:’ Ah! God! Only you—believe me!’ Though the script was very short, his voice was filled with anger and despair, his expression was so melancholy, helpless and sad, his voice was accompanied by the sad sound of a violin and the dim background of the prison, which made every audience could not help but get a tense and sharp feeling in his every nerve as if his nerve were pricked by a needle; second, after he got his rebirth, in a concert, he bumped into the rascals who framed him up. At the moment he surveyed alternately the enemies with his cold gaze, under the close-up shot his eyes was filled with the most sharp and hateful look in the world, the eyes emanated the hateful look at his enemies! Thus not only the rascals on the screen but also the audiences in dark showed an intense expression on their faces.

In a word, the film did satisfy the curiosity of its audiences, but to the writer, the one who got the stimulus most was the protagonist of this novel BrilliantTalent Wang!

Chapter 3  A Pair Of Angry Eyes Which Were More Malevolent Than Those of Kavlov Staring At Him

The film came to an end, the climaxes on the screen died out one after another. The tense nerves gradually recovered to their calmness. Only in the mind of BrilliantTalent Want, billowy waves began to rush forward. He was rushed out of the theatre in the wave, felt weak in his legs, staggered forward as if he were drunken. When he stepped into the bright street, he felt a bit darkness in his eyes. If the driver had not call him, he might not be able to find his own car.

My goodness! The film left him a profound impression! He still remembered the two ferocious and hateful eyes of the protagonist, the eyes were extremely flashing in front of his eyes whether he closed or opened his eyes. It could be put in such a way, the image might not be able to leave his memory even after he died. My goodness, was his acting skill so superb? No! The impression he held in his memory was not completely related to the skill of the actor, to be more specific, there were a pair of angry eyes which were more malevolently staring at him in his mind than those of the actor!

Inside the car on his way back to his home, a memory was flashing back into his mind which was his most horrible and painful experience happened twelve years ago.

Twelve years ago, he was not the man with huge wealth in front of us at the moment. At that time he was a poor guy. His former name was IntelligentOne Wang, he lived in a remote town in Zhejiang Province, the town was about ten kilometers away from the county town of Sheng County which was haunted by armed bandits frequently. Though the town was a small place, it was located in the way to ShaoXing from Sheng County, thus in the small town there was a small hostel with very simple facility. The hostel had a beautiful name, Spring Flower. At that time, he worked as a factotum, though he was called a factotum, in fact besides the owner, he played roles of a manager, a cashier, a receptionist, a chef and other things. Therefore he was an important person to the hostel. People living in the town all knew him as he was very famous in the town.

He was known for his cleverness and vigilance in the town, due to his cleverness and vigilance he painted a bloody painting by himself later.

The thing happened in a cold, miserable, windy rain night. It was in the middle of September of lunar calendar at that time. In comparison with city, after supper, the town was enshrouded into a lonely and quiet atmosphere. The lamp under the eave of the hostel was swaying in the night screen weaved by rain. When one looked from faraway, it was a miserable yellow halo as if the lamp were about to fall into sleep or it might go off in a moment. In the hostel, the owner and IntelligentOne Wang were about to get ready to close the gate, suddenly a man hurriedly entered the hostel for a night stay.

The man held an oil paper umbrella, took a small cloth package, looked like a coolie from countryside. He had a worn-out thick pelt hat on his head, the rim of the hat almost reached his eyebrows,—at the moment, he needed not to wear that kind of thick hat according to season—, he wore a dirty black cotton padded jacket, along the shoulders there were some broken places of the jacket. He had a working apron around his waist. He wore a pair of straw sandals covered with mud. It was quite obvious that he had already walked a long way to reach the hostel.

The man said his name was NinthOne Tao, came from the county town of Sheng County, would visit his relative in ShaoXing City, passed through the town, wanted to have a clean and quiet single room to stay for several days by himself.

“My goodness! With such a kind of manner, he wants to have a clean and quiet single room!” The owner looked at the customer with a blank expression, said to himself in his heart, and could not help but show a surprising expression at the corners of his eyes. The guest understood the meaning of the owner very well, immediately he took out some money from the pocket of his broken jacket, handed it to the owner, said ‘the advance for room and food for several days.”

The guest handed the owner five shiny silver coins, which made the hand of the owner tremble a bit, because none of his customer before had given him such a large amount of money for one time. At the moment, of course he satisfied the requirement of his customer willingly and obediently.

But at the moment IntelligentOne Wang was watching at the side, a doubt was arising in his vigilant mind. He thought as this man just passed through the hostel on his way to another place, he should just stay for one night and leave for his destination in next day, why he wanted to pay advances for several days? When the man handed his money, his hand was very clean and fair with a long nail in his little finger, which was different with the his apparels; why he wanted to have a single quiet and remote room?”

As he had several doubts about the guest, he could not help but survey the guest carefully. Based on his estimate, the age of the guest was between forty to fifty. Under the lamplight, the guest looked pale and apprehensive. There were two quite obvious marks on the face of the guest: a red pea sized black mole with several hairs about one inch in length on his left ear; three deep wrinkles in the center between his eyebrows, the central one was long, the ones around it were shorter, thus the wrinkles formed a bit aslant steel-fork-like pattern. For a moment, if one looked at the steel-fork-like wrinkles with a murderous air, the wrinkles looked quite deep, which left quite an impression which could not be forgotten easily.

In the night, the guest, NinthOne Tao as he called himself, was led to a clean, quiet and single room. At the guest paid quite a sum, which made the important clerk of the hostel, IntelligentOne Wang, had to offer special treatment to him. When the guest was about to enter the room, he hospitably offered his hand to take the cloth package of the guest, thus he could send the package to the room. Unexpectedly, his hospitable action was declined unkindly. At the moment, the steel-fork-like wrinkles of the guest went deeper again, simultaneously, his hand had already touched the package and felt it was a bit heavy.

The little act made him cannot help but doubt even more strongly. Based on his careful observations, he thought the guest was a bit mysterious, particularly the package increased the mysterious even more.

Then what was inside the important package?

At last under secret observation in dark, a novel finding was showed up.

Chapter 4  Walking Paper Doll From White Paper

It was very late in night, the lamp in the room of the guest was still on.