With Eyes Open (Gay Romance) - Trina Solet - E-Book

With Eyes Open (Gay Romance) E-Book

Trina Solet

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Jacob and his son, Toby, have just moved to a small town. Everything is going well so far, except for one thing – who is Toby talking to in the back garden? There's no one there.
Ian is wondering the same thing. He's taking time off from college to be with his dad. One day he sees the little boy acting strangely, and he decides to look into it.
While Ian is trying to solve the mystery of what Toby is seeing, he and Jacob grow closer. Jacob is a man Ian can trust and lean on at a difficult time. Jacob has some reservations about Ian, but his feelings are too strong to be denied. Even as unexplained events surround them, these two can't stay away from each other.
Good thing because when Ian finds the answers he's looking for, he's going to need Jacob more than ever.

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With Eyes Open: Gay Romance

By Trina Solet

Copyright © 2015 by Trina Solet

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, locales or actual events is entirely coincidental.

All sexual activity takes place between persons eighteen years of age or older.

This novel contains material intended for mature readers.

Cover image is only for illustrative purposes. Any person depicted is a model.

With Eyes Open

Gay Romance

Trina Solet

Chapter 1

Ian watched his father sleeping restlessly in the armchair by the window. He had that ugly, checkered blanket over him, and his eyes and his hands twitched every few seconds. The sunlight coming through the window was weak. Ian worried that his dad might be cold even with the blanket. He got so little sleep these days. Ian didn't want to disturb his rest just to cover him better.

Knowing that his father wouldn't like it if he woke up and found Ian watching over him, he went for a walk.

Soon after coming home from college for the summer, Ian got the bad news about his dad. His dad didn't want to tell him right away. In a small town like Blystone, he had no chance of keeping it a secret. Word got around and eventually Mrs. Lincer stopped Ian on the street. She asked him how his dad was doing and offered to make a "spice tea" for him. She said it was her own special home remedy to help with the nausea from chemo his dad would be starting soon. Ian was stunned, but he managed to thank her anyway. He walked a few steps, then he ran straight home. He got there so out of breath he couldn't even speak to ask his dad why he didn't tell him.

That was at the start of his summer break. Now it was fall, time for Ian to go back to school, but he was still here. With his dad fighting for his life, Ian wasn't going anywhere.

With his dad resting, Ian decided to go into town. These days he found himself exploring Blystone like he did when he was a kid and this small town was his world. It had seemed immense to him then. Now he could walk from one end of town to the other in ten minutes. The longest part of his walk was getting to the town itself. Ian's house was outside of town, where a handful of big old farmhouses were scattered between fields.

Ian walked along the side of the curving road, glancing at familiar sights as if to make sure they were still there. The ground under his feet was grassy and soft. Shrubs grew further on, marking off the fields. This area was prone to flooding so a ditch ran alongside the road to collect the runoff.

After he passed the bus stop at the crossroads with Stoneway Road, he saw the scarecrowish sight of the makeshift memorial to Lorna Hayes. From there, it wasn't long until he reached the sign that said Welcome to Blystone. That sign hadn't changed for as long as Ian could remember. Once the sign was behind him, he came across the first houses right on the edge of town. These houses were some of the nicer ones in town, with big gardens behind high fences.

One house in particular drew his attention, number 211. Ian had been drawn to that house since he was a kid. The house was old and had stood abandoned for a couple of decades. Some said it was haunted. Of course a kid would be drawn to it. But for Ian, it was more than that. The place called to him and repelled him at the same time.

Recently, the house and the garden had been spruced up for the new owners. The place had a new coat of paint, but the vibe was the same. It pushed and pulled at him. He went closer to where some tall evergreen bushes grew right against the fence.

As he stood out of sight, Ian got his first look at the people who had moved in. Behind a spiked iron fence, a little boy was crawling on the ground while his father sat at the nearby table using a tablet. Ian didn't mean to spy, but seeing a father and son together like that, he couldn't take his eyes off them.

His own childhood came back to him in flashes. He was running through the field behind their house while his father sat on the back porch. He was either reading or writing, and whenever he raised his head, he waved at Ian. This was a very similar scene.

The little boy was blond and about four or five. His father had light brown hair but the same light blue eyes. The man was in his late twenties, dressed conservatively in a white shirt and gray slacks. Not Ian's type, but he was very good looking – slim, broad shouldered, with a sharp jaw and a kissable mouth. He would be OK if he didn't look like a total stiff.

Ian might claim the guy was miles from what he looked for in a guy, but he couldn't quite take his eyes off him until the little boy drew his attention. The boy was bending his head low and peering closely at something. After a little while, Ian realized that the little boy was watching a green bug, one of a few he was likely to find this time of year. Dry leaves from two big trees covered the garden. The little boy lifted them up whenever the bug crawled away to hide under them. Finally losing sight of it, he scrambled around for a while.

"I lost it!" he said and turned to his father like he wanted him to organize a search party.

His father smiled. "You hunt him down. I'm going to go get lunch ready," he said and went inside.

Ian was ready to move on when he saw the little boy turn and gasp. He jumped up and ran to the other side of the garden. There was a stone bench at the end of the garden. It sat under a whitewashed wall that separated the garden from the property next door.

The boy stopped next to the bench and looked up. Ian wondered if there was something on the wall or on the other side that got his attention. There was nothing there, plus the boy seemed to be looking at a spot in midair about five feet off the ground. Then he nodded and said something. He was too far away for Ian to hear the words, but he kept talking. Sometimes he seemed to be listening. Maybe he had an imaginary friend.

Suddenly the boy's father called out from inside the house.

"Toby! Lunch is ready!"

"I have to go," the little boy told his invisible friend loud enough for Ian to hear. As the boy moved to go, he stopped with his arm outstretched backwards. It was almost like someone was trying to hold him back. The boy turned toward the bench again.

"No, I have to go eat lunch now," he said in a plaintive voice. "You don't want me to get in trouble, do you? I'll come back later. I promise."

He still held his hand out then tugged at it like he was wrenching himself free of someone's grip. He pulled his hand back then waved. As the boy ran inside, Ian looked from him to the end of the garden. There was nothing there, of course. He still kept staring even after the boy was long gone. He couldn't quite believe his eyes.

How could a little boy act out a fake struggle so convincingly? Ian would swear that something held on to the little boy's hand, and he had to pull free of it. As he walked away, Ian shook his head. He didn't know what he had just seen, but he decided to go into town and ask a few questions.


Toby ran in through the back door like someone was chasing him. Then he tried to take a seat at the kitchen table right away.

"Did you wash your hands?" Jacob asked him though the answer was obvious.

Standing next to his chair, Toby turned his hands over a few times to examine them. "They look pretty clean," he decided.

"They wouldn't under a microscope. You were playing with bugs. Go wash your hands."

Toby huffed like Jacob was being completely unreasonable. When he came back he climbed into his chair. He was about to pick up his sandwich when he looked up from his plate. He eyed his dad suspiciously. He then lifted the top piece of bread and found nothing suspicious. He lifted the lettuce and found it. A tiny slice of tomato was hiding in the middle of his sandwich.

"You're sneaky," Toby said to the tomato and to his dad.

"Give tomatoes a chance. You'll learn to like them," Jacob told him.

"They're wet," Toby complained.

"So is grape juice and you like grape juice," Jacob pointed out.

Toby didn't have an argument to beat that, but he still shook his head. After looking at his juice glass like it had betrayed him, he bit into his sandwich and made a face. In the end, he ate it without too much fuss, tiny tomato slice and all.

Jacob grinned at him, proud of his boy. It wasn't just tomatoes that couldn't keep him down. Toby had adjusted really well to moving to Blystone. It was a big change. Both of them had left behind their friends as well as family. Jacob did have his sister in Lambton, and Toby was making friends fast.

Jacob never expected to be making a move to a small town, but now that he was here, he felt at home. Finding anyone to date was going to be a major challenge. He groaned as he thought of meeting someone online then driving for miles only to meet him in person and feel no connection. But what other choice did he have? In a small town like this, he wasn't likely to turn a corner and run into a man who could capture his heart after so many failed.

Chapter 2

As he went in search of information, Ian remembered hearing of one person who had seen something strange at 211. A few months ago, the local handyman, Mr. Vinik, claimed he saw something. He had been hired by the real-estate agent to fix up the place a little, clear the overgrown garden and do some handiwork around the place. Then she fired him when he started talking about the place being haunted.

After asking around for Mr. Vinik, Ian spotted his truck in front of a house on the other side of town. The man himself was up on a ladder. He was a familiar sight – portly, balding, with that puffy, red vest he always wore. It looked like he was cleaning out old Mrs. McKay's gutters.

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