Joseph Conrad
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  • Joseph Conrad 
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Józef Teodor Konrad Nalecz Korzeniowski (1857-1924), known as Joseph Conrad, was born in Ukraine, part of the former Russian Empire, on December 3, 1857. The son of Polish parents who were exiled to Vologda, Russia, he was orphaned at the age of 11 and placed under the care of his maternal uncle. At the age of 16, Conrad decided to travel to Marseille, where he worked on ships of the French Merchant Navy. In 1878, he began serving on a British ship to escape Russian military service. Over the years, he traveled to various cities in Asia, Africa, America, and Europe. By this time, he had already mastered the English language. After several attempts, he passed the examination for a master mariner's certificate in the British Merchant Navy. After many years at sea, he arrived in London for the first time and settled in England. Finally, he was granted British citizenship in 1886. In 1894, Conrad decided to abandon his successful seafaring career to dedicate himself to literature. The countless voyages he undertook aboard ships provided ample material for his stories. In 1895, he published his first book, "Almayer's Folly," which was well received by critics and the public. In the same year, he married Jessie George. In 1897, he wrote "The Nigger of the 'Narcissus.'" Joseph Conrad wrote a total of seventeen novels, including "Lord Jim" (1900), "Nostromo" (1904), "The Secret Agent" (1907), and "Under Western Eyes" (1911), as well as seven novellas, among which "Heart of Darkness" (1902) stands out. He also wrote the essay "The Mirror of the Sea" (1906) and the memoirs "Some Reminiscences" (1912) and "A Personal Record" (1912). Conrad was considered one of the great writers of the English language. His fictional works almost always have the sea as a central setting. His style combined introspection and psychological analysis, often focusing on individuals in crisis with their own identity and humanity. His characters are often isolated from society and face extreme situations. Although English was not his native language, he was praised for the mastery of his writing. "Heart of Darkness" was adapted into the film "Apocalypse Now" by Francis Ford Coppola in 1979. Joseph Conrad passed away in Bishopsbourne, England, on August 3, 1924.