Simply by Love - Jimmy Hugoson - E-Book

Simply by Love E-Book

Jimmy Hugoson

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Elisabeth’s life is anything but simple. Coming from humble beginnings and falling in love with Andrew, life does not unfold for her as she imagined it would. Leaving Andrew back home to pursue a new job in the sprawling Goldsmith mansion, she never imagined that another man would capture her attention, or that she would be caught in between the love of two men. When Andrew is declared dead by the army, she follows her heart and falls in love with Erickson, who’s also had to give up a prestigious marriage proposal to Scarlett, heiress to one of the most influential families in their circle.

But would love be enough? And what happens if Andrew is not quite as dead as the army thought?

In this novel, Simply by Love: Swimming Between Two Waters, Jimmy Hugoson beautifully chronicles the choices the human heart must make and the agony that often follows those choices when it comes to love.

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For my lovely wife and our three beautiful daughters.

In warning!

‘’Simply by Love’’ is a work of fiction. Any resemblance between the characters in this story and people who existed or exist is a pure coincidence. 

Jimmy Hugoson, New York, 2024.

All Rights Reserved

“No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written authorization of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews and certain other non-commercial usage permitted by copyright laws.”


Chapter 1

A Couple Almost Perfect

Chapter 2

The Goldsmith Family

Chapter 3

A Sad Misfortune

Chapter 4

The Only Daughter

Chapter 5

A Love in Crescendo

Chapter 6

The Housekeeper

Chapter 7

The Merging

Chapter 8

A Call to Serve

Chapter 9

Love On and Between the Lines

Chapter 10

A Romance in Disguise

Chapter 11

Erickson’s Confidant

Chapter 12

When Scarlett’s Charm and Opulence Reached the Sky

Chapter 13

A Virtual Death

Chapter 14

The Worst News Ever

Chapter 15

A Time to Mourn

Chapter 16

“Only one human being is missing, and everything is depopulated.”

Chapter 17

The Wedding Preparations

Chapter 18

The Return of Elisabeth

Chapter 19

A Wind of Happiness on Two Different Sides

Chapter 20

A Surprise Discovery

Chapter 21

A Frank Conversation

Chapter 22

The Two Fathers

Chapter 23

An intense dialogue between mother and son

Chapter 24

The Firing of Elisabeth

Chapter 25

A Secret Marriage

Chapter 26

A Surprise Visit

Chapter 1

A Couple Almost Perfect

Andrew and Elisabeth, a loving African American couple, resided in their cozy apartment in the heart of Queens, New York. The year was 2010. Five years had passed since the day they met at a neighborhood art fair, a chance encounter that had kindled an enduring flame.

Andrew, a man of remarkable kindness and ambition, balanced his role as a supervisor at a local restaurant with his culinary prowess, while Elisabeth, a gifted artist with a deep passion for painting, pursued her creative dreams. Their love had blossomed against the backdrop of vibrant artistry and the tantalizing aroma of culinary delights.

It was on a serendipitous day at the art fair when Andrew first laid eyes on Elisabeth’s captivating artwork. The vivid colors and emotions in her paintings spoke to his soul, drawing him toward her like a moth to a flame. With curiosity as his guide, he approached Elisabeth, igniting a conversation that would change the course of their lives.

As they spent more time together, it became evident their connection was built on a foundation of love, mutual respect, and unwavering faithfulness. Both had faced life’s trials, having come from humble beginnings, yet their love served as a wellspring of strength that allowed them to triumph over adversity.

Andrew’s decision to follow his culinary passion had led him away from the conventional path of college. There were times he questioned the wisdom of his choices, but Elisabeth’s steadfast belief in his talent was a reassuring constant. She encouraged him to pursue his culinary dreams, helping him build the confidence to become a renowned chef in the culinary world.

Elisabeth, on the other hand, had always harbored a profound love for art. Her natural talent in painting was undeniable, but the financial constraints in her life had prevented her from pursuing formal art education. Nevertheless, she poured her heart and soul into her artwork, creating masterpieces that showcased her creativity and flair.

Their relationship was a tapestry woven with threads of trust and understanding. Andrew and Elisabeth knew each other’s aspirations, fears, and vulnerabilities, and offered each other unwavering support. The simple joys of life became precious moments – cooking together, strolling in the park, and cuddling on the couch as they indulged in their favorite movies.

One evening, as they shared a bottle of wine on their balcony, watching the city’s twinkling lights, Andrew turned to Elisabeth with a contemplative look. “Liz, have you ever thought about starting a family?” he inquired, his voice filled with curiosity and a hint of apprehension.

Elisabeth looked into his eyes, her own sparkling with love. She had pondered the notion but had hesitated to raise the topic, uncertain of how Andrew would react. “Yes, Andrew, I have,” she replied, her voice warm and soothing. “But I want us to be both financially and emotionally prepared for that journey. I want our children to have the best start in life.”

Andrew nodded, his heart swelling with affection for the woman who shared his dreams. He knew that Elisabeth’s words were wise.

As the days unraveled, they both remained committed to providing a secure and nurturing environment for their future family. They decided to focus on their careers and save for the day they could turn their dreams into reality, all the while cherishing the beautiful love that was their foundation.

Little did they realize that life had unexpected turns in store. As they journeyed forward together, they would encounter trials and triumphs, laughter and tears, but their love would remain unshakable. Andrew and Elisabeth, a nearly perfect couple, were about to embark on a new chapter. They were about to begin painting a new canvas of their shared future.

As they walked through the bustling streets of New York City, they had no inkling of the challenges ahead. One sunny afternoon, while Andrew was preparing for another busy shift at the restaurant, he received a call from an old childhood friend, Michael. They had drifted apart over the years, but the familiar voice on the other end of the line rekindled fond memories.

Excitement filled Andrew as he agreed to meet Michael at a nearby café, but he couldn’t shake a sense of guilt for not informing Elisabeth in advance. Still, he believed this reunion was harmless, a chance to reconnect with an old friend.

That evening, as Andrew entered the café and saw Michael seated at a corner table, the past came flooding back. The hours passed like minutes as they reminisced about shared memories and caught up on each other’s lives.

Meanwhile, Elisabeth waited at home, her unease growing with every passing moment. She had complete faith in Andrew but couldn’t quell the nagging worry about him not being home on time. Insecurities gnawed at her heart, and her thoughts raced.

Although she knew Andrew was outgoing, enjoyed socializing, and felt energized by being around other people, Elisabeth was still worried about not knowing exactly where Andrew was.

Meanwhile, as the evening turned into night, Andrew, absorbed in conversation with Michael, lost track of time. It was only when he glanced at his watch that he realized how late it had become. Worry creased his forehead, and he rushed out of the café, leaving a surprised Michael behind.

Andrew knew he had made a mistake. He should have communicated with Elisabeth, should have told her of the unplanned meeting. Regret weighed heavily on his heart as he walked in the door to their apartment, knowing he had caused his beloved partner unnecessary anxiety.

Elisabeth was sitting on the couch, and when she saw him, her facial expression was a mixture of relief and concern. “Andrew, where have you been? I was so worried.” Her voice was tinged with sadness when she spoke.

Regret filled Andrew’s heart as he approached Elisabeth, taking her hands. “Liz, I’m so sorry. I should have told you about meeting Michael. It was thoughtless of me not to consider your feelings. Please forgive me,” he implored, his eyes brimming with genuine remorse.

Elisabeth gazed into Andrew’s eyes, searching for sincerity and reassurance. They both fell silent for a moment or two, and then she sighed and replied, “Andrew, I trust you, but communication is vital in any relationship. Not knowing where you were or if you were safe hurt. Please remember that our love thrives on openness and honesty.”

Andrew nodded, grateful for Elisabeth’s forgiveness and understanding. Their relationship, like any other, had its trials and missteps, but their unwavering love and commitment helped them overcome any obstacle.

From that day forward, Andrew and Elisabeth made a pact to prioritize open communication. They promised to share their thoughts, fears, and desires. They were going to do all to ensure that their love remained transparent and steadfast. They grew even closer through this commitment, learning valuable lessons about trust and forgiveness.

As time passed, Andrew’s career soared while Elisabeth’s paintings started to gain some recognition in local art galleries. They celebrated each other’s small triumphs, knowing they were each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Their love and support continued to be the cornerstone of their accomplishments.

With their careers flourishing and a solid financial foundation in place, Andrew and Elisabeth felt the time had come to focus on their shared dream of starting a family. They had spent countless hours discussing their hopes and aspirations for parenthood, envisioning the joy and love they would bring to their children’s lives.

Excitement filled their hearts as they began trying to conceive. But days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, and each attempt brought nothing but disappointment. The pain of unmet expectations weighed heavily on their hearts, and this tested the strength of their love.

Facing this challenge together, Andrew and Elisabeth held onto each other, and found solace in each other’s unwavering support. Amid the heartache, they sought comfort in one another’s arms. Their love was a beacon of light in the storm, guiding them through the darkness of unfulfilled hopes.

One evening, as they sat side by side on their balcony, the sun setting in hues of orange and pink, Andrew took Elisabeth’s hand. His voice was low and quavery as he whispered, “Liz, even though we’ve faced challenges on this journey, I want you to know that my love for you has only grown stronger. Our dream of having children may be taking longer than we expected, but I’m grateful to have you by my side through it all.”

When Elisabeth turned to him, her eyes were filled with warmth and love. Heart fluttering, she placed a tender kiss on his lips, their hearts beating in sync. “I know…I know that full well, my love. I feel the same way,” she replied. Her voice was also shaky with emotion, like his had been. “Our love is the foundation of everything we’ve built together. I wouldn’t want to embark on this journey with anyone else.”

Their love was a force that defied the odds, and they knew, deep in their hearts, that they could weather any storm as long as they had each other. As the night blanketed the sky, they held each other close, gazing at the stars that adorned the night sky, a reminder of the infinite possibilities of their shared future.

With renewed determination, Andrew and Elisabeth sought medical guidance to better understand the reasons behind their fertility struggles. The process was fraught with anxiety and anticipation, but they faced it together, knowing that their love could conquer any outcome.

In the weeks leading up to Andrew’s graduation from culinary school, their home was filled with an air of anticipation and excitement. Elisabeth couldn’t be prouder of her partner’s accomplishments. She watched Andrew as he meticulously perfected each dish, his passion and creativity shining through in every bite.

One evening, as Andrew stood in their kitchen, carefully crafting a sumptuous meal, Elisabeth entered the room with a radiant smile. She moved closer to him and gently wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his back. “You know, Andrew, every dish you create is a masterpiece,” she whispered, her breath warm against his ear.

Andrew turned to her, a twinkle in his eye. “Liz, you’re the muse behind my culinary magic,” he said, his voice filled with love and the weight of his appreciation for her. He leaned down to kiss her tenderly, their lips meeting in a slow, passionate embrace.

Their love had become a source of inspiration for him, and he often created new dishes that he layered with the emotions he felt for his wife; love, appreciation, hope, longing, comfort. As they savored their shared creations, the table became a canvas of their love story, filled with laughter and intimate moments.

The day of Andrew’s graduation arrived, a day they both had eagerly anticipated. As he walked across the stage, diploma in hand, Elisabeth watched with tears of pride in her eyes. She knew that his culinary journey was just beginning, and she was thrilled to be part of it.

That evening, they celebrated with a romantic dinner at their favorite restaurant. Andrew, dressed in his chef’s jacket, prepared a special meal for Elisabeth, a gesture of love and gratitude for her unwavering support. The table was set with candlelight, and their love was the most delectable ingredient in the room.

During dinner, Andrew reached across the table and took Elisabeth’s hand in his. “Liz, I wouldn’t be here today without you,” he began. “Your love and belief in me have been my driving force. I promise to keep working hard and to make you proud every day. Every single day!”

Elisabeth’s heart swelled with love as she met Andrew’s gaze. “And I promise to stand by your side, no matter where this journey takes us,” she replied. They sealed their promises with a tender kiss, the restaurant fading away as they lost themselves in the depth of their love.

As their culinary adventures continued, they shared countless more intimate moments, cooking together, exploring new flavors, and savoring the fruits of their labor. Their love was not only the foundation of their relationship but also the secret ingredient that made their dreams come to life.

In the quiet hours of the night, they would often sit on their balcony, gazing at the city lights below. The warmth of each other’s presence was all they needed to feel complete. Their love was like the stars above, endless and timeless, a beacon guiding them through the journey of life.

With their careers flourishing and their financial foundation built, they knew they needed to do all they could to start their family. Their conversations about parenthood became more frequent, and their hearts swelled with the anticipation of becoming parents.

One day, as they sat in the park, watching children play, Andrew gently took Elisabeth’s hand in his and said, “Liz, I can’t wait to embark on this new adventure with you. I can already picture us as loving parents. I can’t wait to have our children in our lives and teach them about love and the beauty of the world.”

Elisabeth’s eyes sparkled with love as she replied, “Andrew, that’s a dream we both share, and I can’t wait to see you as a father. I know our children will be blessed to have you as their dad.”

They couldn’t wait to turn their love story into a family story, to embrace the new chapter with all the love and passion that had carried them this far. With a shared sense of purpose, they kept trying to conceive, but time continued to wash over them. Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Still, they remained hopeful, their love serving as an unwavering source of strength.

One evening, as they lay in each other’s arms, Andrew whispered, “Liz, even though we face challenges, our love grows stronger every day. Our children are going to be so lucky to have parents who love each other as much as we do.”

Snuggling closer to him, her heart filled with warmth and affection, Elisabeth responded. “Andrew, our love is the greatest gift we can give to our children,” she murmured. “I can’t wait to meet them and share this incredible love with them.”

Their love was a sanctuary in times of uncertainty, a place where their dreams thrived, and their souls intertwined. As they faced the challenges of trying to conceive, their bond remained unbreakable, a testament to the strength of their love.

Months passed, and the challenges of their journey started to seem insurmountable. They decided to seek further medical guidance to navigate the intricacies of fertility struggles.

One afternoon, they sat nervously in the doctor’s office, their fingers tightly entwined. The doctor entered with a compassionate smile and delivered news that would change their lives forever. “You both have faced challenges on this journey, but I have good news for you,” the doctor said. “While it may be a bit more difficult for you to conceive naturally, there are options available to help you fulfill your dream of having children.”

The doctor then proceeded to educate them on various assisted reproductive options, offering them a glimmer of hope on their path to parenthood. Tears of relief and optimism streamed down Elisabeth’s face, and Andrew’s grip on her hand tightened with gratitude. They had navigated many obstacles together, and this news filled their hearts with renewed optimism.

Their journey through assisted reproduction was not without its challenges. The process was physically and emotionally demanding, testing their patience and resilience. Yet, they turned to each other for strength and steady support through every setback and moment of doubt.

Amid it all, their love remained solid. They held each other through the long nights, offering solace and reassurance when doubts crept in. The trials they faced only served to strengthen their bond, proving that their love could endure any test.

During the doctor’s appointments, treatments, and the rollercoaster of emotions, Andrew and Elisabeth found moments of tenderness and romance. They created a sanctuary within their home, a space where their love flourished, one that offered a respite from the world’s demands.

One evening, as they prepared for another round of treatments, Andrew surprised Elisabeth with a bouquet of her favorite flowers. “I want you to know that no matter what, our love will always bloom,” he said, his eyes filled with tenderness.

Elisabeth’s heart swelled with emotion as she accepted the flowers, leaning in to kiss Andrew. “You are my love, my rock, and together we can conquer anything.”

They knew that their dreams were within reach, and their shared love was the vessel that would carry them to their destination.

As the months passed, and as their love stood strong in the face of adversity, they realized that their dreams of parenthood were inextricably linked with their love story. They cherished each other’s support and the depth of their connection, knowing that their shared love would guide them through the journey ahead.

Their love was the anchor in the storm. It was a love that had weathered trials, a love that had been tested, and a love that had emerged even stronger, ready to embrace the joys and challenges of parenthood.

Andrew and Elisabeth remained deeply committed to their dreams, understanding that their shared journey was just beginning. They had dreams of financial stability that would provide a secure future for their family. Andrew expressed his desire to continue his education and to expand his knowledge and skills to advance his culinary career. Elisabeth shared her vision of opening their restaurant, where they could share their passion for food with the world and create a warm and welcoming space for people to enjoy their culinary creations.

But they were also realistic about the road ahead. They knew that achieving their dreams would require dedication, hard work, and perhaps some sacrifices. They discussed the importance of saving money, managing their expenses wisely, and seeking opportunities for growth and advancement.

Andrew diligently carried out his responsibilities as a chef at the local restaurant, ensuring that the operations ran smoothly and efficiently. His dedication and work ethic had earned him the respect of his colleagues and superiors. He took pride in his role, finding satisfaction in leading his team and providing the best experience possible for customers.

With Elisabeth by his side, Andrew felt emboldened to pursue his culinary dreams as a renowned chef next to the most recognizable names. He agreed that his passion for cooking deserved a broader stage, and Elisabeth’s belief in his potential affirmed that his dreams were limitless.

In their cozy apartment, after long shifts at work, Andrew would often experiment with new recipes, infusing his unique flavors and creativity into each dish. Elisabeth became his most trusted taste tester, but she made sure that she was honest in her feedback, thus guiding his culinary journey. They spent evenings savoring these homemade creations, relishing the joy of shared meals and the simple pleasure of togetherness.

Chapter 2

The Goldsmith Family

The sun shone brightly over the sprawling estate that belonged to the Goldsmith family, wealthy industrialists who resided in the picturesque countryside of Pennsylvania. Their grand house stood as a testament to their success and influence in the community. A complex tapestry of relationships and contrasting perspectives unfolded within its ornate walls.

At the heart of the Goldsmith family was Erickson, a charming and handsome young man in his late twenties. His charismatic demeanor and sharp business acumen mirrored the traits that had propelled the family’s success for generations. Erickson, with his entrepreneurial spirit, was being groomed to take the reins of the family empire.

Erickson was a self-aware young man who usually took time before he made any decision. He felt comfortable being alone and had only one friend whose name was Matthew. He was jovial, and had a bright smile that could illuminate the darkest day.

Jane, Erickson’s middle sister, possessed a kind and empathetic nature that set her apart. While Erickson revealed business and societal expectations, Jane saw the world differently. She had a compassionate soul and an open-mindedness that defied the boundaries set by their affluent upbringing.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Goldsmith, a woman of old-world beliefs, held steadfast to the traditions and prejudices of her upbringing. The contrast between Jane’s progressive mindset and her mother’s deep-seated racist views created a palpable tension within the family. The mother’s conservative values clashed with Jane’s genuine desire for equality and justice.

Despite their differences, Erickson and Jane shared a special bond as siblings. They were each other’s confidantes, understanding and accepting one another unconditionally. They had forged a deep trust that transcended their disparate perspectives, finding solace in their shared experiences and stanch support for one another.

The Goldsmith family held a position of great respect and influence within their privileged social circle. Their wealth and standing enabled them to navigate high society’s intricacies effortlessly. Social events, where the family’s presence was expected and coveted by their peers, filled their calendars. Yet, tensions simmered beneath the surface of glitz and glamour, threatening to unravel the facade of perfection they presented to the world.

As Erickson continued to immerse himself in the family business, he began to question the beliefs and values ingrained in him since childhood. Meeting individuals from diverse backgrounds and engaging in conversations that challenged his preconceived notions, he felt a growing sense of dissonance between his own evolving perspective and the expectations placed upon him by his family.

Meanwhile, Jane, driven by her innate sense of justice, sought to make a difference in the world beyond the confines of their privileged existence. She dedicated her time and resources to various charitable causes, using her influence to raise awareness and advocate for marginalized communities. Jane’s efforts were met with resistance and disapproval from her mother, who saw her actions as betraying their family’s legacy.

Attending a fundraising gala for an educational initiative in underprivileged communities, Jane and Erickson witnessed firsthand the transformative power of opportunity and compassion. They were introduced to individuals who had overcome adversity and discrimination, achieving greatness against all odds. This eye-opening experience struck a chord deep within them, leaving an indelible impression that would reshape their perspectives.

Driven by a newfound determination to bridge the gap between their divergent views and the world’s harsh realities, Erickson and Jane embarked on a joint mission. They sought to challenge the systemic racism and prejudice that had plagued their family and society for generations. Together, they set out to create a platform for dialogue and understanding, where individuals from different backgrounds could come together to address social injustices.

Erickson used his position of privilege and influence to initiate positive change within their social circle. He leveraged his connections and resources to organize forums and discussions to challenge deeply ingrained biases and promote empathy and inclusivity. He encouraged open dialogue through these events, often inviting speakers from diverse backgrounds to share their experiences and perspectives.

With her unwavering determination and compassionate spirit, Jane spearheaded community outreach programs. She collaborated with local organizations focusing on education and empowerment initiatives for marginalized communities. Together, she and Erickson rallied their peers and family members to actively participate in volunteer work and fundraising efforts, igniting a spark of social consciousness within their privileged circle.

Initially met with skepticism and resistance, their actions gradually shifted the narrative within their social circle. People began to question their own biases and reconsider long-held beliefs. The siblings’ influence allowed them to reach individuals who might not have otherwise engaged in such discussions, planting the seeds of change in even the most stubborn hearts.

As Erickson and Jane persisted in their mission, their bond as siblings grew stronger. They found solace in each other’s incommensurable support and shared a vision for a more just and equitable society. Through their collective efforts, they realized their family’s legacy did not have to be defined solely by wealth and privilege but by the positive impact they could make on others’ lives.

While they prepared to embark on the next moment of their lives, they were filled with hope and determination. They understood that their journey toward a more equitable society would be a lifelong commitment, and they were ready to face the challenges and triumphs ahead. Together, they would continue to rewrite their family’s legacy, leaving a lasting impact far beyond wealth and privilege—a gift built on love, understanding, and the relentless pursuit of justice.