Abu Atallah
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Abu Atallah is the founder and CEO of European Training Centre and a pastor, professor, and missionary with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church. He was born and raised in Egypt, and after his conversion was involved with Campus Crusade at Cairo University. In 1979 he came to the United States, where he attended the Urbana missions conference and heard God?s call to minister to his people. Atallah founded the Arab American Friendship Center in Dearborn, Michigan, and was a consultant and trainer for Arab World Ministries in London and across Europe. He has ministered in fifty-six countries on six continents. He has a master of divinity from Calvin Theological Seminary and a doctorate of theology from Providence College and Seminary. Kent A. Van Til (PhD, Marquette University) is lecturer in religion at Hope College in Holland, Michigan. He is the author of Less Than Two Dollars a Day and The Moral Disciple. He has previously taught on missions, ethics, and biblical studies at institutions such as Trinity Christian College, Kuyper College, Western Seminary, Marquette University, and ESEPA Seminary in Costa Rica.