Alaa Khamis
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  • Alaa Khamis 
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Dr. Alaa Khamis is a Senior AI Expert at General Motors, Canada. He is also Smart Mobility Lecturer at University of Toronto, Affiliate Member of Center of Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (CPAMI) at University of Waterloo and Adjunct Professor at Nile University. He worked as Autonomous Vehicles Professor at Zewail City of Science and Technology, Head of AI at Sypron Solutions, AI Consultant at Menya Solutions, Senior Research Scientist at Vestec, Canada, Director of Engineering R&I - Canada at Marques Aviation Ltd., Associate Professor and Head of Engineering Science Department at Suez University, Associate Professor and Director of Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) research group at German University in Cairo (GUC), Research Assistant Professor and AI Lecturer at University of Waterloo, Canada, Visiting Professor at Charles III University of Madrid, Spain and University of Sherbrooke, Canada, Visiting Researcher at University of Reading, UK and Distinguished Scholar at University of Applied Sciences Ravensburg-Weingarten, Germany.

He is a Senior IEEE member, recipient of the 2018 IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Achievement Award, founder of Minesweepers: Towards a Landmine-free World international robotic competition and member in IEEE SA P7007 Ontological Standard for Ethically Driven Robotics and Automation Systems Working Group and P1872.2 Standard for Autonomous Robotics (AuR) Ontology Working Group.

His research interests include smart mobility, autonomous and connected vehicles, algorithmic robotics, humanitarian robotics, intelligent data processing and analysis, machine learning and combinatorial optimization. He published 4 books, 5 book chapters, 16 technical reports and more than 90 scientific papers in refereed journal and international conferences. He also filed 12 US patents.