Ayman ElNashar
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AYMAN ELNASHAR, PHD, has 20+ years of experience in the telecoms industry including 2G/3G/LTE/WiFi/IoT/5G/Wireless Networks. He was part of three major start-up telecom operators in the MENA region (Orange/Egypt, Mobily/KSA, and du/UAE). Currently, he is Head of Core and Cloud planning with the Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Co. "du", UAE. He is the founder of the Terminal Innovation Lab and UAE 5G Innovation Gate (U5GIG). Prior to this, he was Sr. Director - Wireless Networks, Terminals and IoT where he managed and directed the evolution, evaluation, and introduction of du wireless networks, terminals and IoT including LTE/LTE-A, HSPA+, WiFi, NB-IoT and is currently working towards deploying 5G networks in UAE. Prior to this, he was with Mobily, Saudi Arabia, from June 2005 to January 2008, as Head of Projects. He played a key role in contributing to the success of the mobile broadband network of Mobily/KSA. From March 2000 to June 2005, he was with Orange Egypt. He has published 30+ papers in the wireless communications arena in highly ranked journals and international conferences. He is the author of Design, Deployment, and Performance of 4G-LTE Networks: A Practical Approach, Wiley 2014, and Simplified Robust Adaptive Detection and Beamforming for Wireless Communications, Wiley 2018. His research interests include practical performance analysis, planning and optimization of wireless networks (3G/4G/WiFi/IoT/5G), digital signal processing for wireless communications, multiuser detection, smart antennas, massive MIMO, and robust adaptive detection and beamforming. MOHAMED EL-SAIDNY, M.SC., is a leading technical expert in wireless communication systems for modem chipsets and network design. He established and managed the Carrier Engineering Services Business Unit at MediaTek, the department responsible for product business development and strategy alignment with network operators and direct customers. He has 15+ years of technical, analytical and business experience, with an international working experience in the United States, Europe, Middle East, Africa, and South-East Asia markets. Mohamed is the inventor of numerous patents in CDMA and OFDM systems and the co-author of Design, Deployment and Performance of 4G-LTE Networks: A Practical Approach, Wiley 2014. He has published several international research papers in IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine, other IEEE Transactions, in addition to contributions to 3GPP specifications.