Benjamin Weissman
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  • Benjamin Weissman 
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Ben Weissman is the owner and founder of Solisyon, a consulting firm based in Germany and focused on business intelligence, business analytics, and data warehousing as well as forecasting and budgeting. He is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, the first German BimlHero, and has been working with SQL Server since SQL Server 6.5. If he is not currently working with data, Ben is probably traveling and exploring the world, running, or enjoying delicious food. You can find Ben on Twitter at @bweissman.

Enrico van de Laar has been working with data in various formats and sizes for over 15 years. He is a data and advanced analytics consultant at Dataheroes where he helps organizations get the most out of their data. He has been a Microsoft Data Platform MVP since 2014 and a frequent speaker at various data-related events all over the world. He writes about a wide variety of Microsoft data-related technologies on his blog at You can reach Enrico on Twitter at @evdlaar.