Corey Richard
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  • Corey Richard 
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​Corey Richard leads the Executive Search and Developer Recruiting practice at SignalFire, an SF-based $2B Venture Capital Fund with notable investments in Grammarly, Uber, Ro, and Color Genomics. He supports over 150 seed and growth stage startups, helping founders attract and hire key talent across Engineering, Product, and GTM. Before coming to SignalFire, Corey supported Apple’s Silicon Engineering Group for four years, where he built next generation engineering organizations across all facets of silicon design – supporting both the Analog-Mixed-Signal (AMS) Design and IC Packaging Orgs. Prior to Apple, he consulted for a wide array of hardware technology giants including Harman International, Cirrus Logic, and Xilinx FPGA. Corey completed his MBA in Organizational Development & Entrepreneurship at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business and was valedictorian of his undergraduate class at SDSU, where he studied Finance, Sustainability, and Organizational Psychology.