Doug Winnie
Die Suchergebnisse bei Legimi sind auf die vom Nutzer angegebenen Suchkriterien zugeschnitten. Wir versuchen Titel, die für unsere Nutzer von besonderem Interesse sein könnten, durch die Bezeichnung "Bestseller" oder "Neuheit" hervorzuheben. Titel in der Liste der Suchergebnisse können auch sortiert werden - die Sortierauswahl hat Vorrang vor anderen Ergebnissen."

  • Doug Winnie 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Abenteuer, Thriller, Horror 
  • Leeren
Doug Winnie is director of learning experience at H&R Block, responsible for learning and development platforms supporting associates across the organization. Previously, Doug was principal program manager at Microsoft and LinkedIn leading the LinkedIn Learning instructor community, curriculum strategy for technology learning content, and as a member the Windows Insider team supporting educational and career growth for millions of Windows Insiders worldwide.Throughout his career and consulting with companies such as Adobe, PG&E, Safeway, HP, and the US Army, Doug has worked to help developers and designers through education, product management, and interactive development. Doug was honored with two Webby award nominations with projects for Industrial Light and Magic and has written multiple publications to teach beginners how to code. He is also an AP Computer Science teacher, teaching the next generation of developers. Doug lives in the Kansas City metro area and Palm Springs, California.