E. B. Manoukian
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  • E. B. Manoukian 
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Professor Dr. Edouard B. Manoukian is Emeritus Professor of Physics at the ``Institute for Fundamental Study'' of Naresuan University, and Honorary Fellow of the ``Center for Theoretical Physics and Natural Philosophy'', Nakhonsawan Studiorum for Advanced Studies - NAS of Mahidol University, in Thailand. He carried out graduate studies at McGill and University of Toronto obtaining the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees, respectively, in 1968 and 1971. He held research positions at the ``Theoretical Physics Institute'' of the University of Alberta, the ``Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies'', and the ``Centre de Recherches Mathématiques Appliquées'' of the University of Montreal, and held Professorships as well at the ``Royal Military College of Canada'' of the Department of National Defence of Canada, and at the ``School of Physics'' of Suranaree University of Technology in Thailand. Has authored over 190 refereed papers in most aspects of theoretical physics, as well as of 9 books, several of which are by Springer