Eskil Ullberg
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  • Eskil Ullberg 
  • Sprachen: 2 
  • Religion und Spiritualität 
  • Leeren

Eskil Ullberg is Adjunct Professor of Economics at George Mason University (Fairfax, Virginia, USA) and Director of the Trade in Ideas Program hosted at the Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology (Sweden). His research interest is on markets in patents, and how they leverage the human capital formation, especially for developing countries, through exchange in human ideas leading to specialization in patented technology and thereby to gains in the global stock of technology. He has published books, articles and policy speeches on the subject including markets in patents (IP) as a new economic development policy emphasising the importance of institutional arrangements, and management of risk and uncertainty through IP strategy. This new economic development policy was evaluated in a pilot-study with five+ developing countries in 2017-2019 with the purpose of informing a policy discussion on trade in ideas (IP). Prof. Ullberg is a pioneer in experimental studies of markets in patents and is active in the patent market and cross-border trade discussions with Members of and the institutions of the United Nations, the European Commission and the World Trade Organization.