Nina L. Paul
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Nina L. Paul, PhD, has worked in the field of science andhealth communication for over 20 years. She started down this pathat SUNY Purchase, where she received her bachelor's degree inbiology and performed research in the field of neuroimmunology. Shealso published articles for her college newspaper on scientificresearch topics. After working in medical publishing at Rockefeller University Press(Journal of Clinical Investigation), she received hermaster's degree and PhD in infectious disease epidemiology(the study of diseases) and immunology from Yale University. After leaving Yale, Nina pursued postdoctoral research in Londonand Oxford, England. Nina's research focused on humanimmunodeficiency virus (HIV) and related viruses and theirinteraction with the immune system. Nina also taught science toschoolchildren of different ages and abilities in New Mexico andvolunteered at a hospital-based Cancer Information Centre inEngland. She worked in the field of evidence-based medicine andcontributed to the Cochrane Library (a medical database). She isalso the author of Living with Hepatitis C For Dummies. Nina believes in a multifaceted approach to health. She becamea master of Reiki, which is a universal life-force energy that istransmitted through the hands. She is both a practitioner and ateacher of Reiki and uses Reiki as a way to help herself andothers. Check out Nina's Web site at