P. Agid
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  • P. Agid 
  • Fremdsprachen 
  • Leeren

PHILIPPE AGID graduate of the National School of Administration in Paris, France, was a member of Jacques Chaban Delmas' cabinet between 1969 and 1972. He was then Secretary-general of the National Foundation for Management Education (FNEGE) before entering the Lafarge Group. He joined Hugues Gall as Secretary-general of the National Foundation for Management Education between 1995 and 2001. He advised several leaders of French cultural institutions. He co-authored L'Opéra de Paris: Gouverner une Grande Institution Culturelle with Jean-Claude Tarondeau.
JEAN-CLAUDE TARONDEAU is now Honorary Professor at Essec Business school, France. He received his PhD from the University of Texas in Austin, USA and a Doctorate from the University of Paris Dauphine. He has been a Professor of Strategy and Management at Essec and at the University of Paris X-Nanterre, France. He was Chief Editor of the Revue Française de Gestion from 2002 to 2008. He has published ten books and more than sixty articles. He co-authored Philippe Agid  L'Opéra de Paris: Gouverner une Grande Institution Culturelle.