Peter Lehman
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  • Peter Lehman 
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Peter Lehman is Professor of Film and Media Studies in English and Director of the Center for Film, Media and Popular Culture at Arizona State University. He is author, coauthor, and editor of 12 books and a former president of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. He is also the Founding Editor of Wide Angle: A Film Quarterly of Theory, Criticism, and Practice. He lectures widely, both nationally and internationally. William Luhr is Professor of English and Film at Saint Peter's University and Co-Chair of the faculty-level Columbia University Seminar on Cinema and Interdisciplinary Interpretation. He has published over a dozen books as well as numerous articles and interviews primarily concerned with film studies, the most recent being Film Noir, published by Wiley-Blackwell in 2012 (Chinese language edition, 2014). He has lectured widely, both nationally and internationally.