Serena Esposito
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  • Serena Esposito 
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Serena Esposito is an Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Science and Technology, Politecnico di Torino (Italy). Graduated magna cum laude in Chemistry at the University of Naples Federico II on July 19 th 1996. The thesis was carried out in collaboration with the University of East Anglia, Norwich (UK). Received the PhD degree in Materials Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, on February 2001, with a dissertation on "Preparation of inorganic thin films for humidity sensors using sol-gel". As part of the PhD, she spent a period of two months at the University of East Anglia, Norwich (UK), working with Prof. Nigel Clayden on the Magic Angle Spinning Solid State NMR (MAS NMR) technique applied to mixed oxide systems. Post-doc research assistant in the subject area: “Thin films for inorganic humidity sensors from sol-gel systems” at the Department of Materials Engineering and Production of the University of Naples "Federico II" from 1/3/2000 to 31/10/2001.

Already during PhD studies, but particularly in the following years of Post-Doctoral fellowship, she contributes to the growth of a research group in the field of Sol-Gel chemistry at the Department of Materials Engineering and Production of the University of Naples "Federico II". She has coordinated the activities of the research area "Thin-film by sol-gel system" and she has actively participated in the implementation of the research laboratory for what concerns the preparation and characterization of thin film by dip coating technique. The research activity was further developed thanks to a project concerning the use of the MAS-NMR tools to study the proton conduction mechanism, awarded in the framework of the program of “Teachers and Researchers' Mobility”. The project was developed at the University of East Anglia, Norwich (UK) under the coordination of Prof. N. Clayden.  Such researches supported her academic career which evolved through the roles of assistant professor at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio until February 2019.

Leader of the group “Applied Nano-Materials group” up to January 2019 at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio. Assistant professor of “Fondamenti Chimici delle Tecnologie” at the Department of Applied Science and Technology Politecnico di Torino from 16/02/2019 to 15/04/2021. Currently, she is member of the group Surf-Chem at the DISAT Department.

The research activity concerns the (sol-gel) synthesis of advanced functional materials together with their structural and physico-chemical characterization.

She has co-authored more than 90 papers on international peer reviewed journals and co-authored a national and an international patent concerning the production of metal-ceramics nanocomposites. She has participated as speaker and as member of the scientific committee to national and international conferences. She has collaboration with national and international research groups. Responsible of courses in various fields of chemistry, and materials engineering since 2003, she is, currently, responsible of a Chemistry course at the Politecnico di Torino and in charge of 12 h teaching in III level course “Synthesis methods to tailor the surface and the structure properties of advanced materials” taught in English to PhD students in the scientific areas of chemistry, materials science and engineering and physics. Academic (Co)-Supervisor of the several PhD students and MSc students.